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alicegunther Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 28 2007 at 10:17am | IP Logged
MaryMary wrote:
And Lissa, WOW, it looks as though Our Lady has waved you down with her big, round, BLUE (!), rooftop hankie
Oh, Mary I *love* that!
You know, Lissa, I have always associated you with the color BLUE. It is so funny to think about, but it is true. Blue makes me think of Jane as a baby asking for "blue" all the time (her word for blue fruit leather), your blue rooms, and your blue Bonny Glen!
Maybe this blue was really the corners of Our Lady's handkerchief all these years!
__________________ Love, Alice
mother of seven!
Cottage Blessings
Brew yourself a cup of tea, and come for a visit!
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Lissa Forum All-Star

Joined: Jan 28 2005 Location: California
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Posted: Jan 28 2007 at 10:35am | IP Logged
alicegunther wrote:
MaryMary wrote:
And Lissa, WOW, it looks as though Our Lady has waved you down with her big, round, BLUE (!), rooftop hankie
Oh, Mary I *love* that!
You know, Lissa, I have always associated you with the color BLUE. It is so funny to think about, but it is true. Blue makes me think of Jane as a baby asking for "blue" all the time (her word for blue fruit leather), your blue rooms, and your blue Bonny Glen!
Maybe all this blue has been the corners of Our Lady's handkerchief all these years! |
It's funny you should say that, because as I wrote that last post I was thinking about how much I love the color blue, and how as a child/teenager/college student, my favorite color was green. I was sitting here trying to remember when it changed. I am very drawn to color and always had EVERYTHING green. And now, for the last ten years at least, BLUE has been that way for me, and I just can't seem to get enough of it. I get teased about it by my family.
You remember my blue tablecloth, I'm sure. It was a wedding gift and has been in almost daily use since May of 1994! But now, at long last, it has grown threadbare, and I know its days are numbered. I have a couple of cheap spare cloths, but I keep putting the lovely old blue fleur-de-lis cloth back on the table, holes and all. Just yesterday Scott took me for a drive up the coast (my parents are visiting and kept the older children, so we just had the baby), and we stopped at a little seaside market where a vendor was selling beautiful French linens. I had a bit of my travel money still stashed away, and with Scott's encouragement I spent it on a new tablecloth. Blue, of course! LOL.
So I was trying to remember--when did I begin to be so drawn to blue, so drawn to it that I could happily paint all the rooms of my house that color! (In our VA house, I *did* paint multiple rooms blue, which you can see in the background of many of the pictures I post.) A curious thought struck me, and I was going to mention it here but I thought it might seem like I was stretching the point too far...but then I read your comment and decided to post it after all.
The farthest back I can trace my "shift" to blue was in the stoneware plates I registered for when I got married--a white plate with a wide lapis blue ring around them. They are almost all chipped and gone now, but I loved them. And the blue cloth that came to me at the same time...I became a Catholic (at Our Lady of Grace parish in NC--and my parish here in CA is also Our Lady of Grace, how about that??) the week before I got engaged, so I was picking out my dishes as a brand new Catholic...I find myself wondering now if even then Mary was beckoning to me with her blue cloak...before I was Catholic, I treasured nature above all things, and it sort of seems like my "green" days were when I was under the natural law only, and as I came into the church I became more blue...
But I have never pondered this before or scarcely even noticed it. I only knew that I love love love a nice deep lapis blue and can't get enough of it. I still miss the blue roof of your sunroom in your old house! The only room we've painted in this rental house is--you guessed it--blue. It is my girls' room and we even call it the Blue Room!
__________________ Lissa
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Diane Forum Pro

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Posted: Jan 28 2007 at 8:00pm | IP Logged
Just wanted all of you to know that I am here and I'm so inspired by your sharing. I come here first every time I log on---I am so drawn to be with all of you---but just haven't been able to bring myself to post.
I really want to be here, I really NEED to be here...but I am afraid. Afraid of failing again, afraid of everyone finding out about me. I can talk a good talk about Mary being my Mother---I've been doing it for years---but the truth is that I'm terribly unfaithful to her. She has given me every good reason to turn to her and entrust myself to her, but my selfish heart finds so many other ways to fill my time.
