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amyable Forum All-Star

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Posted: Aug 09 2007 at 6:50am | IP Logged
Katherine's post on St. Herman of Alaska made me wonder if anyone knows of a list of different saints associated with various states of the USA? I think it would go well with our continuing study of American history this year. Thanks for any leads on this!
__________________ Amy
mom of 5, ages 6-16, and happy wife of
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: Aug 09 2007 at 9:21am | IP Logged
It's a great idea, Amy. I'm not sure that there is a compilation like that out there, but it certainly wouldn't be hard to do it ourselves because there are only a handful of specifically American/US saints. If you include the blessed and venerables then your numbers would increase to cover more areas of the US. My brother-in-law runs and writes periodic spotlight article which are great for a concise yet thorough and readable US history on some topic. He did a American Saints one last year. Great info here.
Saint Herman of Alaska wouldn't be listed on the Catholic calendar of saints as his canonization was recognized through the Orthodox Church.
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
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kjohnson Forum All-Star

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Posted: Aug 09 2007 at 10:00am | IP Logged
Yes, unfortunately the 12 North American saints that we are getting to know are not in common between the East and West. But I highly encourage everyone to find the local saints of your faith tradition and GET TO KNOW THEM WELL. I think that it's so important for our children to realize that in our country's short history, God has raised up many holy men and women. It takes away the false idea that holiness is for those from another time and another place. In learning about our modern, local saints our children are seeing more clearly the lived proof that even in this modern world and in this very land, with God's grace, holiness and salvation are possible.
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: Aug 09 2007 at 10:06am | IP Logged
There are more to add to the list if you look at those that are Servant of God, Venerable, Blessed, or have their sauses opened for investigation. That would be a much bigger list.
I also found an interesting book called "Heroes of the Cross" An American Martyrology, by Marion A. Habig, OFM, 1945, St. Anthony Guild. I didn't realize that there were so many that died for the faith on American soil when it was still missionary territory.
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
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~Rachel~ Forum All-Star

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Posted: Aug 10 2007 at 11:58am | IP Logged
What about this site which I see lists a number of states and their saints 
__________________ ~Rachel~
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KackyK Forum All-Star

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Posted: Aug 10 2007 at 2:39pm | IP Logged
This might be for another thread (so move me if need be ) but...another way to work with geography & religion is I'm sure there are many areas that are praying for the canonization of a local (or somewhat local) religious. For instance, I know in the Buffalo area, I don't know how far out, they pray a special prayer for the canonization (I do hope I'm spelling that right...looks funny to me for some reason ) of Father Nelson Baker.
It would probably be difficult to make that sort of a list...but it may be nice to incorporate those folks in too! I don't know...just another thought.
__________________ KackyK
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amyable Forum All-Star

