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Elizabeth Founder

Real Learning
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Posted: July 03 2006 at 6:52am | IP Logged
Dawn wrote to me privately and shared how helpful it was for her to put in writing her plans for her special blessing, as she was processing her decision to keep him home.
I found that it was really helpful for me to do the same thing; not just from an organizational standpoint but from several other perspectives. It helped me to really focus on his specific needs and those specific materials/therapies which address those needs. It also helps me sleep at night knowing that it's committed to paper for anyone and everyone who might come along and ask if we know what we're doing (including the voice in my own head).
I thought of another reason to write it all down. I have a ready list now of resources appropriate for a 14yo child with severe visual processing and attention challenges. Anybody need a list like that ?
I am so amazed with the depth and breadth of the knowledge and insight of the women on this board. I think, though, that we might be underutilizing the board itself as a resource. I propose that we open new threads using specific needs for the titles (i.e. autism or Auditory processing difficulties, etc.) and then post those carefully-thought out IEPish notes. We'd have a treasure trove of resources for each other in almost no time at all.
That said, I'm out of time, so my notes will have to wait to be posted until later.
__________________ Elizabeth Foss is no longer a member of this forum. Discussions now reflect the current management & are not necessarily expressions of her book, *Real Learning*, her current work, or her philosophy. (posted by E. Foss, Jan 2011)
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Donna Marie Forum All-Star

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Posted: July 03 2006 at 10:05am | IP Logged
That sounds wonderful, Elizabeth! God is challenging both you and your ds...but I am sure that wonderful fruit will come from your struggles. Like that ole saying goes, "when life hands you lemons....make lemonade!!"
I am sure that this kind of focus on the board will help assist so many others with "Special Blessings" put the focus on a "curriculum of love" I say..."Go for it!!"
Thank you for the suggestion of writing it down...I never have..and I am surprised to write that as I write down so many other things that pertain to direction of our curriculum. WOW...something so simple will take the edge off of me...I was trying to keep it all in my head...LOL it is like being given permission to relax and focus to kill off some of that mommy to self - keep it simple!! Why am I always having to learn the hard way?
__________________ God love you!
Donna Marie from NJ
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Willa Forum All-Star

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Posted: July 03 2006 at 10:55am | IP Logged
Elizabeth, great idea.
Up until Aidan's most recent IEP, I didn't have a whole lot of input into his formal therapy from my perspective as homeschooling mom. I wanted to give him plenty of time to bloom, since he is delayed and has had so many medical difficulties in his life, so I felt my role was to MEDIATE and filter the preschooly and more behavioristic suggestions into more relaxed, informal methods. Gosh, this is not making much sense -- I slept in this morning, thankfully, since we have been on the go recently.
For example, the speech therapist would have ideas for classifying into groups using cards. But during the week I would work on informal, real-life classifications and on just getting familiar with the cards by playing, because he wasn't at the abstract level required for manipulating images that way, yet.
This year though I had a lot of ideas for his IEP. I feel he has progressed to the point where he can benefit much more from a more complex and formal therapy plan. I requested scheduling systems -- eg Boardmaker -- and a resource person for reading, and a focus on pragmatics -- lots of things.
Funny -- the SLP and I got really inspired as we brainstormed and worked out how best to present things to Aidan -- for example, a lower percentage of success with a broader scope of things to present, we decided, would work better for him than requiring 70% accuracy on a few isolated things. She seemed to feel some freedom in getting a bit beyond the standard schooly agenda.
She had some ideas for resources that I will post once I get back the IEP in written form, which I haven't, yet.
So I agree it might be helpful to bounce these ideas off each other in a "real learning" format that's respectful of the real developmental schedule of our own children. Keep it up, Elizabeth
__________________ AMDG
hsing boys ages 11, 14, almost 18 (+ 4 homeschool grads ages 20 to 27)
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MEBarrett Forum All-Star

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Posted: July 03 2006 at 4:38pm | IP Logged
I too think this is a great idea. This year I am working with a Spec Ed consultant from Seton for Ryan. I have lists and lists of resources relating to autism and it's related disabilities. I also have a scribbled out program for this year (6th grade) which I would be happy to share as well as the motivation behind the choices.
Give me a bit to get my thoughts together and I'll post it all.
__________________ Blessings,
Mary Ellen
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KC in TX Forum All-Star

