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Posted: April 01 2005 at 6:56am | IP Logged Quote Elizabeth

Last night, the DRE in our parish (who is a very close friend) and I were having a good cry together. AS the Pope fades, we were struck with personal grief. This is really the only pope either of us has known and both of us attribute much of our sense of Catholicism to him. Neither of us was catechized very well as a child and we don't really recall the deaths or elections of Popes. So now, once again, we are faced with learning the faith about one step ahead of our children. Thinking both on the family level and on the parish level, what do we do?

We know to lead the children in prayer, but what suggestions do you have for mourning, for helping them to understand the election process, for traditions? If you were the DRE of a small parish what would you be plannning right now? What plans do you have for your family? How can this be a time of spiritual growth that will honor our Holy Father?

My Nicholas, four, is named for the Pope. His middle name is Karol, a tribute to the Pope and to our POlish heritage. Michael has Mike's dad's name as his middle name and Stephen has my dad. Nicholas has the best name of all, that of our Holy Father. He has been very prayerful since rising this morning and a bit melancholy.But he also reminded me that when the HOly Father goes to heaven, his middle name will have a feast day! All the angels will have a celebration and Jesus will be so glad to see his good friend. It never fails to amaze me how pure and beautiful the understanding of children is.

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Posted: April 01 2005 at 7:49am | IP Logged Quote Bridget

We put his picture in a frame, on the mantle with some blessed candles and silk flowers. We will pray for him throughout the day and for his soul and the church after his death.

I'm feeling pretty emotional about this too, I'm sure we all are. Combined with this, and the Schiavo execution...it's just overwhelming.

I guess we ought to pray for strength for each other as well.

God Bless,
Bridget, happily married to Kevin, mom to 8 on earth and a small army in heaven
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Posted: April 01 2005 at 8:19am | IP Logged Quote JennGM

I've been clipping from old newspapers pictures and articles, and finding older holycards and photos to create an album for my son. Nothing fancy, but this will be a collection of memories for him to view, but is also therapeutic for me. I'm overwhelmed with sadness.

I'm switching my TV from the news channel for the latest reports and EWTN for the constant prayers in the background. When it's a family member that dies, there is the overwhelming grief, but you have the "busyness" of making things ready for the funeral that keeps you occupied. Having our Holy Father so sick so far away and removed leaves an emptiness and uselessness feeling.

In my heart, I believe he will die on Divine Mercy Sunday...as he instituted that feast and his love of that devotion (and it being from Poland) runs very deep. But God might call him on a day that has no significance!

Jennifer G. Miller
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Posted: April 01 2005 at 8:24am | IP Logged Quote Elizabeth

jenngm67 wrote:

In my heart, I believe he will die on Divine Mercy Sunday...as he instituted that feast and his love of that devotion (and it being from Poland) runs very deep. But God might call him on a day that has no significance!

That's what I just said to Michael. He reminded me that the day I picked might be poetic, but "the day of no significance" will become very significant if the Holy Father dies that day. As it turns out, Divine Mercy Sunday falls on the birthday of my grandmother and of my sister this year. My sister is a lost sheep who suffers physically herself...

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Posted: April 01 2005 at 8:28am | IP Logged Quote alicegunther

It really is a sorrowful time. I am still trying to understand how the elimination of Terry Schiavo, against the will of her parents, could happen in America. It is unbearable to contemplate and was such difficult news to break to the girls.

I was 11 when Pope John Paul II was elected, and now my eldest child is 11. Time certainly marches on.

Love, Alice
mother of seven!

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Posted: April 01 2005 at 9:02am | IP Logged Quote Karen E.

alicegunther wrote:
trying to understand how the elimination of Terry Schiavo, against the will of her parents, could happen in America. It is unbearable to contemplate and was such difficult news to break to the girls.

Yes ... I thought I had shielded my girls from this, but Emily has been reading the headlines, unbeknownst to me ... I told her yesterday that Terri had died, and she said, "Mom! They should have left her feeding tubes in! Why did they do that?" There is not an easy or edifying explanation ....

And I feel such sadness about the impending loss of our beloved Holy Father. As others have said, he is the only pope I've really "known." I remember his election in 1978 ... I was an agnostic freshman in college, but had some Catholic friends. He's the only pope I've known in my ten years as a Catholic, and the writings of this living saint have so greatly influenced my faith. (Emily said this morning, "Mom, I know he'll go straight to heaven!")

I have a lovely picture of the Holy Father, from my spiritual director. Fr. Joe spent two years in Rome, and gave me a picture of him kissing the Pope's ring. We have the picture on the table today, in a prominent place, and we're praying often for our beloved Papa.

