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Angie Mc Board Moderator

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Posted: Jan 31 2007 at 10:15am | IP Logged
I see that I will need to ask my family to carve out time this coming weekend for me to read the many beautiful posts on Hidden Treasure . Thank you for this wonderful forum and opportunity, Helen and contributors.
I was consecrated to Mary on Dec. 8, 2006, the Immaculate Conception. I used Preparation for Total Consecration according to Saint Louis Marie de Montfort, True Devotion to Mary, and St. Louis de Montfort True Devotion to Mary a Simplified Version. Prior to last summer, I was not aware of this devotion.
I'll skip the "prior to last summer" saga and share what lead me to this consecration. Last summer our family was in a vehicle accident that left my van totalled, my body banged up, my brain fuzzy, and my emotions raw. Shortly after, a local drama unfolded with my Catholic hs group, with me - well - let's just say it was ugly but I feel that I did what God asked me to do.
Amazingly, through the ugliness, there was one other woman with whom I shared the heat. Her name is Mary. After many hours of drama spent together, we grew in friendship. Eventually she told me that her devotion to Mary was key to helping her through this spiritual battle. At first I thought she was talking about a simple relationship with Our Mother but she explained the difference, shared her story, and gave me her love-worn preparation book to borrow.
In the same week of this conversation with Mary, my parish priest handed me (and other attendees at a pro-life meeting) the third book on my list above (can't find a link to it anywhere - not even at the author's webpage.) Then I heard this devotion mentioned a third time (most likely on this board.) Three times in one week - that got my attention.
Mary told me that my biggest temptation would be to feel that I hadn't done enough preparation therefore I should not be consecrated. She really asked me to guard against this. She told me that the weeks before consecration would be very challenging (which they were) but to not give up. So, although I did not feel that I prepared well enough, I did attend a special mass at a neighboring church and was consecrated with the blessing of the parish priest at a special service afterwards.
From there, our family made a New Year's resolution:
Increase devotion to Mary through daily prayer and prepare for total consecration to Mary on Dec. 8, 2007.
What is amazing to me, is that when I made my consecration, I did so begging Mary to help me to follow-through during the following year so that I would please her...but I wasn't sure how that follow-through would look. Also, it has been very hard on me to keep my local problem confidential from this board (I depend on you all so much for support!) It has been a lonely cross to carry look...I have found true friendships locally and will be able to grow in my relationship with Mary and her Son through my wonderful friendships here. Wow.
__________________ Angie Mc
Maimeo to Henry! Dave's wife, mom to Mrs. Devin+Michael Pope, Aiden 20,Ian 17,John Paul 11,Catherine (heaven 6/07)
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Tifflynene Forum Rookie

Joined: Jan 15 2007 Location: California
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Posted: Jan 31 2007 at 9:54pm | IP Logged
Hello everyone-
I am so excited to be here! I posted in another area and then realized that I didn't introduce myself. OOps..sorry. I am trying to fumble my way around this wonderful blog. I read a few of your posts but I apologize that I didn't get to them all (yet!)
I mentioned in another area of Hidden Treasure (not sure where)? that I am currently reading the True Devotion and then I discovered all of you! I believe that the Holy Spirit is really working here. It's no coincidence that our paths are crossing at this moment in time...
My name is Tiffany and I am a Cradle Catholic that really never developed a close relationship to Mary until later in life. I never even learned to pray the rosary until I was in my late twenties! (And I'm 40 now) My faith was tested by fire when I lost a dh at the age of 27...our ds was only 6 mos. old. But the suffering has brought me to a most beautiful place. Praise God. I am remarried to wonderful man (8 years now) and have 3 more beautiful children.
I am just so excited about the consecration and yet another new life that is forming for me and my family from the practice of True Devotion to Mary. I recently ordered the book on tape for my dh to listen on his commute. I can't wait to hear his thoughts too!
I am sorry to ramble on but my heart is really on fire, despite the doubt and fear that Satan has tried to create. This experience has made me realize that it really must be a "True Devotion" if Satan wants to undermine it that badly. I have consistently heard about the many copies that people have but "never got to".
Thank you so much for the refuge of comfort and peace.
