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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 06 2010 at 11:01am | IP Logged
I'm mentally planning next year's preparation for First Communion. There are so many good resources, it's hard to choose. I was going to recommend a few that I like and will use, and ask about a few I've seen.
Please, please, share your favorites!
One of the books I used for my First Communion was Bishop Morrow's My First Communion (he's the same author of My Jesus and I and My Catholic Faith). It's just lovely. I've been saving my copies for my son, but I found it listed in the OLVS catalog. I haven't tracked down the actual reprinting publisher, but I'm just overjoyed to see it in print. The illustrations are just so beautiful and leave a long-lasting impression (ask my 6 siblings!).
The other I used growing up is also in print, Jesus and I by Father Aloysius J. Heeg, S.J.
I highly recommend Guidebook for Confession for Children
Edited by Beatriz B. Brillantes by Scepter Publishers is a wonderful booklet for confession. I think it can definitely be used for younger years for First confession...I think the age range of 9-13 is a little high.
I also bought Little Catechism on the Eucharist and wondering if anyone has used it in their First Communion preparation.
I also was wondering if anyone has used and can give a review of First Confession and First Communion reprinted by St. Francis Books.
I keep seeing the book "Little Nellie" and was wondering if it was too feminine or a little too sweet (like syrup) for a boy?
And how about King of the Golden City? The supplements?
Any favorites from Neumann Press? Like "First Communion Days"?
Love2Learn has a nice 1st Communion Page with reviews on some of these.
Thanks so much!
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
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*Lindsey* Forum Pro

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Posted: April 06 2010 at 1:47pm | IP Logged
Lurking here for ideas. DS will be making his FHC next year, too.
We have the Little Nellie book and we've read it once. DS didn't seem thrilled with it, but we will try again!
__________________ Lindsey
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St. Ann Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 06 2010 at 3:20pm | IP Logged
Jenn, my Dorothea will be making her FHC next Spring too. I have also been contemplating the possibilities for preparation and am thrilled to read your suggestions.
I will be using both English and German material, so I do need to limit myself. With the older 2 we only used German sources and worked with the parish group program more or less, which was less than satisfactory. We have already begun speaking with our Priest (gently, oh so gently) about "other" possibilities for Dorothea.
Friends of ours in a neighboring town left their home parish and began attending Mass regularly at the Benedictine Monastery in Gerleve, where they lead their youngest to FHC. A Pater "tested" her at different intervals and she was able to receive her FHC at a regular Sunday Mass - alone. We have considered this option, but I do think she would love to be with other children for the sacrament. I don't want to hijack this thread, but maybe someone has experience with their child receiving alone as 1st Communicant ....
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MarilynW Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 06 2010 at 3:44pm | IP Logged
M is making his FHC next Spring too. We actually started his preparation and notebook this year (because with the 3 older kids I was expecting in their FHC year and between hyperemesis and bedrest, we did not have as much time as I would have liked [;)- so figured I would give myself as much time as I could. I have a whole list of our resources which I will cut and paste later (off to baseball in 98 degrees - crazy weather!!)) - but I HAD to mention one resource that we only just received and LOVE - it is the new Mass lapbook from Catholic Faith Folders - we have been working on it this week, to complement our Mass Unit Study - and M (plus his older brothers) are really enjoying it.
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 06 2010 at 3:54pm | IP Logged
St. Ann wrote:
Friends of ours in a neighboring town left their home parish and began attending Mass regularly at the Benedictine Monastery in Gerleve, where they lead their youngest to FHC. A Pater "tested" her at different intervals and she was able to receive her FHC at a regular Sunday Mass - alone. We have considered this option, but I do think she would love to be with other children for the sacrament. I don't want to hijack this thread, but maybe someone has experience with their child receiving alone as 1st Communicant .... |
One of my sisters did this, but it was with permission from our pastor.
And in our parish there is an option to receive as a group or individually. So the First Communicant actually sits with his/her family, and there are several other families celebrating that day, so not exactly alone.
I'm not much help except to say if your pastor is willing, I'd go for it.
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 06 2010 at 4:12pm | IP Logged
MarilynW wrote:
but I HAD to mention one resource that we only just received and LOVE - it is the new Mass lapbook from Catholic Faith Folders - we have been working on it this week, to complement our Mass Unit Study - and M (plus his older brothers) are really enjoying it. |
Yes, thank you, Marilyn! I thought a study of the Mass fits in perfectly with this year, so thanks for the recommendation. Looking forward to your list!
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
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ekbell Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 06 2010 at 4:55pm | IP Logged
JennGM wrote:
I also bought Little Catechism on the Eucharist and wondering if anyone has used it in their First Communion preparation.
And how about King of the Golden City? The supplements?