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Posted: Aug 10 2007 at 2:47pm | IP Logged
Thank you everyone - these are great ideas and links to get me started!
__________________ Amy
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: Aug 11 2007 at 2:03am | IP Logged
MaryM wrote:
I'm not sure that there is a compilation like that out there |
Well, actually I proved myself wrong and found one. I figured it wouldn't be too much to compile the saints, blessed, venerables of the United States by state myself. I planned to use a book we have, Saints of North America, and discovered that it included a list in the back of saints/blessed/venerable by state already - which was very helpful. It is an interesting book which I do recommend for more info on the North American Saints - it's a good compilation. I also found a few sites Haliography Circle, All For Mary American Saints and my bil's site which helped me make sure this listing would be as complete as possible. When you include the "Servants of God" the numbers do increase quite a bit and it did take awhile to coordinate it all. But, hopefully it is accurate and contains those individuals whose causes are officially open. The first listing is by state. The second listing is an alphabetized list of the holy individuals with a link to info about them and the states they are associated with. I hope this is helpful. If you have corrections or updates let me know. Thanks.
Saints, Blessed, Venerable, Servant of God
associated with America by State
Eusebio Kino
Paul M. Murphy
Dorothy Day
Eusebio Kino
Frances Xavier Cabrini
Junipero Serra
Margin Catala
Maria Luisa Josefa de la Pena Navarro
Patrick Peyton
Frances Xavier Cabrini
Leo Heinrichs
Julia Greeley
Michael McGivney
District of Columbia
Mary Virginia Merrick
Felix Varela
Martyrs of Florida
Martyrs of Georgia
Damien de Veuster
Marianne Cope
Augustus Tolton
Dorothy Day
Fulton J. Sheen
Frances Xavier Cabrini
Maria Kaupas
Mary Therese Dudzik
Paul M. Murphy
Samuel Mazzuchelli
Anna Bentivoglio
Patrick Peyton
Solanus Casey
Theordore Guerin
Samuel Mazzuchelli
Emil Kapaun
Rose Philippine Duchesne
Felix de Andreis
Anna Bentivoglio
Katharine Drexel
Antonio Margil
Cornelia Connelly
Frances Xavier Cabrini
Henriette Delille
Rose Philippine Duchesne
Francis Xavier Seelos
John Neumann
Mary Elizabeth Lange
Michael McGivney
Elizabeth Ann Seton
James Walsh
Marie-Clement Staub
Frederic Baraga
John A. Hardon
Samuel Mazzuchelli
Solanus Casey
Stephen Eckert
Frederic Baraga
Augustus Tolton
Felix de Andreis
Rose Philippine Duchesne
Cornelia Connelly
Anna Bentivoglio
Katharine Drexel
New Jersey
Frances Xavier Cabrini
Leo Heinrichs
Miriam Teresa Demjanovich
New Mexico
Katharine Drexel
Eusebio Kino
Maria Kaupas
New York
Angeline Teresa McCrory
Catherine de Hueck Doherty
Dina Belanger
Dorothy Day
Elizabeth Ann Seton
Felix Varela
Fulton J. Sheen
Frances Xavier Cabrini
Isaac Jogues & companions
James Walsh
John Neumann
Kateri Tekakwitha
Marianne Cope
Michael McGivney
Nelson Baker
Pierre Toussaint
Rose Hawthorne Lathrop
Solanus Casey
Stephen Eckert
Terence Cooke
Thomas Price
Vincent Capodanno
Walter Ciszek
North Carolina
Thomas Price
John A. Hardon
Cornelia Connelly
Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin
Frances Xavier Cabrini
Francis Xavier Seelos
Joah Neumann
Katharine Drexel
Maria Kaupas
Patrick Peyton
Walter Cixzek
Antonio Margil
Eusebio Kino
Frank Parater
Martyrs of Virginia
Frances Xavier Cabrini
Frederic Baraga
Samuel Mazzuchelli
Solanus Casey
Stephen Eckert
Saint alphabetical listing and associated states
American (United States) Saints
St. Damien of Malokai HI
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton MD, NY
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini CA, CO, IL, LA, NJ, NY, PA, WA
St. Isaac Jogues & companions NY
St. John Neumann MD, NY, PA
St. Junipero Serra CA
St. Kateri Tekakwitha NY
St. Katharine Drexel NE, NM, LA, PA
St. Marianne Cope HI, NY
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne KS, LA, MO
St. Theodore Guerin IN
Blessed, Venerable, and Servant of God
Augustus Tolton - IL, MO
Angeline Teresa McCrory NY
Anna Bentivoglio IN, LA, NE
Ven. Antonio Margil LA, TX
Catherine de Hueck Doherty NY
Ven. Cornelia Connelly LA, MS, PA
Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin PA
Bl. Dina Belanger NY
Dorothy Day CA, IL, NY
Emil Kapaun - KS
Eusebio Francisco Kino AZ, CA, NM, TX
Ven. Felix de Andreis KY, MO
Ven. Felix Varela NY, FL
Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos - MD, PA
Frank Parater VA
Ven. Frederic Baraga MI, MN, WI
Ven. Fulton J. Sheen IL, NY
Ven. Henriette Delille LA
James Walsh MA, NY
John A. Hardon - OH, MI
Julia Greeley - CO
Leo Heinrichs - CO, NJ
Magin Catala CA
Ven. Maria Kaupas IL, NM, PA
Ven. Maria Luisa Josefa CA
Marie-Clement Staub - MA
Martyrs of Georgia GA
Martyrs of Virginia (Juan Bautista de Segura & Companions) FL, VA
Mary Lange MD
Ven. Mary Theresa Dudzik IL
Mary Virginia Merrick - DC
Ven. Michael McGivney CT, MD, NY
Bl. Miriam Teresa Demjanovich NJ
Ven. Nelson Baker NY
Patrick Peyton PA, IN
Paul M. Murphy - AZ, IL
Ven. Pierre Toussaint NY
Rose Hawthorne Lathrop NY
Ven. Samuel Mazzuchelli IL, IN, MI, WI
Bl. Solanus Casey IN, MI, NY, WI
Stephen Eckert MI, NY, WI
Terence J. Cooke NY
Thomas F. Price NY, NC
Vincent Capodanno MA, NY
Walter Ciszek NY, PA
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
Our Domestic Church
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marihalojen Forum All-Star