Mother to 4 blessings
Oakdale, CA
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alicegunther Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 31 2007 at 10:07pm | IP Logged
Angie Mc wrote:
What is amazing to me, is that when I made my consecration, I did so begging Mary to help me to follow-through during the following year so that I would please her...but I wasn't sure how that follow-through would look. Also, it has been very hard on me to keep my local problem confidential from this board (I depend on you all so much for support!) It has been a lonely cross to carry look...I have found true friendships locally and will be able to grow in my relationship with Mary and her Son through my wonderful friendships here. Wow. |
Truly incredible, Angie!
Tiffany, I am so happy you found us! Welcome!
__________________ Love, Alice
mother of seven!
Cottage Blessings
Brew yourself a cup of tea, and come for a visit!
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Genevieve Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 5:40am | IP Logged
Hello Everyone,
When I first read this thread and the purpose of this part of the forum, I brushed it off as something I couldn't participate in. I was partially scared because I don't have a childlike devotion to her. It's more like a reverence. I grew up in a Buddhist environment and transferring reverence from the "Goddess of Mercy" to Mary was natural enough. However,when I read of Helen's, Alice's, Annie's and many other's it becomes very foreign, yet admirable.
I think it is Lissa's and Cay's admission that they too desire that a close relationship that has given me encouragement to jump into this conversation. Everybody has to start somewhere, right? The last time I asked for a deeper relationship was with God. I felt incredibly lost when I first came here in this country and it was my Heavenly Father who revealed Himself to me. I literally had goosebumps with the sweet store analogy. During my time of my conversion, I had expressed to my dh how I felt like I had stumbled upon God's house. Inside was dark but the door was slightly ajar. For what seemed the longest time, I was truly afriad to go in. What could I expect inside and could I leave the darkness around me though cold, familar. As times got harder and harder at college away from home (my family is in Singapore and I went to college in Chicago), I finally stepped in to find the sweet warmth of the crackling fire and the warming embrace of my Heavenly Father. I entered the Catholic Church the following Easter. That experience alone has given me strength even when His voice seems quiet and distant at times.
Honestly, I'm a little afraid that asking Mary to bring me closer to her would also result in some dark times. Apparently, I"m stubborn as a mule and need a deep crisis before I can be brought to my knees. So I'm tentative in following these discussion. Grateful and wistful. Perhaps Mother Mary would bring me closer ever so gentle like a 20 ft statue like Lissa.
__________________ Genevieve
The Good Within
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MarieC Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 5:52am | IP Logged
cathhomeschool wrote:
My friendship with Mary has been sort of simplistic. I grew up being told that my mother had (in prayer) given me to Mary. I had always felt close to her and often prayed the rosary with my mother or grandmother. Once when I was young, I woke to see a vision in my mind of Mary smiling down at me over my bed. I chose Mary as my Confirmation name, and shortly after, discovered that my birthdate is on the Holy Name of Mary. Tim and I married (not intentionally) on the Queenship of Mary. Whenever I have thought that Mary must not smile at me anymore because of the sins I have committed, I find great comfort in remembering the dates of my birth and marriage. I see these as her permanent smile on me and her acceptance of me as her child regardless of what I do. I strive to be deserving of her as a mother by asking for the graces to follow her to her Son. I am not well read and have not ever consecrated myself to Mary. I am looking forward to following along with you ladies and learning more. |
What a beautiful post. It just sounds like such a peaceful friendship you have with Mary
Genevieve wrote:
Honestly, I'm a little afraid that asking Mary to bring me closer to her would also result in some dark times. Apparently, I"m stubborn as a mule and need a deep crisis before I can be brought to my knees. So I'm tentative in following these discussion. Grateful and wistful. Perhaps Mother Mary would bring me closer ever so gentle like a 20 ft statue like Lissa.
I will pray for this time to be a gentle one for you. I really enjoyed reading your post.
Welcome, Tiffany! I look forward to getting to know you better. The book on tape is a great idea!
Angie....your story is so neat!
__________________ Marie
mom to 6
dds-98, 00, 02 and 09 & dss-03 and 06
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alicegunther Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 6:39am | IP Logged
Dear Friends,
Marian devotion was as much a part of my house growing up as breathing, so you might say I had it handed to me. I remember well my mother and both grandmothers clutching a rosary more often than not. Dad was never without his brown scapular, and a beautiful statue of Mary, inherited from my grandmother, stood in the living room. I remember vividly the day I came home from school to find a little blue silk crown, stitched together by my mother. I delightedly crowned the pretty statue while singing Immaculate Mary, still in my plaid uniform.