God bless,
Karen E.
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Posted: April 01 2005 at 9:33am | IP Logged Quote JennGM

alicegunther wrote:
I was 11 when Pope John Paul II was elected...

So was I! I remember the call early in the morning (like 6:30) from an aunt, saying that Paul VI had died. Then less than a month later, another early morning call to say that John Paul I had died. To this day those early morning calls still evoke fear that it will bring sad or bad news.

I also had the fear of losing popes so fast, that the end of time would be closer! I harbored fears from reading the Prophecies of St. Malachy which predicts only 2 more popes. You can read the list here. Prophecies aren't infallible...but at the time we got earfuls from one aunt in particular, which made a pre-teen very fearful!

Jennifer G. Miller
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Posted: April 01 2005 at 11:53am | IP Logged Quote JennGM

As I hearing the news that the Pope's death is imminent, it reminded me that if he dies today, it's Friday, in remembrance of the Passion. But it is also April 1, known as "April Fool's Day." One of the legends of why it is called this is that Jesus actually died on April 1.

Jennifer G. Miller
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Posted: April 01 2005 at 12:36pm | IP Logged Quote Elizabeth

FOX just had an audio glitch and accidently reported his death in a very callous manner. Awaiting confirmation but the impact of those words, delivered the way they were was pretty horrible.

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Posted: April 01 2005 at 1:31pm | IP Logged Quote Mare

I am grieving over Terri's death and now with the Holy Father's illness...<sigh>...it's hard not to have tears in my eyes.

Pope John Paul II has been so wonderful. I think what struck me growing up with him, is the the belief that young people are the future and the hope of the church. He saw goodness in us, when many looked at teens as nothing but trouble. I was blessed to have seen our Holy Father when he visited Philadelphia in 1979 and then again in 1994 when I visited Italy. The moment our Holy Father walked past me, I felt, I knew the presence of holiness was there.



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Posted: April 01 2005 at 1:32pm | IP Logged Quote MaryM

While I am personally saddened and experiencing the grief of losing our Holy Father soon, I also have very much in these last years felt that we need to be joyful for him going to paradise – being present with our Lord and His Blessed Mother in heaven. What joy for him for having lived a life of incredible faith, hope, and charity. He has lived for many years with such remarkable strength in a frail and suffering body – now an eternal life of glory!!

I, too, remember when Paul VI and John Paul I died – I was just starting high school. It was emotional even then when we did not have a Pope who had been in that position for so long or who had traveled so much and was so personally known. This will be very emotional and the grief will be hard.

I also can joyfully look back to the times that I had the privilege to see John Paul II and be touched by his presence. When John Paul II came to the United States for the first time (1979) – the first Pope to do so, he celebrated Mass on the Mall in Washington DC. We were living in Northern Virginia at the time and my mother and father, recognizing the huge significance and opportunity of this, took our family – braving the HUGE crowds to see and hear him. We saw him again when he came to Denver in 1993 for World Youth Day. Those are treasured memories.

So now my prayers are for him to have a peaceful death and then prayers will continue for our Church. It is in the following weeks (months) that our Church could be in much turmoil. We aren’t sure what we will face as many inside and outside of the Church “lobby” for a successor. We need to pray for the future Pope who will be chosen as he will face many challenges.

Mary M. in Denver

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Posted: April 01 2005 at 1:52pm | IP Logged Quote guitarnan

My son says he is very sad about the Pope, but that he would like to be in Rome to see the white smoke go up when a new Pope is chosen...he has a sense that this is real history in the making, that he would like to be part of it.

We have been pretty up front with our children about Terri Schiavo and the Holy Father. It only took my daughter a few seconds to figure out that not feeding Terri was "wrong and stupid" (her words). Now I hope they both will see that the Holy Father is dying as he has lived...not with words to tell us what to do, but with actions that reveal his devotion to Our Lord, his humble spirituality, and his total dedication to the Culture of Life.

We're so blessed to have been given such a man as our spiritual leader. No one could ever doubt his dedication to God's plan for him.

I plan to use this sad time to help my children see how we should all face our final hours. I know it is no coincidence that our Holy Father should meet Our Lord at this particular time, when our country has been devastated by Terri Schiavo's tragic passing.

We'll also talk about choosing a new Pope, the College of Cardinals, and all of that, as events unfold.

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one crying today.

Nancy in MD. Mom of ds (24) & dd (18); 31-year Navy wife, move coordinator and keeper of home fires. Writer and dance mom.
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Posted: April 01 2005 at 3:47pm | IP Logged Quote Mare

I received an email from Catholic Exchange and thought I'd pass on a song about Pope John Paul II.





