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Erica Sanchez Forum All-Star

Joined: March 05 2005 Location: California
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Posted: June 15 2016 at 12:12am | IP Logged
Is that an Adele song?
How are you ladies?
We are not done with school because we are never done with school because I am a terrible planner. I will only concentrate on the high schoolers since I need to do reports for their transcripts.
Both of my baseball playing boys made All-Stars. We are only a week and a half in and the excitement has kind of worn off because, hello, Sunday morning, just no. Sports is our main place of evangelization because everything else we do pretty much is with church or the homeschool group. It usually takes about half-way through the season before people realize that we homeschool and have a bunch of kids. Now with Rose and Sister Grace...people just can't wrap their heads around it. We try to be as mellow and involved as we can. It helps that our one kid is a pretty amazing ball player and the other good too. Rambling...
College daughter is home which is delightful. She attended the GIVEN conference in Washington D.C. last week and loved every minute of it. The Sisters for Life and CMSWR put it on, a leadership conference for 20-30 year old women.
Our visit to Sister Grace was wonderful. I think I already wrote about that.
May and June are always so busy. But our weather has been wonderful and all are healthy.
How are you?
__________________ Have a beautiful and fun day!
Erica in San Diego
(dh)Cash, Emily, Grace, Nicholas, Isabella, Annie, Luke, Max, Peter, 2 little souls ++, and sweet Rose who is legally ours!
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St. Ann Forum All-Star

Joined: Oct 20 2006 Location: Germany
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Posted: June 15 2016 at 1:11am | IP Logged
It's so funny - I have absolutely no idea who sings what, or what songs are popular anymore.! When I was young I knew them all! It is a cause of great amusement for my kids .
We still have 3 weeks of school here. The weekends are all full with theater rehearsals for an outdoor theater production of a classical German western! I kid you not, a german man who had never been to America wrote "exciting" western novels about 80? years ago. They were a huge hit and movies were even made from the books. (very corny) As a boy, my dh read all the Karl May books. The young priests who guide the Catholic Scouts here in Germany are directing the production. One of the priests has a license as a pyrotechnician(is that a word?) Anyway, he is trained to use explosives ... Boys seem to like that stuff - I wouldn't know - but there will be lots of shooting and fire and explosions... and I will be jumping out of my seat with each shot even though I know it is coming Real horses are being used, which is very impressive for the girls among us.
It is great fun with great kids!
These weeks in early June are the most beautiful in my garden. The roses, lavender, lupines, lady's mantle... My zucchini , pumpkin cucumber and corn plants are growing nicely, but still no fruit. The currants are beginning to ripen and we have already been harvesting strawberries. I also planted a blackberry (bush? ) 2 summers ago and I am hoping this year for some fruit.
Erica, I am thankful you asked. It is wonderful to keep in touch with you and all you dear ladies. I think of you and Grace often.
__________________ Stephanie
Wife and mother to Hannah '96, Maria '99, Dorothea '01, Helena '03
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Erica Sanchez Forum All-Star

Joined: March 05 2005 Location: California
Online Status: Offline Posts: 1538
Posted: June 16 2016 at 12:00am | IP Logged
I am cracking up about the western, Stephanie! Who knew?
Love hearing about your garden! Just getting serious about my vegetable beds this week. Very late for Southern California but such is life.
I have missed the conversations here. I hope more ladies chime in.
__________________ Have a beautiful and fun day!
Erica in San Diego
(dh)Cash, Emily, Grace, Nicholas, Isabella, Annie, Luke, Max, Peter, 2 little souls ++, and sweet Rose who is legally ours!
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JodieLyn Forum Moderator