Thanks so much! |
I found that the language of the Little Catechism on the Eucharist was a bit advanced for my seven year old but the pictures were very helpful [you can buy posters of some of the pictures from New Hope Publications (bottom of the page)] and the Saint and Eucharistic Miracles sections were a great aid. It was also very good for my older dd (we study the Eucharist and mass as a family during FHC years).
The King of the Golden city is very good. My older daughter studied it with the aid of the free Catholic Heritage study guide ( and I used it as a read-aloud for the younger crew. It has inspired quite a few discussions since then.
I'm planning to continue using it as a read-aloud during FHC preparation and having my children read and study it during the runup to Confirmation (normally done at eleven to thirteen around here)
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Christine Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 06 2010 at 5:05pm | IP Logged
I compiled the list of resources below on my blog last year, as my fourth child was receiving her First Communion.
The following resources have been used with all of my children with great success:
The New Saint Joseph First Communion Catechism
The Little Caterpillar that Finds Jesus: A Parable of the Eucharist (my children have enjoyed both the book and the coloring book)
The King of the Golden City
Patron Saint of First Communicants: The Story of Blessed Imelda Lambertini
Welcome Jesus (this is a little blue novena booklet that I purchased from CHC a few years ago)
Religion 2 for Young Catholics
Resources that I used for the first time last year:
Catholic Heritage Curricula's First Communion Supplement that is found in the Second Grade Lesson Plans (I wish that I had used this with my other children).
Preparing For My Holy Communion
Little Nellie of Holy God
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 06 2010 at 5:13pm | IP Logged
Thanks for sharing this, Christine!
Would you recommend Little Nellie? Was it for a son or daughter that you used it last year?
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
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SuzanneG Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 06 2010 at 5:20pm | IP Logged
JennGM wrote:
Would you recommend Little Nellie? Was it for a son or daughter that you used it last year? |
My girls LOVE little Nellie!!! Those are my FAVORITE narration/illustration pages that they've done in their notebook. Although, you're right....maybe it doesn't appeal to boys the same way????
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Christine Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 06 2010 at 5:33pm | IP Logged
Jenn, I thought that you were just looking for resources. I had not taken the time to read your post.
JennGM wrote:
The other I used growing up is also in print, Jesus and I by Father Aloysius J. Heeg, S.J.
I also bought Little Catechism on the Eucharist and wondering if anyone has used it in their First Communion preparation.
I also was wondering if anyone has used and can give a review of First Confession and First Communion reprinted by St. Francis Books.
I keep seeing the book "Little Nellie" and was wondering if it was too feminine or a little too sweet (like syrup) for a boy?
And how about King of the Golden City? The supplements?
I use Jesus and I with my children in First Grade.
I agree that the Little Catechism on the Eucharist is better for older children.
The First Communion book reprinted by St. Francis Books is used in our parish's First Communion class, along with the St. Joseph First Communion Catechism. It is good. I will try to pull it out when I can and share a little bit more about it.
My boys and girls appreciated hearing the story of Little Nellie. She had a difficult life. It is a book that we will read again when my second oldest son prepares for his First Holy Communion.
King of the Golden City makes a good read-aloud and discussion book. The copy that I bought from CHC, several years ago, contained questions after each chapter which I asked my First Communicants. It is definitely a book that should be read with the child at this age and should probably be revisited when children are a little older. My son did not like it as much as my daughters. I have not seen the supplements.
As an aside, the little green My Prayer Book - Jesus the Good Sheperd, at the top of the St. Francis Books page, is a favorite among my little ones (purchased from Fraternity Publications). I have copies for my three youngest. The pictures and text are beautiful. The size is perfect for little hands. The last half of the book contains black and white drawings of the Tridentine Rite Mass. My youngest boys enjoy looking at the pictures in the back of the book and following alond with the Mass.
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Christine Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 07 2010 at 8:18am | IP Logged
I think that First Communion by Our Lady's Catechists is worth purchasing. The book begins with advice for parents on preparing children to receive their First Communion. It includes 14 lessons to read to the child, one per day. The lessons are followed by a page of suggestions for prayers to be said before Communion and another page of prayers to be said after Communion. Some of the lessons end with short aspirations. The lessons (along with a little information on some of them) are as follows:
Lesson I: What is Holy Communion - in addition to sharing what Communion is this lesson focuses on the importance of preparing one's soul to receive Comunion.
Lesson II: Why We Need Jesus in Holy Communion - shares how God's Life of Grace needs to be fed in order to grow in us.
Lesson III: More Reasons for Going to Holy Communion
Lesson IV: Getting Ready for Holy Communion
Lesson V: The Manna in the Desert - tells the story of the manna in the desert and shares that the children who ate the manna would have been surprised that it was like a promise from God that He would one day give us Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Lesson VI: Miracles Our Lord Did - begins with some questions and then shares a little bit about the Miracle at Cana and the Miracle of the Loaves and the Fishes.