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Posted: April 01 2005 at 4:02pm | IP Logged Quote KristinaP

I feel like I'm losing a best friend. but on the other hand, at least now I'll feel like I can converse with him in prayer while he's in heaven. I'll never forget the way he looked at me when he shook my hand; like I was the only one in the world and I was his best friend, even though there were throngs of people all around. He is my Papa and although, I'll miss him on earth, I'm very, very happy that he'll be going home soon to eternal rest and happiness.
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Posted: April 01 2005 at 6:10pm | IP Logged Quote TracyQ

Pope John Paul II

CHC has a very nice picture with some of our Holy Father's words.

We've been sad all day. I've been crying on and off today. It's been a very difficult day. I was signed upu for my first hour of Eucharistic Adoration today at our church, something I've always wanted to do.

What a blessing to be before our Lord, able to devote special time in this Year of the Eucharist, proclaimed by our Holy Father in prayer for him as well.

I feel like I'm losing my father. My earthly father was never really in my life as a father, and this pope felt like my earthly father.

I want him to be at peace, and not to have to suffer anymore. He deserves that so much.

I am thinking about what we're going to do. But I am SO thankful to be able to come here, with all of you, who know how I feel.

I'll write more later, I need to go where people will not have any clue why I'm so sad tonight.

Blessings and Peace,
Tracy Q.
wife of Marty for 20 years, mom of 3 wonderful children (1 homeschool graduate, 1 12th grader, and a 9th grader),
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Posted: April 01 2005 at 6:40pm | IP Logged Quote Elizabeth

TracyQ wrote:

I feel like I'm losing my father. My earthly father was never really in my life as a father, and this pope felt like my earthly father.

This is exactly, precisely how I feel. Exactly.

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Posted: April 01 2005 at 7:08pm | IP Logged Quote Erica Sanchez

We were out shopping this morning when my husband called to tell us what was happening with the Holy Father - I just cried right there in Wal-Mart and then at Trader Joe's and in the car and in front of the TV. The kids keep asking, very gently, did he die yet?

While I was watching the news, they wanted to play Mass and set up a beautiful "church" on the patio. When they started the "Mass", they said 'this Mass is for our pope'. I told them that if our pope died right then, he would look down and smile upon them.

My husband and I were blessed to attend World Youth Day in Denver. My only regret is that my children never got to meet him in person (our secret little dream if we ever won the lottery!).

Sad, but so very happy to have lived under such a strong world and church leader and holy, holy man!

Have a beautiful and fun day!
Erica in San Diego
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Posted: April 01 2005 at 7:14pm | IP Logged Quote KristinaP

Yeah, my 7 yr old was crying b/c he never got to meet Pope John Paul. He was all set to go hop on a plane to Rome! Heck, me too... if we won the lottery!
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Posted: April 01 2005 at 8:36pm | IP Logged Quote alicegunther

Mare wrote:

Pope John Paul II has been so wonderful. I think what struck me growing up with him, is the the belief that young people are the future and the hope of the church. He saw goodness in us, when many looked at teens as nothing but trouble. I was blessed to have seen our Holy Father when he visited Philadelphia in 1979 Mare

I saw him in Shea Stadium in 1979. We had four tickets--one for me, my friend Anne, and our moms. It was pouring rain, but we didn't care a bit. It was amazing to see our young robust pope, even from a distance. My father was smarter than all of us. He walked a block from our house to Queens Boulevard and watched the motorcade pass by. He wound up getting a better view than we did.

Jenn, I too remember the death of Pope Paul VI, the election of Pope John Paul I, and the bewildering feeling when he passed away so soon. I also remember the excitement of a Polish Pope and news reports of Polish Americans crowding the airports to fly to Rome.

Love, Alice
mother of seven!

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Posted: April 01 2005 at 11:42pm | IP Logged Quote juliecinci

And I remember being in Rome on Christmas in St. Peter's square for his Christmas address in 1981. It was the year of Solidarity and all that went on in Poland with Lech Walensa. I took photos of these huge banners and the crowded square and Pope JP II giving his blessing in about a hundred different langauges. It was so moving.

He'll be missed.

I so appreciate the way he reached out to other faiths and traveled all over the world with his message of peace.

And one of my favorite memories comes second-hand from Bono of U2. Bono visted the Pope in order to thank him for his support of reaching out to AIDS victims in Africa. He gave the Pope his blue wrap-around sunglasses and apparently, the Pope put them on! The cardinals then took all the film from the journalists so that those photos would never see the light of day . The Pope then gave Bono a rosary in return and if you see photos of Bono on this world tour, he's wearing it.

Peace to all of you.

Homeschooling five for fourteen years
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