Joined: Sept 06 2006 Location: Oregon
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Posted: June 16 2016 at 11:53am | IP Logged
Oh I'm just run off my feet with so much piling on top of each other this week. For instance I have 3 places I should be this Saturday.. I can only do one though and the others I just have to let go. I'm already looking forward to August when I'll have at least a majority of days not overscheduled
__________________ Jodie, wife to Dave
G-18, B-17, G-15, G-14, B-13, B-11, G-9, B-7, B-5, B-4
All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education.
-Sir Walter Scott
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Erica Sanchez Forum All-Star

Joined: March 05 2005 Location: California
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Posted: June 16 2016 at 10:45pm | IP Logged
We have three places to be at the same time too, Jodie! We can't let any go. I have to get a friend to help. How crazy is that?! I mean, how crazy are we! Baseball may do us in and we are not easily done in. :)
August can't come soon enough for us as well.
__________________ Have a beautiful and fun day!
Erica in San Diego
(dh)Cash, Emily, Grace, Nicholas, Isabella, Annie, Luke, Max, Peter, 2 little souls ++, and sweet Rose who is legally ours!
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CrunchyMom Forum Moderator

Joined: Sept 03 2007
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Posted: June 17 2016 at 11:42am | IP Logged
Can you hear me?
We had a baby girl! That has made for an exciting start to summer!
She was born on the 28th, and labor and delivery at the birth center with my midwives went fine, but she weighed 10lbs 5oz and her sugar was low, so we were transferred to the hospital for treatment. Then, during the treatment for that, she was also treated for jaundice and they discovered what might have been a localized infection in her umbilical cord, which led to the transfer to the local children's hospital for more testing to discover an abnormality called a patent urachus! It isn't something that has to be treated urgently, so she'll probably have outpatient surgery for it in a few months, but it made for a hectic entry into the world. We very unexpectedly spent the first 10 days in the hospital! Which was the week the older boys started swim team practice! And my two oldest had their birthdays that week, too. If I had to spend so much time in the NICU, I am grateful it was with a baby that was clinically healthy, but it was stressful all the same!
We are finally settling in at home, though I am trying to stay off my feet this week, too, since the first week was not all that restful! I think everyone is quite smitten with this little sweetie and all the pink and frilly things that come with her. So far, she seems pretty comfortable and calm playing musical brothers a few times a day.
It was a difficult pregnancy for me, and I'd really hoped that I would bounce back quickly. It has not yet been three weeks, and my hips and pelvic pain (pubis symphasis dysfunction for the past three pregnancies) are finally improving enough that I'm hopeful they will be back to normal soon, just not as soon as they did in the past. I was worried during the second week when the pain persisted. I am also struggling with migraines this week. I'd never had migraines during my first trimester before--I used to get them monthly from hormones until I got pregnant with my first and had many months of relief from breastfeeding and pregnancy--but I sort of assumed that this being my first girl, my hormones were different than in past pregnancies. And I've never had them post-partum before, but I assume I am having them for the same reason now. Hopefully that subsides quickly, too, once the estrogen evens out and isn't either rising or falling quickly.
Mostly I just feel OLDER than I did with past pregnancies and babies
My boys are at times pretty oblivious and can't quite understand why mom can't just take them to the pool to meet their friends to swim this week or to the swim team pasta party the same night that dad has an event for work. They've been understanding once we explain, but explain we must. These are the times, though, when I am glad my boys don't have much interest in other sports and summer swim season is the busiest time but very definable. It never lasts more than 6-8 weeks!
And Stephanie, I am LOVING the description of your German western play! I so wish such a thing were available for participation here. How fun!!! I really like sending my boys to day camp at the local German cultural society because my kids' teachers who are native speakers have no qualms in allowing them to use things like, gasp, scissors! I'm pretty sure most American parents would have a cow at the thought of pyrotechnics in their child's school play, but I am sure the kids just LOVE it! We have German camp the first two weeks of August, and this year they are doing a craft camp in the afternoons, which will include real handicrafts like crochet and other projects based on a different Grimm's fairy tale read each day. I'm so excited, even if it means being at home all day alone with a 3 year old and an infant for the first time in many years!
__________________ Lindsay
Five Boys(6/04) (6/06) (9/08)(3/11),(7/13), and 1 girl (5/16)
My Symphony
[URL=]Lost in the Cosmos[/UR
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St. Ann Forum All-Star