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Posted: Aug 11 2007 at 8:25am | IP Logged
This is tremendous! I'll bet it did take a bit to coordinate this, I'm awestruck!
Thank you!
__________________ ~Jennifer
Mother to Mariannna, age 13
The Mari Hal-O-Jen
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amyable Forum All-Star

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Posted: Aug 11 2007 at 7:49pm | IP Logged
Wow, wow!! Thank you SO much Mary, that is fantastic!
__________________ Amy
mom of 5, ages 6-16, and happy wife of
The Highly Sensitive Homeschooler
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guitarnan Forum Moderator

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Posted: Aug 11 2007 at 8:22pm | IP Logged
Mary, this is awesome! I may end up teaching a North American saints unit at our co-op (my first co-op experience), and you have just saved me approximately one billion hours of work. May God bless you for this!
__________________ Nancy in MD. Mom of ds (24) & dd (18); 31-year Navy wife, move coordinator and keeper of home fires. Writer and dance mom.
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stefoodie Forum Moderator

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Posted: Aug 11 2007 at 9:22pm | IP Logged
Wow! That is one AWESOME list, Mary!! Thank you so much for putting it together. I hope you don't mind - I've been putting a saints spreadsheet together for the last month and a half (will probably be finished in a couple more weeks) -- I'll incorporate your list into that.
It's so good to know our state's saint (-to-be) (John Hardon!)!!
__________________ stef
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: April 09 2010 at 5:45pm | IP Logged
It's funny you bumped it, stef. I just updated it a couple days ago to change Henriette deLille to Venerable, since the Pope issued that decree in March. And to add Fr. Augustus Tolton to the list for Illinois and Missouri. His cause was just officially opened in Chicago. He was the first black priest in the US.
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
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Theresa H Forum Pro