I have felt terribly weary and alone for quite some time. All of you dear friends here have been such a gift and encouragement to me in the past few months. This forum in particular has intensified some feelings for me that I haven't experienced in a while---a great longing for my mother, who died almost 14 yrs ago. I have gotten used to living without her. But I have never loved anyone in quite the same way as I did her.
I know that Mary can fill this role for me, even better because she can love me perfectly whereas my mother could not. But I don't know how to let her. I'm hopeful that you will help me to find the way.
__________________ Peace,
Mom to five fair lasses and one bonny prince
The Journey of a Mother's Heart
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Lissa Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 28 2007 at 8:28pm | IP Logged
Diane wrote:
Just wanted all of you to know that I am here and I'm so inspired by your sharing. I come here first every time I log on---I am so drawn to be with all of you---but just haven't been able to bring myself to post.
I really want to be here, I really NEED to be here...but I am afraid. Afraid of failing again, afraid of everyone finding out about me. I can talk a good talk about Mary being my Mother---I've been doing it for years---but the truth is that I'm terribly unfaithful to her. She has given me every good reason to turn to her and entrust myself to her, but my selfish heart finds so many other ways to fill my time.
I have felt terribly weary and alone for quite some time. All of you dear friends here have been such a gift and encouragement to me in the past few months. This forum in particular has intensified some feelings for me that I haven't experienced in a while---a great longing for my mother, who died almost 14 yrs ago. I have gotten used to living without her. But I have never loved anyone in quite the same way as I did her.
I know that Mary can fill this role for me, even better because she can love me perfectly whereas my mother could not. But I don't know how to let her. I'm hopeful that you will help me to find the way. |
Diane, this post makes me love you even more.
__________________ Lissa
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Bridget Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 28 2007 at 8:53pm | IP Logged
Here is the thing about Mary. In spite of the sacrament of confession, which I do not avail myself of often enough, I never feel worthy to approach the altar or be in the presence of Christ. His glory is so overwhelming to my lowliness. And thats with Him in the simple form of the Host, imagine Him in His human form!
So I ask Mary to help me speak to Him. It's as if she gently guides me to Him and tells me it is alright. She has spoken to Him about me and He wants to hear from me.
__________________ God Bless,
Bridget, happily married to Kevin, mom to 8 on earth and a small army in heaven
Our Magnum Opus
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Helen Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 28 2007 at 9:35pm | IP Logged
Cay Gibson wrote:
And I stand next to you looking the throngs of adorers. Wondering. Wondering if there is a spot for me.
And then Helen guides me to this oasis. And I find Mary, in this oasis, sitting under a palm tree, beckoning me... |
I feel like I’ve been sleeping over on the other side of the clear stream. Sorry that I’ve been away for so long (at least it seems like a long time when you can’t check in with such lovely people.)
I’ve had this image in my mind that I wanted to communicate to you all. I’ve been praying for the words but they still seem to be failing me. But, since I am among friends, I think I will just try to say it.
I hope everyone will be encouraged by the image of Elijah. This great prophet and spiritual father of the Carmelites endured (with the people) a long, three year draught. These people longed for rain but none came. Elijah sent his servant to look over the hills and to watch for the rain. Day after day there was no sign, until, one day the little cloud became visible.
“In a trice, the sky grew dark with clouds and wind, and a heavy rain fell.”
This little cloud has long been an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary
“The CLOUD bringing lifegiving water to the parched land of Samaria symbolizes Mary who bore in her womb the source of redemptive grace, the Word Incarnate, to restore life to the desert of this world.”
Father Stefano Manelli FI, All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed,
She will come to those who long for her. The draught will end. Be like Elijah, look to the sea for the sign. She will come. (Towards the end of the draught, seven times Elijah commanded the young man to look to the sea.) Wait with us here, we’ll keep you company, the time will pass quickly.
__________________ Ave Maria!
Mom to 5 girls and 3 boys
Mary Vitamin & Castle of the Immaculate
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Cay Gibson Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 28 2007 at 9:47pm | IP Logged
Lissa wrote:
The first thing was that I instantly recognized the round blue roof of the church as a structure that my girls and I had spotted on an aerial view map of San Diego over the summer. We had wondered if the round blue structure we saw was perhaps a carousel, and we have been meaning to go and look for it ever since we got here.
