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Angie Mc Board Moderator

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Posted: Jan 01 2008 at 10:37am | IP Logged
Happy New Year, all! In the spirit of New Year's resolutions and annual commitments, how would you like to work as a group to assure that at least one picture book gets posted at this forum each day? To make this extra helpful, let's keep in mind how the search engine works here and supply key words to make picture book searches fruitful in the future. Here's a format:
Place title of book in Subject line.
In message, place name of author and illustrator plus key words.
Optional: add links and personal review.
Of course, members will be able to add their comments and key words in posts to each topic.
Simple, right? If just 20 of us stack up 20 books at our desk and informally rotate topics, we should have a lovely catalogue of books by the end of the year to use with unit studies, rabbit trails, and more. No one has to officially sign up, and hopefully new members will jump in and contribute. Is there a handful of interested members to get started on this? Any other suggestions?
I'll post an example topic and today's picture book of the day, Snowflake Bentley.
__________________ Angie Mc
Maimeo to Henry! Dave's wife, mom to Mrs. Devin+Michael Pope, Aiden 20,Ian 17,John Paul 11,Catherine (heaven 6/07)
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SeaStar Forum Moderator

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Posted: Jan 01 2008 at 5:23pm | IP Logged
With all the books we read, I could definitely pitch in here!
__________________ Melinda, mom to ds ('02) and dd ('04)
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KC in TX Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 01 2008 at 7:50pm | IP Logged
Sounds good! I'll try to contribute at least one sometime.
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cathhomeschool Board Moderator

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Posted: Jan 01 2008 at 9:27pm | IP Logged
What a great idea, Angie! I'll try to pitch in too.
__________________ Janette (4 boys - 22, 21, 15, 14)
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mellyrose Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 01 2008 at 9:43pm | IP Logged
What a wonderful idea! I was planning on posting once a week on my blog about picture books as well, so this will be a wonderful extra resource!
I'll definitely pitch in!
__________________ Melanie in AZ
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: Jan 02 2008 at 12:23pm | IP Logged
I think this is a fabulous idea, Angie. I so enjoy a good picture book and would love to share and brainstorm more, so count me in. Your recommendation to post keywords is genius. That will be so helpful when searching - very forward thinking of you. Melanie, like you, I had hopes since this summer of blogging a picture book recommendation and resources each week. Being the procrastinator that I am, that has not happened. Maybe this will help jump start that focus.
Suggestions: Since we want it to be informal and not tied to a schedule, maybe a good way to do this is for anyone interested to keep a running listing of books (with the info Angie listed and anything else to include) in your personal files. Then when checking the forums if any of us notice that nothing has been posted yet for the day we cut and paste one in without having to put it together on the spot. That way no one would feel lilke they had to have it at a specific day either. I do hope lots of people join in!
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
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Rachel May Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 03 2008 at 1:25pm | IP Logged
This is such a cool idea, but I'm a "keyword" dolt. How do you pick them?
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: Jan 03 2008 at 4:53pm | IP Logged
Picking keywords: I just try to think of what from the book I could include in a unit study/rabbit trail if I did one. Or conversely if someone were studying a topic would this be a book that would be a good go-along for that study.
What is the book about? Who is in it? What things are pictured in it in a prominent way? Where is is set? Who does it mention?
Don't let a lack of "keywording" stop you from contributing. If you want to post a book but don't have ideas for keywords, just say so and we can brainstorm together and add them. Team effort here!
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
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Angie Mc Board Moderator

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Posted: Jan 03 2008 at 5:05pm | IP Logged
Thank you, thank you Melinda, KC, Janette, Melanie, Mary, and Rachel!
MaryM wrote:
Suggestions: Since we want it to be informal and not tied to a schedule, maybe a good way to do this is for anyone interested to keep a running listing of books (with the info Angie listed and anything else to include) in your personal files. Then when checking the forums if any of us notice that nothing has been posted yet for the day we cut and paste one in without having to put it together on the spot. That way no one would feel lilke they had to have it at a specific day either. I do hope lots of people join in!
Excellent and will do!
More on long as a post gets started, we can each add more keywords in a reply post. I'm already thinking about adding words that describe virtues. For example, for Snowflake Bentley I can add "perseverance."
The only caution to this whole idea I can think of is... having the strong desire to purchase all the books mentioned! Yep, I ordered "A Little Boy's Christmas Gift" yesterday . Thanks, Mary!
__________________ Angie Mc
Maimeo to Henry! Dave's wife, mom to Mrs. Devin+Michael Pope, Aiden 20,Ian 17,John Paul 11,Catherine (heaven 6/07)
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: Jan 03 2008 at 5:19pm | IP Logged
Angie Mc wrote:
The only caution to this whole idea I can think of is... having the strong desire to purchase all the books mentioned! Yep, I ordered "A Little Boy's Christmas Gift" yesterday . |
Yes, I'm thinking this could be very dangerous!
And the virtues keywords is a great idea. I could add humility and charity/generosity.
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
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Jenn Sal Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 08 2008 at 5:33pm | IP Logged
This sounds great! You're awsome, Angie!
__________________ Jennifer, Texas
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Angie Mc Board Moderator