Growing up, I loved Marian hymns--Immaculate Mary, Hail Holy Queen Enthroned Above, Bring Flow'rs of the fairest--and the big May Crownings in the schoolyard at St. Mary's School. We kids would all pack into that chainlinked playground and watch as the First Communicants streamed in arrayed in white. The May Crowning was, to my young mind, the most sublime pageantry imaginable, and my only regret was that every year I forgot to bring flowers.
Thinking back on childish Marian Devotion, my mind drifts to a time in Ireland. I was at some kind of a street fair, and, in one of the booths, many prizes were being offered. Being an American kid, I was amazed to see a large painting of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal among them. I used all my tickets in a vain attempt to win it, leaving with a bitter feeling of regret when the night was over. The next morning, my family and I came down to breakfast at the little Inn in which we were staying, and there was that painting leaning against my seat at the table. The owner of the Bed and Breakfast was so glad to see a little girl interested in the picture of Mary that he remained shooting balls into a target long after we'd left just to win it for me! (May God bless the man--I hadn't thought about that in years.)
For all that, I still grew up in a post-Vatican II world. Although the air in our home was full of Our Lady, I do not remember knowing much about anything--never memorizing the Mysteries of the Rosary or wearing a scapular, always curious about those statues of three children kneeling around Our Lady without knowing anything of the story of Our Lady of Fatima, not really learning so many of the things my heart longed to know.
At a young age, I remember being very worried about something--probably school related (homework not done or a test looming)--and lamely saying the "Rosary" alone in my bed. I did not know the mysteries or the Hail Holy Queen or the Apostles Creed, but I said those Hail Marys, Our Fathers and Glory Be's with a will. The problem--whatever it was--was solved the next day, much to my amazement. I began a habit of saying the rosary (my incomplete version of it) in bed every night. It seemed that all my troubles were always taken care of completely through Our Lady's intercession. I was probably about in third grade or so when I came to realize that this prayer was enormously important and helpful--realized this from a selfish point of view, mind you--but realized it nonetheless. Even if I was half asleep, I hated not to at least try to say the rosary and stuck to it in this fashion for years. I do not think I ever actually memorized the complete prayers and mysteries until sometime in high school or college.
There are more stories, but this is enough to give you a picture. It is easy for me to see Mary as a loving and real mother, but, like my earthly mother, it is easy to take, take, take without much thanks or thought. That natural Marian Devotion was a free gift from my ancestors and nothing I needed to struggle through, but Jesus says, "To whom much is given, much is expected."
I am glad that through Hidden Treasure, Our Lady is calling me--along with all of you dear women--to a deeper understanding and devotion to her. I pray that the purpose of this introduction is clear--to show that the devotion comes naturally, but it is through *no merit* of my own. Perhaps, at least as far as our heavenly mother is concerned, I have been a child all these years, but now it is time "to put away childish things" and delve deeper, looking for the hidden treasure of True Devotion right along with all of you.
__________________ Love, Alice
mother of seven!
Cottage Blessings
Brew yourself a cup of tea, and come for a visit!
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alicegunther Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 6:55am | IP Logged
Great posts, Genevieve and Janette!
__________________ Love, Alice
mother of seven!
Cottage Blessings
Brew yourself a cup of tea, and come for a visit!
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marihalojen Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 7:11am | IP Logged
Alice, beautiful post yourself!
The Irish story of the painting of the Miraculous Medal is wonderful. I would have been floored to see it the next morning!
__________________ ~Jennifer
Mother to Mariannna, age 13
The Mari Hal-O-Jen
SSR = Sailing, Snorkling, Reading
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Tifflynene Forum Rookie

Joined: Jan 15 2007 Location: California
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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 9:56am | IP Logged
I wanted to briefly mention how I "stumbled" upon this book....Or maybe I should say how the book stumbled upon me!
I was blessed to attend a Women of Grace Conference and during one of Johnette's talks she mentioned this book and how it would change your life. I was so intrigued that I rushed to the back of the room at the break to find True Devotion to Mary...But they were all gone!
So when I returned home, the book was still on my heart and mind. I was hoping to forget about it because I certainly didn't need to purchase one more book. I'm one of those people who have started many a book (stacked on my nightstand) but never seem to finish most of them! Eeek
For some reason, I felt compelled to buy 1 extra copy for a gift (not sure for who) and I had never even read this crazy book! So they arrived and 2 occasions arose for me to give them away and so I did. Suddenly I wanted to read the book but they were both gone. This whole thing was very strange.
