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Tina P.
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Posted: Dec 01 2006 at 10:07am | IP Logged Quote Tina P.

I noticed that all of you chose low-heeled boots. If I hadn't ruined my feet for heels by competitively running on inferior shoes, I don't know whether I would feel the same. Probably would, however. I like to be comfortable. I do think shoes have an impact on modesty. Do you agree? What are your thoughts on this?

As for makeup, I wear mascara because if I didn't I would look eyelashless. Never used to be like this, I used to have lush eyelashes. I sometimes, seems more often in the summer, wear eyeliner. That's it. I have
rosacea, so to put any rouge on my cheeks would just make the condition more noticeable.

My daughter was interested in makeup for quite a while. It actually worried me because I use so little. She still pretends to put it on or plays with what colors she can get her hands on in front of the bathroom mirror, but she washes it off immediately and notices how gaudy women who overuse makeup look.

How do you view hair as helping us to look feminine and modest? Does it have to be long? When mine gets to the middle of my back, regardless of how much I brush it, it gets messy. I have some wicked natural wave. When is hair *not* feminine on a woman? Is there such a thing? Is it vain to color your hair? Or is there are certain amount that's OK? I really would like to cover the gray for the holidays.

And my last question is: Do we *have* to wear nightgowns? That used to be all I wore. But I find that the long ones get tangled all around me. The short ones are too short. And how are we supposed to nurse in them? So I've come up with an alternative. Long Johns from Hanna Anderson (on sale, of course) are the ticket. They are warm, loose-fitting enough to fit a turtleneck under the shirt and yet tight enough to wear as long underwear under other clothing. They're not exactly feminine, but I love them. What do you think?

God bless,

Tina, wife to one and mom to 9 + 3 in heaven
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Posted: Dec 01 2006 at 10:25am | IP Logged Quote Marybeth

Well, I do believe if you feel better with your hair colored...go for it. I don't want to have gray hair so I get my hair highlighted each season. I really like it this way. I don't think long hair is the only way to look feminine. Hair needs to suit your face...sometimes long hair can make a face look too long, hidden, etc.

My big things are highlighting my hair and getting my eyebrows threaded. Also, shoes are my downfall..I don't have many pairs but do get good ones and have very strappy open-toed fun shoes for summer. My winter ones are so clunky but look cute.

We don't have to wear nightgowns. I don't. I wear what my dh likes. Also, I live in the midwest with a thyroid problem in the dead of winter I have to dress for warmth...I can't get my legs warm in a nightgown.

That is just me. I don't box myself into what others perceive as feminine...that style or look may not be right for my body type or my health.


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Posted: Dec 01 2006 at 11:03am | IP Logged Quote Ruth

I just started wearing skirts and dresses exclusively. I got rid of all my pants, but I LOVE my fleece pajama pants and top. I have 2 pairs that I won't give uo. I too have thyroid disease and I'm always very cold.

As for make-up, I wear mascara, and blush, and a very light touch of lipstick. I have very pale complexion. I look dead like my dd told me last night. I'm always tired and it shows, so I need color in my face.

Because of my thyroid condition I started having grey hair at 21, but I don't color it bacause it seems to be a lot of trouble, and my husband likes the grey. I just started letting grow back after cutting off 8 inches 2 years ago.

I hope this helps.

God bless. Ruth


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Posted: Dec 01 2006 at 2:04pm | IP Logged Quote hylabrook1

I'm not real big on make-up; don't use it EVERY day. I feel like my skin tone is blotchy (52 years of sun exposure catching up with me ), so I sometimes use Clinique Almost Makeup instead of foundation; it evens things out, but feels less "make-uppy", blush, mascara, and tinted lip gloss. I guess I want the effect of minimizing some natural flaws but want it to look natural, not "all dolled up". Shoes are an issue -- I can't walk in anything more snazzy than Birkenstock sandals . As far as sleepwear, I sleep in long flannel nightgowns -- and socks! As much as some people say they get all snarled up in long nightgowns, I feel that way more with PJ pants twisting around on me. As far as nursing in nighties, it's not difficult to find ones with button-up fronts that "promote access". I'm also not the jewelry queen, but usually wear earrings (and, of course, my wedding ring).

I guess overall, I'm kind of plain and simple, functional, but try not to look too utilitarian!

(Having fun with emoticons)...

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Tina P.
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Posted: Dec 01 2006 at 2:54pm | IP Logged Quote Tina P.

hylabrook1 wrote:
I'm not real big on make-up; don't use it EVERY day. I feel like my skin tone is blotchy (52 years of sun exposure catching up with me ), so I sometimes use Clinique Almost Makeup instead of foundation; it evens things out, but feels less "make-uppy", blush, mascara, and tinted lip gloss. I guess I want the effect of minimizing some natural flaws but want it to look natural, not "all dolled up".

