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stefoodie Forum Moderator

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Posted: Nov 17 2011 at 11:09am | IP Logged
Hi Tim! just noticed that some of the links/words are showing up as superscript or subscript in some posts. thought i'd put a bug in your ear :)
__________________ stef
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: Nov 17 2011 at 12:32pm | IP Logged
Where are you seeing this, stef? I haven't noticed anything in any threads I've read, but I'm wondering if it is browser specific with the changes in code that Tim is working on.
Anyone else seeing it?
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Mackfam Board Moderator

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Posted: Nov 17 2011 at 12:39pm | IP Logged
Yes it happens to me too. I posted about it on a recent technical help thread. It's random.
__________________ Jen Mackintosh
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Betsy Forum All-Star

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Posted: Nov 17 2011 at 12:43pm | IP Logged
I think that spontaneous subscripting has existed for awhile (i.e. not caused by a recent update). From what I can determine it's quite random and there is no know reason for it happening.
The issue was also brought up in this thread fairly recently.
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stefoodie Forum Moderator

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Posted: Nov 17 2011 at 1:34pm | IP Logged
It's in this post. Notice Erin's "interested" and "shared"
__________________ stef
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JodieLyn Forum Moderator

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Posted: Nov 17 2011 at 2:33pm | IP Logged
I don't see it Stef.
I wonder if it's something on the individual computers.. I know there are some apps that will highlight/link words in a post that are only on the individual computer.. maybe something like that?
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stefoodie Forum Moderator

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Posted: Nov 17 2011 at 5:21pm | IP Logged
Hm. The "interested" is in superscript and the "shared" is subscript in both Chrome and Safari, but normal in Firefox. Must be a browser thing.
__________________ stef
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: Nov 25 2011 at 8:27pm | IP Logged
Betsy wrote:
From what I can determine it's quite random and there is no know reason for it happening.
Turns out it is not random at all. It was nagging at me - I could see it on one computer/browser in our house but not the other. Then I noticed something else about it's proximity to emoticons and did some investigating and have found the "cause." Only a few people can see it since the code conditions have to be just right and it has to be on particular browsers., this is the deal...
Whether or not a member sees the superscript/subscript is dependent of the computer and browser. When I am using Safari on my old laptop I can't see any issues - everything is same level. But when I am looking on my daughter's new Mac with Google Chrome or newer version of Safari there are words that are pushed down into subscript. I noticed something when I could see that and experimented with it. I had noticed in the past that large/moving emoticons change line spacing in posts when they are big. And there were emoticons in the line where ever this subscript was happening so I wondered if it were emoticon driven.
So where ever there is an emoticon on the same line as brackets for code [ ] (where ever there are links, italics, bold, underlining, etc.) then you will get the sub/superscript appearance (in some browsers) of whatever is IN THE BRACKETS on that line only. If you remove the emoticon - the line of text is fine.
See examples:
I am very interested to see how this works. & a link
I am very interested to see how this works. & a link
Some of you will not see any difference between the two lines (besides the emoticon missing), but for some with the specific browser changing issues, the two lines will be different and appear with the sub/superscript of anything that is coded for italics, bold, link.
Again it only happens when they (emoticons) are on the same line with bracket codes.
Blame it on the emoticons......(oh, and particular browsers).
Now, whether or not there is a fix for this - we'll see what Tim says. It doesn't affect very many folks. It would help if you are able to see it, to let us know which browser (and version) and computer type you have.
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administrator Forum Admin

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Posted: Nov 26 2011 at 1:50pm | IP Logged
Can you create a screenshot of the behavior as it appears in your post above and email it to me? I suspect that this is a bug in Chrome (maybe only in Chrome for the Mac), and I am curious to compare what you are seeing with the actual HTML.
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Mackfam Board Moderator

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Posted: Nov 26 2011 at 2:33pm | IP Logged
I'm posting some screenshots since I see the subscripts. Hopefully Mary can do the same.
Using a mac, running OS 10.6.8.
Safari 5.1.1
Chrome 15.0.874.121

__________________ Jen Mackintosh
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theNetSmith Forum Admin

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Posted: Nov 28 2011 at 8:24pm | IP Logged
Thanks, Jen. Screenshots go a LONG way with tech support personnel!
After seeing the behavior first-hand -- especially the commonality between Safari and Chrome -- I started investigating the probability that this was a CSS standards issue. Fortunately, Chrome for Windows renders the page just like Chrome for the Mac, so I was able to reproduce the behavior and find a solution shortly after downloading/installing it.
I have modified the code that stores posts in the database so that image tags are created with an explicit alignment value. This will fix the problem going forward but does not correct it for posts already in the database. Existing posts can be 'corrected' by clicking 'Edit' and then resubmitting with no changes to the content (as I did with Mary's post above).
If you come across a post where this behavior is occurring, let one of the mods (or myself) know about it and we can take care of putting it right!
__________________ There are many different ways of bringing people into his Kingdom; I have therefore learned to be cautious in my judgment.
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