About a month later, I received an e-mail from a friend-of-a-friend who was organizing a discussion of "this book." What? A True Devotion to Mary. And so I had to hurry and order myself another copy because this book was following me around!
And so I finally began reading this book (3 months after first hearing about it).
I tell you this story to admit my human weakness. Unfortunately, I did not "seek" to find Mary and this devotion. All I can say is that I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity to be somewhere I never dreamed I'd be. Does this make sense?
I want to write more about the book but I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't started.
I will say the St. Louis de Montfort has a very direct approach. He seems to be sort of a Father Corapi of his time. Maybe it's just because I am so stubborn that this way of receiving truth is best sometimes! I need to be knocked over the head because I certainly lack childlike acceptance.
Have a glorious day filled with blessings!
Mother of 4 blessings
Oakdale, CA
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Meredith Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 10:19am | IP Logged
Tifflynene wrote:
I mentioned in another area of Hidden Treasure (not sure where)? that I am currently reading the True Devotion and then I discovered all of you! I believe that the Holy Spirit is really working here. It's no coincidence that our paths are crossing at this moment in time...
My name is Tiffany and I am a Cradle Catholic that really never developed a close relationship to Mary until later in life. I never even learned to pray the rosary until I was in my late twenties! (And I'm 40 now) My faith was tested by fire when I lost a dh at the age of 27...our ds was only 6 mos. old. But the suffering has brought me to a most beautiful place. Praise God. I am remarried to wonderful man (8 years now) and have 3 more beautiful children.
I am just so excited about the consecration and yet another new life that is forming for me and my family from the practice of True Devotion to Mary. I recently ordered the book on tape for my dh to listen on his commute. I can't wait to hear his thoughts too!
I am sorry to ramble on but my heart is really on fire, despite the doubt and fear that Satan has tried to create. This experience has made me realize that it really must be a "True Devotion" if Satan wants to undermine it that badly. I have consistently heard about the many copies that people have but "never got to".
Thank you so much for the refuge of comfort and peace.
Mother to 4 blessings
Oakdale, CA
Tiffany, it's GREAT to see you here!! I think you will find this is divine intervention Thank you for sharing about the loss of your first dh, you are a strong woman for sure. Look forward to seeing you here often, hugs!!
__________________ Meredith
Mom of 4 Sweeties
Sweetness and Light
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Lissa Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 7:02pm | IP Logged
Genevieve wrote:
Hello Everyone,
When I first read this thread and the purpose of this part of the forum, I brushed it off as something I couldn't participate in. I was partially scared because I don't have a childlike devotion to her. It's more like a reverence. I grew up in a Buddhist environment and transferring reverence from the "Goddess of Mercy" to Mary was natural enough. However,when I read of Helen's, Alice's, Annie's and many other's it becomes very foreign, yet admirable.
I think it is Lissa's and Cay's admission that they too desire that a close relationship that has given me encouragement to jump into this conversation. Everybody has to start somewhere, right? The last time I asked for a deeper relationship was with God. I felt incredibly lost when I first came here in this country and it was my Heavenly Father who revealed Himself to me. I literally had goosebumps with the sweet store analogy. During my time of my conversion, I had expressed to my dh how I felt like I had stumbled upon God's house. Inside was dark but the door was slightly ajar. For what seemed the longest time, I was truly afriad to go in. What could I expect inside and could I leave the darkness around me though cold, familar. As times got harder and harder at college away from home (my family is in Singapore and I went to college in Chicago), I finally stepped in to find the sweet warmth of the crackling fire and the warming embrace of my Heavenly Father. I entered the Catholic Church the following Easter. That experience alone has given me strength even when His voice seems quiet and distant at times.
Honestly, I'm a little afraid that asking Mary to bring me closer to her would also result in some dark times. Apparently, I"m stubborn as a mule and need a deep crisis before I can be brought to my knees. So I'm tentative in following these discussion. Grateful and wistful. Perhaps Mother Mary would bring me closer ever so gentle like a 20 ft statue like Lissa.
LOL, some of us need bear hugs or we don't notice the embrace!
Funny thing about that struck me later how perfect it is that its name is "Mary Mother of Life." Of all the titles for Our Lady, how fitting that this statue should be called MOTHER, right when I'm praying "Show me you are my mother..."