When I first read this I was thinking "Must be a FEMA blue roof."
Yes, our area still has blue roofs dotting the landscape.
__________________ Cay Gibson
"There are 49 states, then there is Louisiana." ~ Chef Emeril
wife to Mark '86
mom to 5
Cajun Cottage Under the Oaks
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Helen Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 28 2007 at 9:50pm | IP Logged
Lissa wrote:
I have been content, honestly, to love Mary with my mind, if that makes sense; and yet when I hear Alice or Helen or other friends talk with such simplicity and conviction about the Blessed Mother being THEIR mother,...,
Lissa, when I read your beautiful post (and I was crying by the end of it, I have to say when I reached the part with my name in it, I said,
Who me?
Why is she pointing to me?
I wasn't going to say anything about my surprise but througout the day, I asked myself. Why was I surprised that Lissa said I have an obvious, sentimental devotion to Our Lady?
This is difficult to explain, but I think I was surprised because my devotion to Our Lady, my "feelings" towards her are more of
Sort of the way, one is with their earthly mother. Your earthly mother *is* your mother. It's when your mother, does one of those big motherly things, (really knows what you need, when you need it), that a wellspring of emotion comes with it and you feel so overwhelmingly grateful for her.
I'm not sure I'm making much sense.
__________________ Ave Maria!
Mom to 5 girls and 3 boys
Mary Vitamin & Castle of the Immaculate
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aussieannie Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 28 2007 at 10:19pm | IP Logged
Diane wrote:
I know that Mary can fill this role for me, even better because she can love me perfectly whereas my mother could not. But I don't know how to let her. I'm hopeful that you will help me to find the way. |
Diane, can I share a story with you of a friend of mine? Everyone's situations are different and unique and this story is very different from yours but you touched upon a significant point - the connection between your earthly mother and your heavenly mother and the gap in your heart that your head tells you that Mary can fill but your not sure how it can happen - this story is about this.
This friend of mine was always a practising Catholic, in fact she was a soul longing for God amidst a family that was far away from Him. She had a mother that was emotionally wounded by her own past and was extremely controlling and dominant, violent and hateful in her manner.
This friend - let me call her Melanie - her goodness displayed in this family and her desire to follow God, irked her mother greatly, for she could accept no defiance of any sort, and the mother had no time for God. Melanie suffered greatly at the hands of her mother and when she grew and married, she needed to move away from her family, allowing space to be put between the constant rejection she received from her mother (rejection is a word she uses often.)
Her faith and love of God was her whole world but she had a deep wound herself - same s#x attraction. (I think this was due to her longing for female love and acceptance so intense that it becomes distorted) Also the need for self abuse (of the s@x#al kind, if you understand what I mean) that she would resort to it whenever she felt unhappy, rejected or not in full control of a situation etc. All this she shared with me when asking me for help and advice over her marriage that was having problems and for me, something didn't quite add up, when expressing this to her, she finally opened up. She was relieved to have told me but greatly fearful - rejection is a feeling close at hand for her.
The advice of a good priest and regular confession was a must, which she did but there was something special that was hughly instrumental in completely changing her life ~ Mary. She confessed that she could never really pray to Mary or feel that close to her, she could only ever focus on Jesus.
She was so completely sure that Mary could never really love her because Mary was pure and perfect and she was so sinful. Particularly in her temptations she would stay completely away from her, maybe to say that she would flee from Our Lady especially when she would normally need her most, is the best way to describe it. She could not grasp how Mary loves and wishes to draw all her children to her (not just some), she knew her thinking was irrational but her heart just couldn't let her go there.
To me, her lack of an earthly mother figure who had never showed any of the virtues of her heavenly mother, made it so she could not with her heart comprehend the reality of a loving mother and what that could be like - it was an enormous factor in all of this.
She felt she was backed into a corner - she believed me when it was explained that Mary could draw her out of all of this and transform her life but she felt she was beyond it as she could not get past these deep feelings to ask her for help, comfort, guidance and love. I love the Miraculous Medal and the words, “Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us, who have recourse to thee.” I had read about Our Lady and St Catherine Laboure (once again starting small with a fabulous Mary Fabyn Windeatt book on this subject!) and so I loved her under this title and image – how powerful it is!