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Posted: April 12 2010 at 8:03pm | IP Logged
Would like to add:
Servant of God, Father Stanley F. Rother (He was martyred in Guatemala on July 28, 1981.)
__________________ Theresa from OK
Married to Bill(92), 4 children: ds(94), ds(97), ds(00) & dd(06).
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stefoodie Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 12 2010 at 9:29pm | IP Logged
but i didn't, mary! my post was in 2007.
i'm so glad someone/something bumped it though. so timely as we plan a trip to illinois this week. maybe we'll do something related to fulton sheen and mother cabrini!
and need to read up on father tolton. i've never heard about him 'til now. thanks for the info!
__________________ stef
mom to five
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: April 12 2010 at 10:17pm | IP Logged
stefoodie wrote:
but i didn't, mary! my post was in 2007. |
You're right - that's weird. Why did it pop up in my active topics...or did I just imagine it.
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
Our Domestic Church
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hylabrook1 Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 13 2010 at 9:11am | IP Logged
This is amazing! I had no idea there were so many holy men and women associated with North America. Thank you so much for sharing this information.
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: June 24 2010 at 10:02pm | IP Logged
I didn't want take liberties and edit Mary's original awesome saint by state list, but I wanted to arrange the saint list by date, so I could see if someone was around the era I'm studying. So I plugged in the dates and arranged it by the date of death year. I kept the state order, and then organized all together. This is such a helpful resource, Mary. Thanks again!
Saints, Blessed, Venerable, Servant of God
associated with America by State, organized by date
Eusebio Kino, S.J. (August 10, 1645 March 15, 1711)
Paul M. Murphy
Eusebio Kino, S.J. (August 10, 1645 March 15, 1711)
Junipero Serra, O.F.M. (November 24, 1713 August 28, 1784)
Magin Catala (January 29 or 30, 1761 November 22, 1830)
Frances Xavier Cabrini (July 15, 1850 December 22, 1917)
Maria Luisa Josefa de la Pena Navarro (Mother Luisita) (June 21, 1866 February 11, 1937)
Dorothy Day (November 8, 1897 November 29, 1980)
Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. (January 9, 1909 June 3, 1992)
Leo Heinrichs, O.F.M. (August 15, 1867 February 23, 1908)
Frances Xavier Cabrini (July 15, 1850 December 22, 1917)
Michael J. McGivney (August 12, 1852 August 14, 1890)
District of Columbia
Mary Virginia Merrick (November 2, 1866 January 10, 1955)
Martyrs of Florida (15131616)
Felix Varela y Morales (November 20, 1788 February 27, 1853)
Martyrs of Georgia (died September 1597)
Damien de Veuster, SS.CC. (January 3, 1840 April 15, 1889)
Marianne Cope (January 23, 1838 August 9, 1918)
Samuel Charles Mazzuchelli, O.P. (November 4, 1806 February 23, 1864)
Augustus Tolton (or Augustine) (April 1, 1854 July 9, 1897)
Frances Xavier Cabrini (July 15, 1850 December 22, 1917)
Mary Theresa Dudzik (1860 September 20, 1918)
Maria Kaupas (1880 April 17, 1940)
Fulton J. Sheen (May 8, 1895 December 9, 1979)
Dorothy Day (November 8, 1897 November 29, 1980)
Paul M. Murphy
Theodore Guerin (AnneTherese) (October 2, 1798 May 14, 1856)
Anna Bentivoglio (Mother Mary Magdalena Bentivoglio) (July 29, 1824 August 18, 1905)
Solanus Casey, O.F.M., Cap. (November 25, 1870 July 31, 1957)
Patrick Peyton (January 9, 1909 June 3, 1992)
Samuel Charles Mazzuchelli, O.P. (November 4, 1806 February 23, 1864)
Rose Philippine Duchesne (August 29, 1769 November 18, 1852)
Emil Kapaun (April 20, 1916 May 23, 1951)
Felix de Andreis (December 13, 1778 October 15, 1820)
Antonio Margil (August 18,1657 August 6, 1726)
Rose Philippine Duchesne (August 29, 1769 November 18, 1852)
Henriette Delille (18131862)
Cornelia Connelly (January 15, 1809 April 18, 1879)
Anna Bentivoglio (Mother Mary Magdalena Bentivoglio) (July 29, 1824 August 18, 1905)
Frances Xavier Cabrini (July 15, 1850 December 22, 1917)