Feels like she had a hand in picking out the location of our house, you know? Putting us in this neighborhood near that shrine?
__________________ Lissa
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Lissa Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 7:03pm | IP Logged
alicegunther wrote:
Thinking back on childish Marian Devotion, my mind drifts to a time in Ireland. I was at some kind of a street fair, and, in one of the booths, many prizes were being offered. Being an American kid, I was amazed to see a large painting of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal among them. I used all my tickets in a vain attempt to win it, leaving with a bitter feeling of regret when the night was over. The next morning, my family and I came down to breakfast at the little Inn in which we were staying, and there was that painting leaning against my seat at the table. The owner of the Bed and Breakfast was so glad to see a little girl interested in the picture of Mary that he remained shooting balls into a target long after we'd left just to win it for me! (May God bless the man--I hadn't thought about that in years.) |
You never told me that story before! I am bawling!
__________________ Lissa
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Lissa Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 7:08pm | IP Logged
Reading over all these posts, I have to say that I think this is my favorite message-board thread of all time. This is really a beautiful, amazing place to be, and I am so thankful to be here with all of you.
__________________ Lissa
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Nina Murphy Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 7:43pm | IP Logged
Hello, everyone. Nina here.
I owe my personal awakening to the truths of the Catholic Church to Our Lady. I had never prayed the Rosary growing up and didn't even know the Hail Mary when I first heard it prayed at my Catholic High School. I was attending Mass weekly at my Catholic University when I met my husband. I discovered through him that I knew almost NOTHING about Catholicism. He fell for me and we married but he didn't really express himself spiritually. We went to Mass....but that's about it. We didn't pray together. My husband gave me a Rosary when I was pregnant with our first, and I put it around my neck like a necklace. He said, "You don't really WEAR them that way....I mean, that's not what they're HOLD them in your hands". We didn't really pray the Rosary, but he taught me the prayers.
Then for absolutely no reason when I was in labor with my second, my Nicholas, I started praying the Hail Mary incessantly while practicing my breathing. We just prayed Hail Marys over and over in-between contractions. His labor and birth was beautiful. Then, in the weeks that followed, something was perceptibly different. I KNEW I belonged to Our Lady and had to start really discovering the Faith. When Nicholas was about 4 months, I became relentless---searching out every religious store, reading books on the Saints (who knew?) and praying to this Woman Clothed with The Sun. We began praying the Rosary as a family daily with my 3 year old daughter Kate leading a decade---and she DID---and have done so since. Of course, she is extremely Marian and consecrated to Our Lady (did the enrollment already through the Sodality).
Mother Mary is crucial to my spiritual life---I don't think I'd be here if it weren't for her. I don't know why she "chose" me....I hardly went looking for her. I just always had a maternal heart and loved children. Maybe that's why she considered me worthy and called me. She knew I needed a good mother. I don't think I really knew Jesus until his mother introduced me. She led the way. I am forever in her service and eternally consecrated to her, as are all of my children.
__________________ God bless,
mother of 9 on earth,
and 2 yet-to-be-met
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Helen Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 8:48pm | IP Logged
Genevieve wrote:
Hello Everyone,
When I first read this thread and the purpose of this part of the forum, I brushed it off as something I couldn't participate in. I was partially scared because I don't have a childlike devotion to her. It's more like a reverence. |
I think my devotion to Our Lady began in the way you describe. I experienced the power of Marian devotion before delving into the Mother/Daughter devotion.
When I was younger, I had such a strong desire to attend daily Mass. Even though I was young, had a car, and was unmarried, I just couldn’t seem to follow through on my desire. (I didn’t have the grace to go to mass on a daily basis.)
I began to read about Our Lady of Fatima and how she asked for the Rosary every day. I decided that since I couldn’t get to Mass everyday, at least I could pray the Rosary every day. So, I began.
The Rosary is not that easy when first starting out and I thought I would do a better job if I visited the church and said it there. I would pop in whenever I had a chance and say the Rosary. When this became easier, I said to myself, "what am I doing here at church in the middle of the day when there is no Mass? I really should come earlier and say the Rosary before Mass."
Guess what?
I began to attend daily Mass AND say the Rosary every day. I experienced and incredible display of power in Marian devotion. I wanted to go to daily Mass but on my own power, I could not. It was only when I picked up the Rosary, following Our Lady of Fatima’s request, that SHE opened the way for me to receive her son on a daily basis in Holy Communion.