Lesson VII: An Act of Faith
Lesson VIII: The Last Supper (Part I)
Lesson IX: The Last Supper (Part II)
Lesson X: Holy Mass - relates how the Last Supper was the First Mass and the child's role at Mass.
Lesson XI: Getting Ready
Lesson XII: How to Prepare the Soul
Lesson XIII: On the Day
Lesson XIV: Afterwards
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Maddie Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 07 2010 at 10:38am | IP Logged
Mother of Our Savior has some wonderful coloring/story books on the Saints of the Eucharist that I have used in the past. There are two, Saints of the Eucharist 1 and 2, they are also sold separately.
My boys politely listened to Little Nellie but they were definitely more enthralled with St. Tarcisius. I'm sure you are familiar with the old St. Paul publishing comic style book on St. Tarcisius? My boys loved that one too.
We also love the First Confession and First Communion books mentioned above, very devout.
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Christine Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 07 2010 at 10:57am | IP Logged
Oh, St. Tarcisius is a favorite here. My children actually like this book better than Little Nellie. I never thought about it as a First Communion Resource, but it definitely should be. Thank you for mentioning it Maddie!
__________________ Christine
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 07 2010 at 11:12am | IP Logged
Christine, Thanks for the thoughtful and helpful reviews! I really appreciate it!
Maddie wrote:
Mother of Our Savior has some wonderful coloring/story books on the Saints of the Eucharist that I have used in the past. There are two, Saints of the Eucharist 1 and 2, they are also sold separately.
My boys politely listened to Little Nellie but they were definitely more enthralled with St. Tarcisius. I'm sure you are familiar with the old St. Paul publishing comic style book on St. Tarcisius? My boys loved that one too.
We also love the First Confession and First Communion books mentioned above, very devout. |
Oh yes, the St. Francis Coloring Books I just love them! I have my stash I've saved for years to use for First Communion. Forgot to mention those!
Yes, St. Tarcisius and Blessed Imelda are the saints I was going to use. I have the Daughters of St. Paul books. St. Tarcisius is either from Faces of Courage for the color pictures (they also had a pamphlet with the single story). The story is also repeated in older versions of Fifty Seven Saints (not sure of the newer version).
Then the old Encounter Book, Her Dream Came True is about Blessed Imelda.
I'm toying with the idea of tying in St. Tarcisius and First Communion with the League of St. Tarcisius materials from the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart (see catalog). I think it might be inspiring for my son, but I don't want to overwhelm.
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 08 2010 at 4:22pm | IP Logged
From First Communion Novena Thread
JennGM wrote:
Suzanne!!!! I cannot thank you enough! I saw these just two weeks ago and was wondering for a review! I'm planning for next year First Communion and was wondering about these booklets!
And so great that there is a boy one.
Now, I have some recommendations and some to ask about in another thread. |
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
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Maryan Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 08 2010 at 5:28pm | IP Logged
I second Christine's recommendation of CHC's second grade plans. CHC sells it as a supplement from time to time -- that's how I bought it. I couldn't find a link currently though.
And we also used a coloring book (I think put out by the Powell's which I bought at their store): Miracles of the Holy Eucharist activity book.
__________________ Maryan
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Pilgrim Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 08 2010 at 7:22pm | IP Logged
Our dd was able to receive on a separate day. We found it very nice. We prepared as a family, and she received with the family, and always appreciates The Holy Eucharist (and Confession!) for what it is. I feel like this is a nice way for them to receive the Sacraments ( not meaning the only way, or that receiveing with the group isn't good), because they are not distracted by all the hubbub(sp?) that happens when a large group is receiving at once, with all the extra people that get invited, and the church packed, etc. I liked this way better than when I or siblings received with the group. I felt it was nice to have the focus just on her, and the event.
The neat thing.... sje was able to receive on the Octave of the Nativity, so it is an extra special feast day for her each year, and I've seen others have their children receive on their patron saint's feast day.
The books all sound wonderful, thank you for this thread.Even when not preparing for FHC, it is good to return to these titles to bring a fresh appreciation of the Blessed Sacrament!
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 12 2010 at 9:27am | IP Logged
I'm also going to add these threads: First Communion Notebooks
FHC Notebooks
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
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Marybeth Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 12 2010 at 3:15pm | IP Logged
One book not mentioned is St.Patrick's Summer published by Sophia Press. I believe the author is Marigold Hunt. hhhmmm....probably should have scanned my shelves before posting.
Our First Holy Communion notebook has been my highlight of our homeschooling journey.
__________________ Marybeth (Mb)
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