Exactly my thoughts. With my rosacea, my cheeks look blotchy. Are you sure you don't have this condition? I have heard that I can't handle the situation until I haven't been pregnant/nursed for two years because it requires steroid treatment. I have to check out that Almost Makeup stuff. Is it more sheer but does it still cover the blotchiness? Is it liquid? I usually have trouble with liquids because my skin is so dry.

hylabrook1 wrote:
I'm also not the jewelry queen, but usually wear earrings (and, of course, my wedding ring).

I *do* like my jewelry. However, I'm seeing how ... oh, what's the word? ... greedy, maybe? ... I am for having collected some in England. We had an Air Force Ball and I wanted to look, well, elegant. Then I just didn't stop for a while. I do that sometimes. I collect *things* and then regret it later. It doesn't happen often. I usually just lose my mind about once a year. Wish my mind would sort through these things *before* I pay for the items. Jewelry's a great addition to this topic! Thanks for adding it, Nancy.

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Posted: Dec 01 2006 at 5:48pm | IP Logged Quote MicheleQ


I wear make-up. Foundation, powder, blush and mascara - sometimes eyeshadow. I don't wear it heavy, in fact my dad told me he thought I never wore make-up and I told him that's the point, it's supposed to look natural. I don't wear it everyday but almost - though I do put face lotion with sun protection on everyday. My skin gets dry and itchy if i don't keep it moist - especially in the winter. It takes me all of five minutes to do my face rountine and about 10 min. to curl my hair on the days I do. I can wash my hair every 3 -4 days, curl it with a curling iron and have it last until the next washing (except when it's humid and then I don't even bother to try - it all just goes up in a clip). I don't color my hair but I also don't have any gray - yet. I would like it to be more blonde (it's gotten darker over the last few years) but I am too cheap to pay to have it professionally highlighted and the one time I did it myself it didn't turn out well so I let it be it's natural color - which at this point is a boring light brownish blonde.

I'm not anal about these things and there are days when I don't do anything beyond brushing my hair and putting lotion on my face but I do think there is value in making the effort to look appealing both for your dh and family AND as a witness to the world.

I like my hair long. It grows very fast and keeping it short means getting it cut often - plus dh likes it long too.

And then there are the days like yesterday when I wish I had curled my hair and put make-up on because I ended up on the news! (click on the video 11-30 Lancaster Shootings)

Oh and I do tend to wear lower heeled shoes these days but I do like heels sometimes - I just can't wear them as long as I used to be able to.

Michele Quigley
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Posted: Dec 01 2006 at 6:21pm | IP Logged Quote Carole N.

MicheleQ wrote:

And then there are the days like yesterday when I wish I had curled my hair and put make-up on because I ended up on the news! (click on the video 11-30 Lancaster Shootings)

Don't we all have days like that!
But you looked very pleasant.

Carole ... in Wales
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Posted: Dec 01 2006 at 7:04pm | IP Logged Quote lapazfarm

Awwww! Your accent is so cute!

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Posted: Dec 01 2006 at 7:32pm | IP Logged Quote MicheleQ

lapazfarm wrote:
Awwww! Your accent is so cute!

Accent? What accent??

BTW I've been having some strongish contractions in the last 2 hours - please pray. Could be because of the change in the barometric pressure. There's a storm front headed our way . . and hopefully a baby too!

Michele Quigley
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Posted: Dec 01 2006 at 7:49pm | IP Logged Quote lapazfarm

How exciting!!!

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Posted: Dec 01 2006 at 9:00pm | IP Logged Quote momwise

MicheleQ wrote:

BTW I've been having some strongish contractions in the last 2 hours - please pray.

How exciting...I will pray...I watched the video but didn't see you . There weren't any interviews...oh well, I'll try again.

Gwen...wife for 30 years, mom of 7, grandma of 3.....
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Posted: Dec 01 2006 at 9:06pm | IP Logged Quote momwise

momwise wrote:
...I watched the video but didn't see you . There weren't any interviews...oh well, I'll try again.

Oh o.k...it seems I watched the Morning report. Now I've got the right one.

Gwen...wife for 30 years, mom of 7, grandma of 3.....
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Posted: Dec 01 2006 at 10:36pm | IP Logged Quote MicheleQ

They fizzled out - I'm going to bed. Actually it's better anyway because my dh really needs to be available tomorrow morning. He has to drive 17 yr. old son to a drill weekend (National Guard) and then help his dad get settled into the new nursing/rehab center he was moved to tonight. All of which means going to his dad's apt., gathering things he needs, taking care of paperwork and oh yeah it seems they left dad's glasses and watch at the hospital so he has to stop and get those as well. Please pray for my dh as he has a lot on his plate right now and I am unable to help and his siblings are mostly unwilling or unavailable.