I've been convinced that Our Lady always brings us to her Son and that I should always cultivate her friendship and motherly care as part of my attempt to become close to her Son.
I think you have asked her already to show this to you. I look forward to hearing what happens to you next!
__________________ Ave Maria!
Mom to 5 girls and 3 boys
Mary Vitamin & Castle of the Immaculate
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Helen Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 8:50pm | IP Logged
Nina Murphy wrote:
Mother Mary is crucial to my spiritual life---I don't think I'd be here if it weren't for her. I don't know why she "chose" me....I hardly went looking for her. I just always had a maternal heart and loved children. Maybe that's why she considered me worthy and called me. She knew I needed a good mother. I don't think I really knew Jesus until his mother introduced me. She led the way. I am forever in her service and eternally consecrated to her, as are all of my children. |
Beautiful Nina
__________________ Ave Maria!
Mom to 5 girls and 3 boys
Mary Vitamin & Castle of the Immaculate
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HeatherNY Forum Rookie

Joined: Jan 05 2007 Location: New York
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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 10:11pm | IP Logged
Nina Murphy wrote:
Hello, everyone. Nina here.
I owe my personal awakening to the truths of the Catholic Church to Our Lady. |
That is a powerful testimony. Thank you for sharing it!!!
__________________ Heather
Wife to Len, Mother to 4 here and 3 in heaven
Homeschooling since 1999
Doodle Acres
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Diane Forum Pro

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Posted: Feb 02 2007 at 11:04am | IP Logged
I am enjoying everyone's personal stories so much that I thought I should let you know a little of my journey toward Mary. I say "a little" but I'm afraid this may become too long.
My first introduction to our Blessed Mother and the Rosary came from the two principal men in my life---my father and my father's father. My grandfather was a beautiful, saintly man (appropriately born on All Saints' Day!), and I never remember seeing him without a Rosary in his hands, especially as he grew older. He shared his deep faith openly, blessing strangers in the grocery store (much to my embarrassment as a teen ) and referring to our Lady as Mama Mary. As a young adult, I foolishly regarded his faith as overly simplistic. Now I'm sure that his intercession from Heaven is helping to pull me toward my Mother.
My father has always been very devoted to the Rosary as well, though he's less outward about his faith. We would often pray the Rosary as a family in the car. My mother and grandmother were faithful Catholics in a more private way---I do not remember seeing them pray the Rosary (outside of our family ones) or hearing them talk about Mary. The parishes we attended were pretty typical for the 70s-80s, almost no attention was given to Mary at all. I don't remember celebrating Marian feast days, though we always attended Mass on Holy Days.
I went to college at Notre Dame, a university named for Our Lady and for whom I believe she weeps. I'm sure there are some holy priests there who are still devoted to her, but as a theology minor, I didn't hear anything special about Mary, simply that she was the mother of Jesus and a faithful disciple.
Although the university may have forgotten her, many of the students have not. The most popular place to pray on campus is the Grotto, a replica of the grotto at Lourdes. It was there that my dh begged our Lady to help him get over his feelings for a certain girl who kept playing with his heart. Instead of changing his heart, she changed mine.
My closest friends were part of a Christian fellowship group, Catholic kids whose faith had been awakened through Young Life in high school. My passion for Christ really grew, but sadly there was never any mention of Mary. In fact, my best friend was "born again" through a Protestant boyfriend one summer, and she led me to start questioning all of the teachings and devotions regarding Mary. Obviously, although I had grown up in a Catholic home and attended a Catholic university, I still had such an immature understanding of the Catholic Church.
I'm ashamed to admit that when dh and I married one year after I graduated, I did not want to take flowers to Mary's altar or to invoke her blessing on our marriage. I was more worried about what my girlfriend would think than about offending Jesus and His Mother. I realized something significant today though. Our wedding reception was held at a local Maronite shrine, where there is a huge tower of Our Lady of Lebanon, similar to the one that Lissa mentioned. So, although I was too foolish to invite her, Mary was there with us anyway and poured down her graces unasked.
A few years later I became active in the Charismatic Renewal, and that drew me into the heart of the Church and introduced me to the concept of Mary as my Mother. I have tried to walk with her since, but I sometimes stray from the path, giving my attention to distractions along the way. She always patiently waits for me to take her hand again. I really believe that she is calling me to grip it even more tightly through this forum and you dear friends. And I need her motherly care more than ever.