She was asked to do one thing – faithfully - to wear the medal and say this phrase often throughout the day – she needed to ignore her feelings for the time being, use her head only and the heart would be given back to her – healed – in time. It needed to be recited especially when in temptation, especially when all seems worthless.
She did it and she her struggles entered a new level, she started experiencing victories in her temptations and a profound change in her heart – I can’t quite put into words her complete joy when she started to feel differently and how she expressed it to me. She had setbacks though, the devil was not going to give this all up lightly and she had some unusual experiences in this struggle, so that she knew what sort of battle was really taking place. Truly, it was two steps forward and one back, one forward and two back, it happened over a period of one – two years maybe? Her same s@x attraction disappeared as she learnt to love Mary, because in her case, the attraction was the result of her mother and Mary was now filling these holes with herself, instead of what the devil wanted for her.
She also learnt in time that Mary was the perfect antidote to her feelings towards her mother (lack of forgiveness) – that when looking back at the pain inflicted by her mother, that she also now see, with the eyes of faith, a heavenly mother always by her side ~ that she was never *motherless* as she had thought. Her journey then in turn strengthened my love of Mary, again – as I saw, what seemed impossible, completely melting away. Melanie has not looked back and this all started four years ago. She now has a tremendous devotion and love for Our Lady, what seemed so hard at the beginning!
I understand Diane what you are saying – whilst you have not had an abusive mother, you are coming from a different angle, but it is about filling the gaps left by earthly mothers (good and bad) that affect our human hearts so deeply. Mary will, so completely, so fully and your present heart’s desire is the first step forward.
My part in this story is in fact, very little - my advice came only through my own story further back on thread as I knew so WELL what it is like to do something that your feelings are saying something completely different!!! In fact when trying to advise people, I often struggle to help, when I decide to 'hand it over' to Mary, then things always change - she does it all.
“Never was it known, in any age, that anyone fled to protection, implored your help or sort your intercession were left unanswered. Inspired with this confidence I fly to you, Virgin of Virgins my Mother. To you do I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. Oh Mother of the Word Incarnate do not despise my prayers, but graciously hear and answer them. Amen”
I am sure you will find that over the next few months, you will learn about Our Lady through the True Devotion with Helen’s guidance and advice. You are sure to grow in love and understanding visiting here. I know I will too, because I have ‘dry periods’ too Diane but I sense a constancy in Helen, so we are in good hands! - this is indeed a blessed, new board to be a part of.
__________________ Under Her Starry Mantle
Spiritual Motherhood for Priests
Blessed with 3 boys & 3 girls!
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Lissa Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 28 2007 at 10:39pm | IP Logged
Helen wrote:
Lissa wrote:
I have been content, honestly, to love Mary with my mind, if that makes sense; and yet when I hear Alice or Helen or other friends talk with such simplicity and conviction about the Blessed Mother being THEIR mother,...,
Lissa, when I read your beautiful post (and I was crying by the end of it, I have to say when I reached the part with my name in it, I said,
Who me?
Why is she pointing to me?
I wasn't going to say anything about my surprise but througout the day, I asked myself. Why was I surprised that Lissa said I have an obvious, sentimental devotion to Our Lady?
This is difficult to explain, but I think I was surprised because my devotion to Our Lady, my "feelings" towards her are more of
Sort of the way, one is with their earthly mother. Your earthly mother *is* your mother. It's when your mother, does one of those big motherly things, (really knows what you need, when you need it), that a wellspring of emotion comes with it and you feel so overwhelmingly grateful for her.
I'm not sure I'm making much sense.
Helen, this helps me understand it even more. I must have been almost 25 years old before I ever heard the concept of Mary being my mother--and even then it was delivered to me in such a rush of other information that I could hardly take it in...
So you could say it is as if I were in a spiritual orphanage until then. Maybe that's why the emotional connection has seemed to elude me...
In my childhood, Mary was basically a very good girl chosen for a Very Special Job. She barely existed outside the stable. The idea that she is my mother in just as real a way as my earthly mother is my dear mama--this was nowhere in my conception until I was an adult, and thinking of it in the terms you described above, it really does make sense why the sense of connection wasn't there. Is it stretching the analogy too far to call it a kind of spiritual Reactive Attachment Disorder?