Elizabeth Ann Seton (August 28, 1774 January 4, 1821)
John Neumann, C.Ss.R., (March 28, 1811 January 5, 1860)
Francis Xavier Seelos, C.Ss.R. (January 11, 1819 October 4, 1867)
Mary Elizabeth Lange, O.S.P. (1784 February 30, 1882)
Michael J. McGivney (August 12, 1852 August 14, 1890)
James Anthony Walsh (February 24, 1867 April 14, 1936)
MarieClement Staub, A.A. (1876 1936)
Samuel Charles Mazzuchelli, O.P. (November 4, 1806 February 23, 1864)
Frederic Baraga (June 29, 1797 January 19, 1868)
Stephen Eckert, O.F.M., Cap. (1869 1923)
Solanus Casey, O.F.M., Cap. (November 25, 1870 July 31, 1957)
John A. Hardon (June 18, 1914 December 30, 2000)
Frederic Baraga (June 29, 1797 January 19, 1868)
Rose Philippine Duchesne (August 29, 1769 November 18, 1852)
Felix de Andreis (December 13, 1778 October 15, 1820)
Augustus Tolton (or Augustine) (April 1, 1854 July 9, 1897)
Cornelia Connelly (January 15, 1809 April 18, 1879)
Anna Bentivoglio (Mother Mary Magdalena Bentivoglio) (July 29, 1824 August 18, 1905)
Katharine Drexel (November 26, 1858 March 3, 1955)
New Jersey
Leo Heinrichs, O.F.M. (August 15, 1867 February 23, 1908)
Frances Xavier Cabrini (July 15, 1850 December 22, 1917)
Miriam Teresa Demjanovich (March 26, 1901May 8, 1927)
New Mexico
Eusebio Kino, S.J. (August 10, 1645 March 15, 1711)
Maria Kaupas (1880 April 17, 1940)
New York
Ren้ Goupil (May 15, 1608 September 23, 1642)
Isaac Jogues, S.J. (January 10, 1607 October 18, 1646)
Jean de Lalande (died October 18, 1646)
Jean de Br้beuf (March 25, 1593 March 16, 1649)
No๋l Chabanel (February 2, 1613 December 8, 1649)
Antoine Daniel (May 27, 1601 July 4, 1648)
Charles Garnier (May 25, 1606 December 7, 1649)
Gabriel Lallement (October 3, 1610 March 17, 1649)
Kateri Tekakwitha (1656 April 17, 1680)
Elizabeth Ann Seton (August 28, 1774 January 4, 1821)
Felix Varela y Morales (November 20, 1788 February 27, 1853)
Pierre Toussaint (1766 June 30, 1853)
John Neumann, C.Ss.R., (March 28, 1811 January 5, 1860)
Michael J. McGivney (August 12, 1852 August 14, 1890)
Frances Xavier Cabrini (July 15, 1850 December 22, 1917)
Marianne Cope (January 23, 1838 August 9, 1918)
Thomas Frederick Price (August 19, 1860 September 12, 1919)
Stephen Eckert, O.F.M., Cap. (1869 1923)
Rose Hawthorne Lathrop (May 20, 1851July 9, 1926)
Dina Belanger (1897 1929)
James Anthony Walsh (February 24, 1867 April 14, 1936)
Nelson Baker (February 16, 1841 July 29, 1936)
Solanus Casey, O.F.M., Cap. (November 25, 1870 July 31, 1957)
Vincent Robert Capodanno (February 13, 1929 September 4, 1967)
Fulton J. Sheen (May 8, 1895 December 9, 1979)
Dorothy Day (November 8, 1897 November 29, 1980)
Terence Cooke (March 1, 1921 October 6, 1983)
Angeline Teresa McCrory (January 21, 1893 January 21, 1984)
Walter Ciszek (November 4, 1904December 8, 1984)
Catherine de Hueck Doherty (August 15, 1896December 14, 1985)
North Carolina
Thomas Frederick Price (August 19, 1860 September 12, 1919)
John A. Hardon (June 18, 1914 December 30, 2000)
Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin (December 22, 1770 May 6, 1840)
John Neumann, C.Ss.R., (March 28, 1811 January 5, 1860)
Francis Xavier Seelos, C.Ss.R. (January 11, 1819 October 4, 1867)
Cornelia Connelly (January 15, 1809 April 18, 1879)
Frances Xavier Cabrini (July 15, 1850 December 22, 1917)
Maria Kaupas (1880 April 17, 1940)
Katharine Drexel (November 26, 1858 March 3, 1955)
Walter Ciszek (November 4, 1904December 8, 1984)
Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. (January 9, 1909 June 3, 1992)
Eusebio Kino, S.J. (August 10, 1645 March 15, 1711)
Antonio Margil (August 18,1657 August 6, 1726)
Martyrs of Virginia (1571, Fr. Segura and his seven companions)
Frank Parater (October 10, 1897February 7, 1920)
Frances Xavier Cabrini (July 15, 1850 December 22, 1917)
Samuel Mazzuchelli, O.P. (November 4, 1806 February 23, 1864)
Frederic Baraga (June 29, 1797 January 19, 1868)
Stephen Eckert, O.F.M., Cap. (1869 1923)
Solanus Casey, O.F.M., Cap. (November 25, 1870 July 31, 1957)
List Sorted by Century:
Martyrs of Virginia (Juan Bautista de Segura & Companions) (died in 1571) FL, VA
Martyrs of Georgia (died September 1597) GA
St. Isaac Jogues & companions NY
