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Jenn Sal Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 10 2009 at 3:53pm | IP Logged
This year I'm going to purchase the Twelve Months of Monastery Soups to help with ideas for food, though I am concerned about my son because he isn't fond of soup! So, I'm looking for additional ideas.
Also, I'm going to purchase Lent and Easter in the Domestic Church for new guidance on celebrating the Season.
Stations of the Cross:
Any suggestions on a good Stations of the Cross coloring book? I forget the one I had last year, but I know I'm in the market for something different.
Picture Books:
I have the books for Catholic Mosaic, so I think I'm good there, but any additional picture book ideas would be great.
__________________ Jennifer, Texas
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CrunchyMom Forum Moderator

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Posted: Feb 10 2009 at 4:53pm | IP Logged
I heard an Easter picture book that you might check out from the library. It was years ago, and I was so horrified that the priest was reading it *instead of the gospel* at the school's mass that I am not sure I paid that close attention. I keep meaning to get it though since it seemed an interesting perspective on the Passion in spite of the title (which is a little silly, imo) The Jesus Garden
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Susana Forum Pro

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Posted: Feb 10 2009 at 8:12pm | IP Logged
I had bought "The Jesus Garden" book, but didn't feel very comfortable with it. The story idea was really sweet, I just thought it was weird how there was actual dialogue between Jesus and the garden life. My 6 year old was like, "when did that happen Mami?", I had to explain that it was just a nice story, but it was just kind of weird for me. It was (for me), like putting Jesus in "The Three Little Pigs" or something of that sort in order to teach a lesson with him actually having conversations with the piggies. I've read stories and legends before, like how the basket of eggs Simon had when he was asked to help Jesus carry the cross turned into colored eggs, etc.. and don't have a problem with that. It's just that in this book there was actual dialague between Jesus and the garden life, like he actually said those things and they really happened and it confused my kids. The book is illustrated beautifully though, and maybe others have a better way of explaining the questions that might arise from curious little children! :)
I know you asked about books, but what about a CD? We got the Glory Stories CD of "The Passion for Children", and have some lovely prints of the Stations of the Cross for the children to follow along with. They love this little devotion and are encouraged to pop the cd in and follow along when they are "inspired" to do so on their own.
__________________ Mami to ds12,ds11,ds10,ds8,dd7, dd4, and ds 2.
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SuzanneG Forum Moderator

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Posted: Feb 19 2009 at 10:28am | IP Logged
Bumping a result of this thread.
CandaceC wrote:
If any of you have other children's book suggestions for Lent (as opposed to the Easter/joyous part of it) I would love to hear them! I have quite a few books about Easter and the resurrection...but am trying to put together a list of books to read in the days leading up to Easter.
Please continue listing titles from your Lenten Book Basket!!!
Here are a few of ours:
**The kids have liked this book: A Family JOurney with Jesus through Lent to read everyday. They like that another child is telling the stories.
**Emmanuel Books had a few great suggestions on their Lenten Reading Program.
**Applicable stories from Devotional Stories for LIttle Folks.
**Benjamin's Box
**Twice Yours
Catholic Mosaic Titles:
The Way of the Cross : the story of Padre Pio
The Story of the Cross
Tale of Three Trees. There is also a video of this.
Little Rose of Sharon
Sawdust Carpets
Not really for LENT, but for HOly Week, I love these scripts from Our Father's House .
__________________ Suzanne in ID
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SuzanneG Forum Moderator

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Posted: Feb 19 2009 at 10:30am | IP Logged
And, we love The Jesus Garden: An Easter Legend!!! It's one of our favorites!
__________________ Suzanne in ID
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CandaceC Forum Pro

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Posted: Feb 19 2009 at 11:05am | IP Logged
Thank you, Suzanne, for pointing out this thread for me! I have been searching around a bit for Lenten posts but hadn't come across this one yet!
__________________ Candace - wife to David since 2000...mommy to Hannah (Feb. 2002), Emily (April 2003) and Caleb (March 2005)
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Jenn Sal Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 19 2009 at 12:33pm | IP Logged
Thank you for bumping this......I was hoping to get more ideas!
__________________ Jennifer, Texas
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Cay Gibson Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 19 2009 at 6:08pm | IP Logged
There are three free (pdf) Easter book guides (scroll down) at Hillside Education website.
The Jesus Garden is one of them.
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missionfamily Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 19 2009 at 6:53pm | IP Logged
WE like The Legend of the Easter Egg as well as some of the other titles mentioned here. I'm just noticing that they have a Legend of the Sand Dollar too that we may have to add to the collection this year.
I'm thinking of adding this Stations book to our collection this year. Anyone seen it?
And I think we'll definitely try this one.
Thanks, ladies, off to spend money at Amazon.
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CandaceC Forum Pro

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Posted: Feb 19 2009 at 7:31pm | IP Logged
I thought I'd mention that there are units and lapbooks for a few of my favorite Easter books on HSS.
Legend of the Easter Egg
Parable of the Lily
HERE are HSS's easter units.
HSS -- Easter resources
I know not all the content is Catholic, but honestly, I tweak about 99% of what I find online anyway! So I thought I'd share. THere are a few other Easter books there too.
__________________ Candace - wife to David since 2000...mommy to Hannah (Feb. 2002), Emily (April 2003) and Caleb (March 2005)
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Theresa H Forum Pro