I find this so interesting to think about. I also have to say this has been a pretty incredible couple of days for me. (Here I go tearing up again.) I wrote about how ever since I started praying that prayer Alice suggested, scenes keep rising before my eyes, memories I see now in a different light. It's sort of like She is saying, "See? See? I was there all along."
I was putting on my miraculous medal this morning (the chain had broken and I finally took the time to hunt up another chain) when I suddenly remembered how the medal came to me. It was that same year I was pregnant with Eileen, I think, and my birthday was coming up. Scott's mother always asks him for gift ideas for me, and I told him that if she asked this year, I would love a miraculous medal. He's not big on outward signs of devotion or anything that (in his view) "advertises" one's religion, and I knew he'd roll his eyes a bit at my wanting religious jewelry, but we've got the kind of relationship where goodnatured teasing is the air we breathe. So I mentioned the medal, and he did tease, and then he did a killer imitation of how pleased his mother would be at the suggestion.
But when my birthday came, my gift from her was something entirely different--because Scott hadn't told her about the medal--because he got it for me himself. It moved me so much that he would get me something he himself thought was kind of silly. The medal is all the more dear to me because of it.
Anyway, that scene came to mind this morning, and it was like I could see th Blessed Mother's face smiling over Scott's shoulder. I don't know how to explain it. Just a sort of sense that Mary has been involved even when I didn't know it, you know? These scenes keep crowding into my mind. I'm not reaching for them, if you know what I mean. And then I feel compelled to write about them, but I don't want to be annoying in writing so MUCH.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that what you wrote, Helen, makes a lot of sense. You have that closeness because you have long known as a matter of FACT that Mary is your mother. You grew up in her house, so to speak (ah! the cottage of Loretto! do y'all know that I went to Loretto Heights College, founded by the Sisters of Loretto? though it was secular by the time I attended); but I grew up in that spiritual orphanage and OF COURSE it would take time to grasp the relationship. I get it now. This has been such an illuminating discussion for me--honestly, I hadn't given any of this a whole lot of thought until now. Thanks, all of you, for this conversation. Please keep sharing your stories.
__________________ Lissa
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Lissa Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 28 2007 at 10:45pm | IP Logged
Annie, you and I must have been writing at the same time. (And both about the miraculous medal--more goosebumps!) That was a really powerful story. Thank you for sharing it with us.
__________________ Lissa
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Dawnie Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 28 2007 at 11:58pm | IP Logged
This is a great idea! Thank you so much, Helen!
Here's my story...
I grew up in the Methodist church in southern Louisiana (which is FULL of Catholics!). I heard all the typical anti-Catholic rhetoric from my mother growing up...they worship stautes, they aren't supposed to use birth-control (except for rhythm which "doesn't work," my mother said), and if you marry a Catholic you HAVE to raise your kids in the Catholic Church (isn't that awful????). I thought my Catholic friends were nuts. I really did. In 1996, I traveled to England with a choir from the university I was studying at. One of my friends was Catholic (a convert, no less! "Why would anyone CONVERT??" I asked him) and he was the first to tell me what Catholics REALLY believe about Holy Communion...
"How can the bread turn into Jesus Body? That's ridiculous!! It's still bread! How can you believe that??"
He shrugged his shoulders and said that he did believe it. I'm sure he thought I was a hopeless case.
The next year was very rough for me. I broke my engagement with my boyfriend (he was my high school sweetheart...we had been together for 4 years) and dated several guys...all of whom broke up with of whom broke my heart and then stomped all over it. By the fall of 1997, I was clinically depressed. On November 21, 1997, I took an overdose of my dad's prescription pain meds. I didn't know it at the time, but November 21 is the Feast of the Presentation of Mary. Fortunately for me, I was found and taken to the hospital to have my stomach pumped before any damage was done. Over the next few months, the depression got better and eventually lifted enough so that I could function. But I was still lost, spiritually. I was a nominal Methodist, at best. I was in a state of mortal sin. I abused alcohol and committed many sins of impurity. I knew these things were wrong, but I felt that I didn't have any control over myself.