A few notable "coincidences:"
My dh's parents were married Feb 11, Our Lady of Lourdes, and dh was born a few yrs later on Aug 22, Queenship of Mary.
My dear mother was born May 24, Our Lady, Help of Christians, and she passed from this life May 13, Our Lady of Fatima.
Dh and I were married Aug 5, Dedication of St Mary Major Basilica in Rome. (How sad that I did not offer her flowers on that day---I do believe that I will make it a tradition to do so from now on.)
My middle name is Marie, and my dear mil's name is Mary Ann, after our Blessed Mother and her mother.
So, I have no doubt that our most Blessed Mother has been calling me all along. Thank you for helping me to hear her voice more clearly.
__________________ Peace,
Mom to five fair lasses and one bonny prince
The Journey of a Mother's Heart
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PDyer Forum All-Star

Joined: Feb 25 2005 Location: Ohio
Online Status: Offline Posts: 1043
Posted: Feb 02 2007 at 12:35pm | IP Logged
Diane wrote:
I have no doubt that our most Blessed Mother has been calling me all along. Thank you for helping me to hear her voice more clearly.  |
I need to type this before I start breaking down in tears and my kids think Mom has gone over the edge again.
I recently started to pray the Rosary at night, in bed. Generally I fall asleep holding my rosary. I shouldn't say my rosary; it is my deceased grandmother's rosary. My grandmother had a great devotion to the Rosary that I can remember from my earliest years. She would rub rub rub Jesus on the cross, and her lips would move as she prayed silently. My grandmother had a lot of difficulties in her life and I remember her being the most peaceful when she was holding that rosary. These images are very clear in my mind.
More and more I find myself thinking of the rosary during the day; a sense of being drawn in. I'm considering the rosary CD, but very uncharacteristically, rather than jumping in with both feet I've been waiting to see what this drawing-in was all about. I have thought to myself I would bring this feeling up with my spiritual director at our next meeting.
You all started this forum recently...I have had a copy of de Montfort's book on my shelves for about a year. I've never cracked it; I bought it to support a Catholic business, to have the resource available and figured I would get to it "eventually". You know, as an intellectual exercise. When I saw the new forum I remembered the book and brought it upstairs from the library shelves in the basement to set it on my nightstand. You know, next to my rosary. I've been reading it (again, uncharacteristically) slowly. Really slowly. Thinking about it during the day. Carrying the book in my purse even if I don't expect to have time to read it when I'm out...
About a week ago I made Catholic Culture's "day" page int their liturgical year section my home page and started using the pages to jumpstart discussions with the kids...
Today I noticed "Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes" in the prayers box on the left. I thought, "hmmm", printed it out, threw it in the stack of papers 'to read' on the kitchen table and started working with the kids...
I spent some time at Illuminated Ink about a week ago. My son avoids crafts with all the effort he can muster, but he agreed that he would be willing to try the rosary holder kit and the Lourdes grotto kit. The package arrived yesterday...
My daughter has been bent on making that rosary holder NOW ever since. She is home today, recovering from the stomach flu, and asked if we could please, please, please make the rosary holders? Please? I agreed we would make them today. While we were making them...
I found a pamphlet for a novena to Our Lady of Lourdes among those papers on the kitchen table. None of us knew how it got there. I thought, "Hmmm"...
I went into my desk drawer in the school room and found a bottle of Lourdes water, just sitting there. Like it was waiting for me to find it again. I ordered the bottles for my sister in law when she was diagnosed with a brain tumor two and a half years ago. I guess I kept a bottle for myself...
Today's to-do list included the item: "decide when to do Lourdes grotto kits". I guess that's now decided...
The grotto kit will be completed at the end of the novena we started today. I blessed the kids with the Lourdes water and my son very reverently and lovingly blessed me as well.
I'm getting that prickly feeling up and down my arms again. Oh my, oh my, oh my...
__________________ Patty
Mom of ds (7/96) and dd (9/01) and two angels (8/95 and 6/08)
Life at Home
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Nina Murphy Forum All-Star

Joined: May 18 2006 Location: California
Online Status: Offline Posts: 1546
Posted: Feb 02 2007 at 2:15pm | IP Logged
Thanks for the love, Helen and Heather.
I am thrilled about this new Forum devoted solely to being Marian women.
Thanks, Helen!
__________________ God bless,
mother of 9 on earth,
and 2 yet-to-be-met
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