Yikes Tina I totally hijacked your thread! To get it back on track let me say that I don't think we need to wear nightgowns and personally I am not fond of them for the tangle factor. I wear p.j. pants (flannel backed satin being my favorite as they keep you warm on the inside and allow for easy movement under blankets on the outside) and a long sleeved t-shirt. And it still looks pretty (I like pretty ).


Michele Quigley
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Posted: Dec 02 2006 at 8:03am | IP Logged Quote JennGM

MicheleQ wrote:
lapazfarm wrote:
Awwww! Your accent is so cute!

Accent? What accent??

BTW I've been having some strongish contractions in the last 2 hours - please pray. Could be because of the change in the barometric pressure. There's a storm front headed our way . . and hopefully a baby too!

You look beautiful, Michele! I wish I looked that good without makeup and hair done!

Jennifer G. Miller
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Posted: Dec 02 2006 at 4:34pm | IP Logged Quote MicheleQ

JennGM wrote:
You look beautiful, Michele! I wish I looked that good without makeup and hair done!

I know you do Jenn - I've met you!

Michele Quigley
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Posted: Dec 02 2006 at 5:16pm | IP Logged Quote hylabrook1

Tina -

I have mild rosacea, but it mostly only acts up if I drink wine or eat spicy food. Also, I can't use exfoliating facial scrubs or any of those moisturizers with the vitamin A products in them. The blotches I'm talking about are brown remnants from sun exposure while pregnant. Even though it has been a few years since I've been pregnant, they caught hold and are now permanent.

Clinique Almost Makeup comes in a tube and is very creamy, so it tends to be somewhat moisturizing, although I still use cream under it. But, as far as you needing to be careful about things drying your skin too much, it might be a good product for you. Also, it is SPF 15.

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Posted: Dec 02 2006 at 7:14pm | IP Logged Quote Karen E.

Yikes, Michele! How scary!

But, you looked adorable,and you do have a cute accent.

God bless,
Karen E.
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Posted: Dec 03 2006 at 2:37pm | IP Logged Quote Sarah

Michele you are so pretty!

I wear quite a bit of make-up but subtle colors. I have terrible acne and scars so I wear a foundation and I'm fair so I need eyeliner, mascara, and blush. I also don't think there is anything wrong with natural colored eyeshadow, so I wear that too.

I wear regular pajamas because I get cold. Its my one chance to wear pants since I only wear skirts during the day. I do love nightgowns, however.

I think a woman can still be feminie and modest in pajamas, in makeup, and without long hair. Her hair shouldn't look like a man's, IMO kind of shorter feminine hair is okay. Not everybody can wear long hair and look good. My hair is shoulder-lengthed, however.

Good topic.

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Posted: Dec 03 2006 at 5:56pm | IP Logged Quote SuzanneG

I have had both long and short hair. Right now, it's easier to have long hair because I only have to wash it every 4-6 days, and I don't like going for haircuts on a regular basis. I also like to just brush it in the morning and put it up. I agree with whomever said above that you have to go with your face type and your lifestyle.

As for coloring/highlighting....I split a highlighting box with my neighbor, and we put a little bit of blonde in the top and front....just to brighten our faces a bit. However, I'm getting more gray, and maybe in a few months or so, I may start going to get it foiled. I decided to wait until it was really nec....cuz it's costly. I've been happy with my "$10 box jobs."

I do wear make-up probably 70% of the time. Since having babies, I have very blotchy, red skin. I really like Sheer Cover
It's not heavy feeling and covers the blotchyness. Their "3-month-supply" lasts me for 6-12 months. I wear mascara and sometimes a bit of eye shadow, and eyebrow pencil....it takes me probably 3-5 minutes to do my makeup.

I have orthotics, so I'm limited with shoe choices. They have to be able to fit my orthotic. And, they always end up being flat, pretty clunky....no heels for me.

I don't think these things are vain....just part of looking nice.   

As for nightgowns, I wear more pants/shirt things...nursing here too. I have a friend who went out and bought an inexpensive white lacey nightgown from KMart and said what a difference it actually made...made her feel more feminine, etc.

Suzanne in WA
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Tina P.
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Posted: Dec 03 2006 at 11:46pm | IP Logged Quote Tina P.

suzgallus wrote:
I have had both long and short hair.

I let my hair grow until I just can't stand it anymore, then I donate 10 or 12 inches to Locks for Love.

suzgallus wrote:
sometimes a bit of eye shadow,

When I try to wear sort of natural color eyeshadow (which for me is hues of brown), I end up looking as though I have black eyes. I constantly have undereye circles, so to have dark color on my lids just accentuates the darkness underneath!    

God bless,

Tina, wife to one and mom to 9 + 3 in heaven
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