Ren้ Goupil (May 15, 1608 September 23, 1642)
Isaac Jogues, S.J. (January 10, 1607 October 18, 1646)
Jean de Lalande (died October 18, 1646)
Jean de Br้beuf (March 25, 1593 March 16, 1649)
No๋l Chabanel (February 2, 1613 December 8, 1649)
Antoine Daniel (May 27, 1601 July 4, 1648)
Charles Garnier (May 25, 1606 December 7, 1649)
Gabriel Lallement (October 3, 1610 March 17, 1649)
Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha (1656 April 17, 1680) NY
Eusebio Francisco Kino (August 10, 1645 March 15, 1711) AZ, CA, NM, TX
Ven. Antonio Margil (August 18,1657 August 6, 1726) LA, TX
Bl. Junipero Serra (November 24, 1713 August 28, 1784) CA
Ven. Felix de Andreis (December 13, 1778 October 15, 1820) KY, MO
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (August 28, 1774 January 4, 1821) MD, NY
Magin Catala (January 29 or 30, 1761 November 22, 1830) CA
Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin (December 22, 1770 May 6, 1840) PA
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne (August 29, 1769 November 18, 1852) KS, LA, MO
Felix Varela y Morales (November 20, 1788 February 27, 1853) NY, FL
Ven. Pierre Toussaint (1766 June 30, 1853) NY
St. Theodore Guerin (October 2, 1798 May 14, 1856) IN
St. John Neumann, C.Ss.R. (March 28, 1811 January 5, 1860) MD, NY, PA
Ven. Henriette Delille (18131862) LA
Ven. Samuel Mazzuchelli (November 4, 1806 February 23, 1864) IL, IN, MI, WI
Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos (January 11, 1819 October 4, 1867) MD, PA
Frederic Baraga (June 29, 1797 January 19, 1868) MI, MN, WI
Ven. Cornelia Connelly (January 15, 1809 April 18, 1879) LA, MS, PA
Mary Lange (1784 February 30, 1882) MD
St. Damien of Molokai, SS.CC. (January 3, 1840 April 15, 1889) HI
[Ven. Michael McGivney (August 12, 1852 August 14, 1890) CT, MD, NY
Augustus Tolton (April 1, 1854 July 9, 1897) IL, MO
Ven. Anna Bentivoglio (July 29, 1824 August 18, 1905) IN, LA, NE
Leo Heinrichs (August 15, 1867 February 23, 1908) CO, NJ
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (July 15, 1850 December 22, 1917) CA, CO, IL, LA, NJ, NY, PA, WA
Bl. Marianne Cope (January 23, 1838 August 9, 1918) HI, NY more
Ven. Mary Theresa Dudzik (1860 September 20, 1918) IL
Thomas F. Price (August 19, 1860 September 12, 1919) NY, NC
Frank Parater (October 10, 1897February 7, 1920) VA
Stephen Eckert (1869 1923) MI, NY, WI
Rose Hawthorne Lathrop (May 20, 1851July 9, 1926) NY
Miriam Teresa Demjanovich (March 26, 1901May 8, 1927) NJ
Bl. Dina Belanger (1897 1929) NY
James Walsh (February 24, 1867 April 14, 1936) MA, NY
Nelson Baker (February 16, 1841 July 29, 1936) NY
MarieClement Staub (1876 1936) MA
Ven. Maria Luisa Josefa (June 21, 1866 February 11, 1937) CA
Ven. Maria Kaupas (1880 April 17, 1940) IL, NM, PA
Emil Kapaun (April 20, 1916 May 23, 1951) KS
Ven. Solanus Casey (November 25, 1870 July 31, 1957) IN, MI, NY, WI
Mary Virginia Merrick (November 2, 1866 January 10, 1955) DC
St. Katharine Drexel (November 26, 1858 March 3, 1955) NE, PA
Vincent Capodanno (February 13, 1929 September 4, 1967) MA, NY
Paul M. Murphy (April 24, 1939 - February 10, 1976) AZ, IL
Fulton J. Sheen (May 8, 1895 December 9, 1979) IL, NY
Dorothy Day (November 8, 1897 November 29, 1980) CA, IL, NY
Angeline Teresa McCrory (January 21, 1893 January 21, 1984) NY
Terence J. Cooke (March 1, 1921 October 6, 1983) NY
Walter Ciszek (November 4, 1904December 8, 1984) NY, PA
Catherine de Hueck Doherty (August 15, 1896December 14, 1985) NY
Patrick Peyton (January 9, 1909 June 3, 1992) PA, IN
John A. Hardon (June 18, 1914 December 30, 2000) OH, MI
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
Wife to & ds1 '03 & ds2 '07
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Paula in MN Forum All-Star

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Posted: June 25 2010 at 6:57am | IP Logged
A Catholic Harvest
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robinhigh Forum Pro

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Posted: June 25 2010 at 8:12am | IP Logged
Wow,awesome! Thanks! This will help our studies this year so, so much!!
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