In the spring of 1998, I met my dh. He was studying in a Catholic seminary and had just decided to discontinue. Something amazing happened...a great grace from God...where before I had dismissed my Catholic friends' attempts to explain their faith to me, my heart softened and I began to really listen. I asked my soon-to-be dh questions and listened to his answers. I was able to open my heart a tiny bit to the possibility that all that stuff the Church taught was actually TRUE.
I was still having lots of trouble resisting temptations against purity, though, and so was my dh. In September of 1998, I learned that I was pregnant. We were planning to get married in the summer of 1999, so we moved the date November 21, 1998. Again, the Feast of the Presentation of Mary. Just a year before, I had been walking through the valley of death. Now, the date would have a new meaning. A new beginning. Six months later, our first daughter was born, and we named her Mary Elizabeth. I continued learning more about the Catholic Church, and finally came to believe that it was the Church that Jesus Himself had founded and that He wanted me there. When our 1st anniversary rolled around, we had our marriage blessed and I was received into the Catholic Church...on November 21, 1999. It was sometime later that I learned that November 21st was the Feast of the Presentation of Mary. And then I could see how she had been guiding me home, the whole time. Even when I was such a wayward, disobedient think of how horrible my sins were and how tenderly she has loved me and called me home makes me cry even now.
So all of our children have a tribute to Mary in their names...
Mary Elizabeth
Anna Rose (Anna after the prophetess Anna of the Presentation and Rose after Mary, the Mystical Rose)
Lucia Grace (Lucia after Sr. Lucia of Fatima and Grace after Our Lady of Grace)
Clara Joy (Clara after St. Clare of Assisi and Joy after Mary, Cause of our Joy)
Our first 3 daughters were all born in May...Our Lady's month. Clara was born November 24th...barely missing Thanksgiving Day.
I could go on and on about how Our Lady has showered me with graces...graces I am sooooo undeserving of. Since my conversion, she has shown me again and again how much she loves me. I feel like such a spoiled little child.
I try to pray the Rosary every day and I actually enrolled in the Militia Immaculata. I also wear a brown Scapular. But I'm not living out my consecration as I should. So often, I get sidetracked with other things and prayer gets put off until nighttime, when I'm too tired. I want to be more devoted to Mary. She has proven her love for again and again and I've been such an ungrateful child, not setting aside time for her as I should. I want to do better, and that's why I'm here.
__________________ Mom to Mary Beth (99), Anna (02), Lucia (04), Clara (06), and Adelaide Victoria (2/28/09)
Visit my blog!Water Into Wine:Vino Per Tutto!
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alicegunther Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 29 2007 at 12:07am | IP Logged
I am so deeply moved by all of these posts. This is an incredible witness.
__________________ Love, Alice
mother of seven!
Cottage Blessings
Brew yourself a cup of tea, and come for a visit!
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MarieC Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 29 2007 at 4:41am | IP Logged
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. I was very touched by it.
Dawnie wrote:
And then I could see how she had been guiding me home, the whole time. Even when I was such a wayward, disobedient think of how horrible my sins were and how tenderly she has loved me and called me home makes me cry even now. |
This just stuck out for me. I, too, can look back on events/situations in my life where I was just sure I "knew better" than what I was being shown and yet, here I am....embracing all those things I thought were a little nuts....and knowing it's truly the way it should be. I am sure Our Lady had a hand in turning my heart.
__________________ Marie
mom to 6
dds-98, 00, 02 and 09 & dss-03 and 06
Out in the Orchard
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aussieannie Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 29 2007 at 6:35am | IP Logged
Dawnie wrote:
I could go on and on about how Our Lady has showered me with graces...graces I am sooooo undeserving of. Since my conversion, she has shown me again and again how much she loves me. I feel like such a spoiled little child. |
When I read this, I think of the New Testament where Jesus says that you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven unless you are like a little child...I think it is easy to be childlike in Mary's arms.....mothers are SO good at that!
__________________ Under Her Starry Mantle
Spiritual Motherhood for Priests
Blessed with 3 boys & 3 girls!
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aussieannie Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 29 2007 at 6:47am | IP Logged
Lissa wrote:
I was putting on my miraculous medal this morning (the chain had broken and I finally took the time to hunt up another chain) |
Well I just picked up my Miraculous Medal locket from the jeweler very recently after having it in for a bit of repair work, it seemed funny not to have it for the time it was away - I always keep a little Agnus Dei wax in the locket too, which I must remember, now I'm writing about it, to put back inside.