Joined: Oct 20 2006 Location: Germany
Online Status: Offline Posts: 2137
Posted: June 17 2016 at 12:18pm | IP Logged
Lindsay Congratulations!!!!
A Girl!!!! What joy!
I will post some pictures of the western after the first showing. This weekend is a big dress rehearsal with some of the exciting , loud and fiery extras.
__________________ Stephanie
Wife and mother to Hannah '96, Maria '99, Dorothea '01, Helena '03
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guitarnan Forum Moderator

Joined: Feb 07 2005 Location: Maryland
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Posted: June 17 2016 at 2:12pm | IP Logged
Yay, Lindsay, what awesome news! Congratulations! I'm praying for your rapid recovery.
I would love to see the German western play, too. Our German friends have explained the whole Karl May thing to us.
We don't have swim team to contend with, but we do have dance competitions. My daughter is preparing for the North American Irish Dance Championships (translation: trips to the dance studio 5 or 6 days per week). We have a great carpool, thankfully! She had to miss last year's championships due to injury, and she's very happy to be in good health this year.
I'm already preparing for next school year - I am teaching at two home school tutorials - so I'm just as swamped now as I've ever been. (That's a good thing, as I tend to waste time when I have fewer deadlines. )
It's fun to hear what everyone is doing this summer!
__________________ Nancy in MD. Mom of ds (24) & dd (18); 31-year Navy wife, move coordinator and keeper of home fires. Writer and dance mom.
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Erica Sanchez Forum All-Star

Joined: March 05 2005 Location: California
Online Status: Offline Posts: 1538
Posted: June 22 2016 at 1:01am | IP Logged
CrunchyMom wrote:
Can you hear me?  |
Our lips are sealed?
Just so very happy for you, Lindsay. Loved reading about your new baby...and a girl! How wonderful for your whole family.
Nancy, our dance is over for the summer, but our group is just a once-a-week homeschool group. A little baseball and then free for the rest of the summer.
__________________ Have a beautiful and fun day!
Erica in San Diego
(dh)Cash, Emily, Grace, Nicholas, Isabella, Annie, Luke, Max, Peter, 2 little souls ++, and sweet Rose who is legally ours!
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CrunchyMom Forum Moderator

Joined: Sept 03 2007
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Posted: June 22 2016 at 10:53am | IP Logged
Erica Sanchez wrote:
CrunchyMom wrote:
Can you hear me?  |
Our lips are sealed?
Are you in California dreaming about how we used to be?
__________________ Lindsay
Five Boys(6/04) (6/06) (9/08)(3/11),(7/13), and 1 girl (5/16)
My Symphony
[URL=]Lost in the Cosmos[/UR
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Erica Sanchez Forum All-Star

Joined: March 05 2005 Location: California
Online Status: Offline Posts: 1538
Posted: June 22 2016 at 6:52pm | IP Logged
For some weird reason, my mind went right to Our Lips Are Sealed !
My California brain is fried from not enough sleep and too much baseball. Heading to the field now. Not sure if my All-Star will play or sit the bench. Not enjoying this post-season stuff as much as I thought I would.
__________________ Have a beautiful and fun day!
Erica in San Diego
(dh)Cash, Emily, Grace, Nicholas, Isabella, Annie, Luke, Max, Peter, 2 little souls ++, and sweet Rose who is legally ours!
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Booksnbabes Forum All-Star