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Posted: July 03 2006 at 9:13pm | IP Logged
Great idea, Elizabeth. I will have to sit down and think it all through and put it down on paper. I also look forward to everyone else's thoughts.
I've homeschooled LB from the start of kindergarten. We're behind his peers, but I'm not worried. We're working at a pace that suits him and he is learning really well. However, I don't know how well the "experts" would feel about what we are doing so I think writing it down would be a good idea. Also, I can squelch the naysayers (in laws) and doubters with my plans or at least attempt to. I also have it all in my head.
__________________ KC,
wife to Ben (10/94),
Mama to LB ('98)
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Elizabeth Founder

Real Learning
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Posted: July 13 2006 at 7:16am | IP Logged
I put the plan for Christian up on my blog. I was going to post here as well but it took me two days of fighting with my computer and Typepad so I think I am just going to call it a day. It strikes me that I always make plans and then I change them. I'm guessing I probably should stick to this one pretty carefully though, no?
If you are interested in seeing the letter I sent to the evaluator addressing the errors and the fact that none of the recommendations had anything to do with home education, please PM me. I'll email it to you. I don't want to post it publicly. Haven't heard from her yet...
__________________ Elizabeth Foss is no longer a member of this forum. Discussions now reflect the current management & are not necessarily expressions of her book, *Real Learning*, her current work, or her philosophy. (posted by E. Foss, Jan 2011)
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Dawn Forum All-Star

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Posted: July 13 2006 at 7:32am | IP Logged
Elizabeth wrote:
It strikes me that I always make plans and then I change them. I'm guessing I probably should stick to this one pretty carefully though, no? |
These are very wise words, Elizabeth. I need to heed them myself. I just came from your site and your plan is just awesome. You have inspired me to get to work on a plan for my little guy. Different subjects and resources, but, I hope, the same careful attention to detail and loving thoughtfulness.
I'd love to see the letter - I think you have my email address. I'll be eager to hear her response - if you get one.
__________________ Dawn, mum to 3 boys
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Taffy Forum All-Star

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Posted: July 17 2006 at 5:25pm | IP Logged
Elizabeth, could you tell me how you decided on who to assess Christian? I'd like to have someone assess our oldest boy (PDD-NOS (autism)) but I'd prefer someone without a bias towards a particular treatment method.
Your plans for Christian are awesome! Very well thought out and articulated very nicely on your plan.
__________________ Susan
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Taffy Forum All-Star

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Posted: July 17 2006 at 5:36pm | IP Logged
I’ve been having a “mini-breakdown” these past few days. LogoBoy has a lot of good splinter skills but he’s so behind on things that a kindergartner already has a firm grip on. I fell apart yesterday as I was trying to teach the kids their swimming lesson. After a good vent which my wonderful husband talked me through, I’ve regained some strength and a sense of direction. While I’m still using my plans as a guide, I’ve developed a daily routine as a guide. Any ideas for improvement?
Daily Routine
- Morning Walk/Run (about 30 min) - Me, LogoBoy & our dog
- Listening Program 2 x 15 min
- Math - 1 hour/day
- Reading - min 2 hours/day...will try to discuss readings with LogoBoy, work on oral narrations
- One of: Picture Study, Object study, Nature Study...LogoBoy will write about the picture/object/nature scene
- Copywork or piece per week, copywork on Tuesday and studied dictation on Thursday
- All other works will be following LogoBoy’s lead
- Minimum of 30 min “floortime” per day by each parent
__________________ Susan
Mom to 5 on earth and 1 in heaven
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Sammysue Forum Newbie

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Posted: July 20 2006 at 4:56pm | IP Logged
Hello Elizabeth and All,
I had to bring myself out of lurkdom to say thank you. I have been spending much mental energy worrying about lesson planning and wondering what the rest of you do for your special blessings while using Charlotte Mason. This message was the answer to a silent prayer. I so much would like to see exactly what you describe for sharing information with each other. I did go through later posts and have read through your plan for your son. It does, indeed, look wonderful. It has given me much to read and research. I am overwhelmed with the need to make our learning more 'purposeful'. The links provided give me direction. I don't know if the rest of you have experienced this but I have found that since I removed my son from school and brought him home (we also took him off meds for ADD) that I tend to start thinking as though the things that made him different weren't 'real' but rather figments of my imagination. I know that is not true. My son will always have the same differences but will learn to overcome and compensate for them if I am successful in my goals for home education. But the fact that I temporarily forget about the differences also makes me sometimes forget that more effort needs to be made in planning for his lessons. I feel as though I am rambling - sorry. Again, thanks for sharing!!!
__________________ Susan
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