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Posted: Jan 08 2008 at 5:37pm | IP Logged
Jenn Sal wrote:
This sounds great! You're awsome, Angie!  |
I paid her to say that .
So I take it you'll be contributing heavily to this effort? .
__________________ Angie Mc
Maimeo to Henry! Dave's wife, mom to Mrs. Devin+Michael Pope, Aiden 20,Ian 17,John Paul 11,Catherine (heaven 6/07)
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Jenn Sal Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 08 2008 at 6:12pm | IP Logged
Angie Mc wrote:
Jenn Sal wrote:
This sounds great! You're awsome, Angie!  |
I paid her to say that .
So I take it you'll be contributing heavily to this effort? .
Love, |
No she didn't!!!
Count me in! Can I use books from FIAR, Catholic Mosaic, etc....
__________________ Jennifer, Texas
Wife to Mark, Mom to Cora 13,Kade 10, Sarah in Heaven 12/05, Colette 7, Corin 5, & Kieran 2
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Angie Mc Board Moderator

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Posted: Jan 08 2008 at 7:46pm | IP Logged
Jenn Sal wrote:
Can I use books from FIAR, Catholic Mosaic, etc.... |
Absolutely! It doesn't matter how you find the picture book (through FIAR, Catholic Mosaic, your library, discussion here, your awesome sister ), if you like the book, make it a topic.
__________________ Angie Mc
Maimeo to Henry! Dave's wife, mom to Mrs. Devin+Michael Pope, Aiden 20,Ian 17,John Paul 11,Catherine (heaven 6/07)
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: April 09 2008 at 10:44am | IP Logged
I'm giving this a bump. It seems that late Lent and Easter have derailed our efforts a little bit though there have been a few posted periodically. I'd love to see it get going again - I was enjoying the good recommendations. Check first post for details. Anyone is welcome to join in.
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
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Matilda Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 09 2008 at 9:12pm | IP Logged
We would be happy to help post but we might have to wait a few weeks for our library to reopen. They moved to a bigger, better location (supposedly with a coffee bar inside)! How does this work? Is there a rotation or something?
__________________ Charlotte (Matilda)
Mom to four (11 , 10 , 9 & 5 ) an even split for now
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Angie Mc Board Moderator

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Posted: April 09 2008 at 10:48pm | IP Logged
Awesome, Matilda...when we're on a roll, we're informally taking turns, posting a book or two every day or so.
__________________ Angie Mc
Maimeo to Henry! Dave's wife, mom to Mrs. Devin+Michael Pope, Aiden 20,Ian 17,John Paul 11,Catherine (heaven 6/07)
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: April 10 2008 at 1:08am | IP Logged
For anyone just joining in, you can look back through some past posts to get an idea - Matilda, I had thought you did one when you added George Washington's Cows, maybe that was just coincidental . Just continue to do something like that when you can - like Angie said, informally. No hard and fast "rules" here - so if we miss a day or have two in one, it's not a big deal.
Also, you can do a search of the archive for this thread to see if a book has already been posted in the past. Enter a couple main words of title (avoid the, an, and, etc.) and search in "Topic Subject" and for Search Forum select only "Picture Book Discoveries." That will narrow the search results and make it very easy to see if it has been posted or not.
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
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Matilda Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 10 2008 at 4:58am | IP Logged
Nope, that was just a coincidence.
__________________ Charlotte (Matilda)
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: Jan 13 2012 at 1:46pm | IP Logged
This thread was started in 2008 to highlight picture books during the year. People post occasionally in this format, but I would love to revisit this. I have all these random picture books I want to mention, but no specific topic or thread to put them in. So, what say, we play it again more regularly. Anyone who is interested, post when you find something to share. Additions and comments always welcome to enhance the threads that are started for a book.
Angie Mc wrote:
Here's a format:
Start new thread.
Place title of book in Subject line.
In message, place name of author and illustrator plus key words.
Optional: add links and personal review. |
Anyone else game?
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
Our Domestic Church
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