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Posted: June 25 2016 at 12:26pm | IP Logged
Congrats, Lindsay!!!
Stephanie, that play sounds like SO.MUCH.FUN!
Busy here too with horse shows and summer camps and just life in general! We've been saying "no" to a lot more things lately--I have developed a healthy dose of hermitism since the end of March when #6 arrived, but we still manage to have a packed schedule that has required a lot of dividing and conquering on DH's and my part. Energy levels are still low, though better than they were the first month.
We are not a summer ball family for the first time in several years. DS #1 did not want to be on a traveling team and has aged out of local ball, and DS #2 would rather be out in the barn with the kittens or climbing a tree.
Baby and I traveled to Tucson to pick up DD #1 from Astronomy Camp at the beginning of June. He did great--though at the beginning of one flight he was screaming and screaming (it was nap time). People were boarding and I could tell they were thinking "Oh no!," but he quieted down when we began to move and slept the entire flight--so I wasn't THAT woman. People were very helpful and kind throughout the trip. The four middle children stayed with my in-laws while I was away (DH was working), and had a marvelous time being spoiled.
Today I am working on paperwork for the state and trying to figure out how I can possibly have a high school student already! I feel unprepared for that--especially since I'm a TERRIBLE record-keeper. I keep almost enrolling her in our local Catholic school--but that seems nearly as scary.
__________________ Wife to wonderful DH, mom to SIX beautiful gifts from God!
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Angie Mc Board Moderator

Joined: Jan 31 2005 Location: Arizona
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Posted: June 25 2016 at 2:44pm | IP Logged
Hello, it's me ~ Todd Rundgren
And, no kidding, Dave and I saw Rundgren a month or so back here at the Celebrity Theatre in Phoenix. WOW, I want half his energy :D
Fun to see you all, thanks for the wave Erica!
Congratulations, Lindsay!!!! Welcome to the world, baby girl!!!
The McIntyres continue living the FULL life - nothing better! I would love to stay connected, so please, it would be my privilege if you would catch me at my newish blog and/or newsletter at
Gotta run because....our family is moving from our home of 12 years...closing date this Wednesday, June 30! to all
Love, ~
__________________ Angie Mc
Maimeo to Henry! Dave's wife, mom to Mrs. Devin+Michael Pope, Aiden 20,Ian 17,John Paul 11,Catherine (heaven 6/07)
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Martha Forum All-Star

Joined: Aug 25 2005 Location: N/A
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Posted: June 28 2016 at 6:07am | IP Logged
Congrats Lindsay! One of mine was a 10 pounder and it took my hips and pelvis months to recover. But she was and is a joy!
Stephanie - A German western would be fabulous. Lol
We aren't doing much right now. I'm in the second trimester and I'm mostly avoiding going out into the heat as much as possible bc pregnancy creates enough heat as it is and napping. Lots of napping bc I don't sleep well so I'm always tired.
We will start back up on school work after the Fourth of July celebrations. Partly to make up from my sick time earlier and partly yo get a jump ahead before baby arrives mid semester.
August is going to be busy, 2 boys going off to college and one high schooler starting dual enrollment at community college. And kid #5 is wading deeper into her artistic talents at an art studio.
There's some sporadic nesting by painting or knitting baby items or gardening mixed in, but really I'm mostly napping or wishing I could nap.
__________________ Martha
mama to 7 boys & 4 girls
Yes, they're all ours!
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Erica Sanchez Forum All-Star

Joined: March 05 2005 Location: California
Online Status: Offline Posts: 1538
Posted: June 28 2016 at 2:21pm | IP Logged
Congratulations, Martha!
__________________ Have a beautiful and fun day!
Erica in San Diego
(dh)Cash, Emily, Grace, Nicholas, Isabella, Annie, Luke, Max, Peter, 2 little souls ++, and sweet Rose who is legally ours!
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SeaStar Forum Moderator