I think that too many a baby has swung off it and pawed at it feeding....
Lissa wrote:
It's funny you should say that, because as I wrote that last post I was thinking about how much I love the color blue, and how as a child/teenager/college student, my favorite color was green. I was sitting here trying to remember when it changed. I am very drawn to color and always had EVERYTHING green. And now, for the last ten years at least, BLUE has been that way for me, and I just can't seem to get enough of it. I get teased about it by my family. |
That is me too, except my transition was very gentle, from green to aqua to blue! I think that blue feels very motherly to me, a colour association to the image and feeling of Mary..
I bought a birthing reboso which I now drap over my Our Lady of Perpetual Help picture and I chose blue - but it wasn't until later that I realised that the folds Our Lady of Guadalupe talked about cuddling us in, would have been a mexican rebose, as the women use them to carry their babies in them as well. What a lovely image, we are helpless babies in Our Mother's arms and of course babies receive their complete sustenance from their mammas! I am off to bed now, but it is a lovely thought to go to bed with.
__________________ Under Her Starry Mantle
Spiritual Motherhood for Priests
Blessed with 3 boys & 3 girls!
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MicheleQ Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 29 2007 at 7:39am | IP Logged
alicegunther wrote:
I am so deeply moved by all of these posts. This is an incredible witness. |
I feel the same. And Lissa please don't worry that you might be writing too much - you never know who's reading and just might have needed to read what you wrote. All these posts were a blessing to me this morning. They felt very much like a gentle caress from our loving mother.
Thank you.
__________________ Michele Quigley
wife to my prince charming and mom of 10 in Lancaster County, PA USA
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alicegunther Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 29 2007 at 7:45am | IP Logged
MicheleQ wrote:
I feel the same. And Lissa please don't worry that you might be writing too much - you never know who's reading and just might have needed to read what you wrote. All these posts were a blessing to me this morning. They felt very much like a gentle caress from our loving mother. |
Oh, I second this--Lissa, you could NEVER write too much (or even enough) for me!
__________________ Love, Alice
mother of seven!
Cottage Blessings
Brew yourself a cup of tea, and come for a visit!
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Elizabeth Founder

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Posted: Jan 29 2007 at 8:42am | IP Logged
I wish I could sit here and write all about my journey with Mary, but I know I would write too much . She was my mother when I was little and my earthly mother was so ensnared in addiction that she could not nurture. She was the prayer on my lips throughout cancer treatment (did you know that you can say three Hail Marys and a plea to St. Elizabeth in the time it takes to be radiated--hence my first daughter is Mary Elizabeth). She is the mother my children know will always be here even when I'm not. And, most recently, she is the intercessor--as Our Lady of Częstochowa,Our Lady of Guadalupe, and Our Lady of La Leche-to whom I entrusted my marriage and my desire for another baby.
Now, with the rosary woven through my day, she's omnipresent and, like my children begin to take on my mannerisms and my "being," I hope that I'm beginning to resemble my mother more and more.
__________________ Elizabeth Foss is no longer a member of this forum. Discussions now reflect the current management & are not necessarily expressions of her book, *Real Learning*, her current work, or her philosophy. (posted by E. Foss, Jan 2011)
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bfarmmom Forum Pro

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Posted: Jan 29 2007 at 9:24am | IP Logged
WOW,WOW,WOW. I am just catching up on this thread and I am overwhelmed with your stories.
I have the desire for a deeper relationship with Mary. I hear her calling me. I am feeling like I can not get to her. Does that make sense? Everything I offer, the prayers seem so dry. We have just recently started praying the family rosary(sometimes feels like chaos control) I call on her during my hectic day for help. Mary, where are you? Sometimes I feel like I am just going through the motions.
Hearing Alice and Lissa talk about asking her to reveal herself to you, I had never thought of doing that. I am going to do that.
Thank you all for you wonderful stories. You are beautiful women.
__________________ Peace,
ds13,dd12,dd10,ds7,dd6, dd 4, ds 2
Sonlight Garden
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