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Posted: Feb 20 2009 at 3:52am | IP Logged
I appreciate all of the book ideas -- I've requested several through my library. I plan to use several of the coloring sheets/activites from Catholic Mom (link below).
__________________ Theresa from OK
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Susana Forum Pro

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Posted: Feb 20 2009 at 4:09pm | IP Logged
I just got back from a local Catholic book/gift store with a new book! It's called Celebrate Jesus! At Easter: for Lent through Easter by Kimberly Ingalls Reese.
It looks like it has the following categories for everyday of Lent: Let's Pray, Reading, Think About it, Sing, and Activity Time. It also has a list of ideas to fast from during Lent and a list of Scripture verses for everyday of Lent. I thought those verses might be nice to write out and put on the family altar or prayer table during everyday of Lent to meditate on throughout the day. It says on the book that it is appropriate for ages 6-10.
I don't think this book is specifically Catholic, but it is so nice! There didn't seem to be anything that might raise a flag, but I'm no scholar. Plus I don't recognize most of the songs except for: He's Got the Whole World in His Hands & Jesus Loves Me, which aren't traditionally Catholic, but still seem alright. I don't know how to read music anyway, so I'll just be sticking to the readings and activities, or can sustitute with a traditional Catholic hymn.
You can find the book Here
__________________ Mami to ds12,ds11,ds10,ds8,dd7, dd4, and ds 2.
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Erin Forum Moderator

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Posted: Feb 21 2009 at 2:58pm | IP Logged
I have quite a few book titles here, although I notice some have already been mentioned.
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Waverley Forum Pro

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Posted: Feb 23 2009 at 1:32pm | IP Logged
Cay, thank you so much for the link to the free study guides at Hillside Education. They look wonderful. Catholic Mosaic continues to be one of the greatest blessings to me and my family.
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Jenn Sal Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 23 2009 at 2:06pm | IP Logged
Ladies, Thank you so much for all of your help! And a special thank you to Hillside Education....I ordered The Jesus Garden and now I will use the free guide!
This is my list:
Lent and Easter in the Domestic Church
The Jesus Garden
The Little Rose of Sharon
The Twelve Apostles
The Giving Tree
The Tale of Three Trees
Children's Stations of the Cross, Brindle, Bell, Lademan
Through the Eyes of John
The Very First Easter, Maier
The Colt and the King
The Legend of the Easter Egg
Benjamins Box (I bought the eggs, too)
I have from the library:
12 Months of Monestary Salads (YUMMMMMMY!)
and waiting for: 12 Months of Monestary Soups!
I ordered a Paschal Candle from Adoremus Books as well.
God Bless!
__________________ Jennifer, Texas
Wife to Mark, Mom to Cora 13,Kade 10, Sarah in Heaven 12/05, Colette 7, Corin 5, & Kieran 2
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Susana Forum Pro

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Posted: Feb 23 2009 at 2:40pm | IP Logged
Great list! I'll be getting some of these too!
__________________ Mami to ds12,ds11,ds10,ds8,dd7, dd4, and ds 2.
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Cay Gibson Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 23 2009 at 3:28pm | IP Logged
Waverley wrote:
Catholic Mosaic continues to be one of the greatest blessings to me and my family. |
This made me smile.
Jenn Sal, you are SO ready for this Lent.
Read the picture books w/ young and older, discuss the books and bunny trails that stem off of them w/ all, do a few of the activities, cook the food, and you will have one of the best Lenten seasons yet.
God Bless!
__________________ Cay Gibson
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Jenn Sal Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 23 2009 at 4:44pm | IP Logged
Cay, I hope to do much of the great ideas in Catholic Mosaic and on this board. I promised myself I won't overdo it, though! I was just looking over the Enrichment Activities for The Jesus Garden and the Dogwood is our state's (NC)official flower! I'm very excited! Thank you, again, for sharing your many gifts of creativity!
__________________ Jennifer, Texas
Wife to Mark, Mom to Cora 13,Kade 10, Sarah in Heaven 12/05, Colette 7, Corin 5, & Kieran 2
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Stephanie_Q Forum Pro

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Posted: Feb 23 2009 at 7:34pm | IP Logged
Jenn Sal wrote:
Stations of the Cross:
Any suggestions on a good Stations of the Cross coloring book? I forget the one I had last year, but I know I'm in the market for something different.
We got some of the Catholic Classics coloring books that look like these when a local Catholic bookstore moved. I have The Way of the Cross and it is pretty nice.
I like the St. Joseph coloring books that we have. There is one for the Stations of the Cross, but we don't have that one, so I can't recommend it explicitly.
I just found this free download illustrated by Brenda and George Nippert (of An Alphabet of Catholic Saints): Pocket Sized Stations Of The Cross They're small, simple illustrations - and they're free!
__________________ Stephanie dh 6.01
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SuzanneG Forum Moderator

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Posted: Feb 24 2009 at 1:00am | IP Logged
To our Lent Book Basket, I also just added our Angel Food for Boys and Girls books, along with my handy-dandy spreadsheets from Jennifer's post about using these with the Baltimore Catechism. As discussions come up as a result of the bible stories about Jesus or Lent, I can refer to these and use the story to reinforce.
Also, adding our booklist here. Most have been mentioned.
__________________ Suzanne in ID
Wife to Pete
Mom of 7 (Girls - 14, 12, 11, 9, 7 and Boys - 4, 1)
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