Joined: Sept 16 2006
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Posted: June 28 2016 at 4:42pm | IP Logged
We just completed a move here... after renting for two years we wound up buying the house next door! So, it was a bit weird to move all our stuff across the yard, but we did it
After purging/giving away/selling for the past two years, I could tell a difference in the amount of items we moved. Still too many- especially when nothing is in a box!- but far fewer than we moved two years ago.
June has gone by way too fast!
__________________ Melinda, mom to ds ('02) and dd ('04)
SQUILT Music Appreciation
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Erica Sanchez Forum All-Star

Joined: March 05 2005 Location: California
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Posted: June 30 2016 at 2:20pm | IP Logged
Our neighbors did the same thing, Melinda, but for different reasons than renting to owning. It was actually owning to renting and not an ideal reason, but no one thinks anything about it now. Congratulations on your new home!
__________________ Have a beautiful and fun day!
Erica in San Diego
(dh)Cash, Emily, Grace, Nicholas, Isabella, Annie, Luke, Max, Peter, 2 little souls ++, and sweet Rose who is legally ours!
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stellamaris Forum All-Star

Joined: Feb 26 2009 Location: Virginia
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Posted: July 05 2016 at 10:42am | IP Logged
Thanks for starting this thread, Erica!
Congratulations Lindsay and Martha!!!!
We moved to Washington State last year (where I grew up, so good to be coming back home), but we have kept our home in Virginia, so you knows where we will eventually settle down??? Our son and his wife are renting our Virginia house and doing a great job tending the garden...much better than I myself could do
Three boys still at home...but no more littles (that's both happy and sad at the same time!) Our special needs son continues to occupy a lot of my time with therapy and a need for a lot of direction in his school work, but I am using Charlotte Mason methods much more extensively and effectively than in the past (thanks to Ambleside Schools International). Trusting the Charlotte Mason approach has been a big step for us, but it has truly paid off. Just wish I'd done it years ago!
I'm also working towards a MA in Biblical Theology at JPII and loving that! Wonderful professors, especially Dr. Michael Barber.
We found a beautiful church here in Tacoma with a very holy and orthodox pastor...such a great confessor! I'm helping out by teaching the baptism prep classes and also my husband and I are helping with a few sessions for the marriage prep classes the diocese offers. So, basically BUSY!!!
Wonderful to hear from all of you! I often lurk and see how everyone is doing and pray for you all! Wish I had more free time to just "chat" with you! God bless you!
__________________ In Christ,
Wife to dh 30+ yrs,ds's 83,85,89,dd's 91,95,ds's 01,01,02,grammy to 4
Flowing Streams
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Erica Sanchez Forum All-Star

Joined: March 05 2005 Location: California
Online Status: Offline Posts: 1538
Posted: July 05 2016 at 12:06pm | IP Logged
Wow, Caroline, that is a big move! Welcome to the west coast. I recently met Dr. Barber when we took a little tour of the new 'campus' of JPII. Super impressed by what they are doing and with their expansion plans.
This forum...I haven't found anything else like it. I haven't looked for anything else, but I doubt there is anything like it.
__________________ Have a beautiful and fun day!
Erica in San Diego
(dh)Cash, Emily, Grace, Nicholas, Isabella, Annie, Luke, Max, Peter, 2 little souls ++, and sweet Rose who is legally ours!
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Kathryn Forum All-Star

Joined: April 24 2009 Location: N/A
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Posted: July 18 2016 at 11:12pm | IP Logged
I do miss this board too! I'm on Facebook more often like many others but it's never quite the same. My small little brood is growing too. Have a rising senior girl and a rising sophomore boy both with jobs and trying to figure our where they'll fit in the world. Then my 2 youngest are teetering in mostly early elementary still (almost 6 and 9) so lots of fun, enjoyable, relaxed times with this age! There are times I look longingly at the public school and/or parish school just so I would have more time (literally both are on our street so I pass one or the other multiple times a day!) but even on our worst homeschool days, we have a good flow here. Glad everyone else is doing well!
__________________ Kathryn in TX
(dd 16, ds 15, dd 8, dd 5)
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