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Maddie Forum All-Star

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 8:43pm | IP Logged
As I mentioned in the Prayer thread we have our dear priest coming for dinner this Sunday as well as some good friends. I'm looking for a good beer to offer, the priests that used to frequent our home always enjoyed a Heineken but is there something better?
What a about a wine cooler?
You ladies always seem to have the greatest ideas! My dh and I don't drink often so I'm pretty clueless.
__________________ ~Maddie~
Wife to my dh and Momma of 9 dear ones
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guitarnan Forum Moderator

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 9:00pm | IP Logged
Beer is such a taste thing (which is why I don't drink it at all, LOL!). If you're only buying one six-pack, may I suggest Sam Adams Boston Lager - currently in our fridge - most of our guests seem to like this. (If it were summer I'd say get Corona, but...) If you're buying a lot of beer you could get a Sam Adams variety case.
I'd say no to wine Navy friends call them "girl beer" and I guess that's kind of tainted my opinion of them (and the fact that at the last Navy party I went to, no one drank them...).
My husband drinks a wild and wacky variety of beers, including "rauchbier" (smoked hops beer) from Germany, and we still end up buying Sam Adams for parties.
PS - Rauchbier tastes even worse than regular beer. I'm just saying.
__________________ Nancy in MD. Mom of ds (24) & dd (18); 31-year Navy wife, move coordinator and keeper of home fires. Writer and dance mom.
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JodieLyn Forum Moderator

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 9:55pm | IP Logged
Yes, I think I'd agree more or less with Nancy..
What you want is a light beer that those who tend to drink something like Budweiser or Miller or Coors would be able to drink but of what my dh would consider better quality. The India Pale Ales (done by many micro-breweries) would be a good choice. Some brands (breweries) my dh likes are Alaskan, Bridgeport, Sierra Nevada, Deschutes
__________________ Jodie, wife to Dave
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jenk Forum Pro

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 9:55pm | IP Logged
My dh has just started brewing his own so has also been "taste-testing" different beers.
Sam Adams is a favorite (the Boston Lager, like Nancy mentioned) but he also just picked up Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale that I think he likes even better. He had me smell it in a glass and I thought it was home brewed... smelled very good.
__________________ Jen
with 2 boys, 14 and 8, and a girl expected 1/09
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folklaur Forum All-Star

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 10:04pm | IP Logged
i call my DH a total beer snob. he agrees.
his current favorite is Chimay, which you can get at WholeFoods.
if you are just getting a six pack from a regular grocery store, i concur with the others who mentioned Sam Adams.
(i hate beer. blech.)
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Maddie Forum All-Star

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 10:31pm | IP Logged
guitarnan wrote:
I'd say no to wine Navy friends call them "girl beer" |
Consider me tainted now too!
So, Samuel Adams I can pick up at the grocery store, what about all the others: Alaskan, Bridgeport, Sierra Nevada, Deschutes, grocery store? liquor store?
Thank you for all the responses!
__________________ ~Maddie~
Wife to my dh and Momma of 9 dear ones
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JodieLyn Forum Moderator

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 10:35pm | IP Logged
I get those at Safeway (grocery store) here. Nothing too exotic. I usually pick something out by the description and price.. and dh tells me I have good taste in beer
I can't/don't drink it myself
__________________ Jodie, wife to Dave
G-18, B-17, G-15, G-14, B-13, B-11, G-9, B-7, B-5, B-4
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Maddie Forum All-Star

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 10:40pm | IP Logged
Thank you, I didn't exactly want to offer him a Bud, and I hate the taste of beer so I had no idea.
What do the ladies drink, it seems most of us don't care for beer, so what do you like?
__________________ ~Maddie~
Wife to my dh and Momma of 9 dear ones
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 10:44pm | IP Logged
Maddie wrote:
what about all the others: Alaskan, Bridgeport, Sierra Nevada, Deschutes, grocery store? liquor store?
Some of those are likely regional (Deschutes and Bridgeport are Pacific NW I know) so in their region might be available at the grocery story - otherwise probably only at the liquor stores, if even there. We have a lot of good local Colorado beers (so I hear, as I don't drink them either ) but I know they aren't all distributed widely in the US.
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
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JodieLyn Forum Moderator

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 10:46pm | IP Logged
Well considering how often I'm pregnant and/or nursing.. Mostly water or non-caffienated soda is great, I like herbal teas or lemonade too.
I might have some wine, I do like the hard apple cider they have near the beer.. too fruity for beer drinkers but the closest to a beer I've found that I can drink (something in beer upsets my stomach). And my sister likes the malt-beverages like the Smirnoff drinks. Hmm I can't have those either.. bet it's the malt I can't have
__________________ Jodie, wife to Dave
G-18, B-17, G-15, G-14, B-13, B-11, G-9, B-7, B-5, B-4
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 10:47pm | IP Logged
Maddie wrote:
What do the ladies drink, it seems most of us don't care for beer, so what do you like? |
Well, Mary G. is a beer drinker - maybe she will chime in. She always gives me a hard time because I prefer wine coolers to beer (sorry, Nancy ), white wine to red, and herbal tea to black. She says I'm a wimpy drinker...
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
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JodieLyn Forum Moderator

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 10:49pm | IP Logged
Mary.. you're a girl.. it's ok to drink girl beer
__________________ Jodie, wife to Dave
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 10:54pm | IP Logged
JodieLyn wrote:
Mary.. you're a girl.. it's ok to drink girl beer
OK - that's a relief!
Hey, does anyone remember this (long!) thread - choices--caffiene, alcohol? where everyone shared their drinking preferences - .
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
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folklaur Forum All-Star

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 10:54pm | IP Logged
Maddie wrote:
What do the ladies drink, it seems most of us don't care for beer, so what do you like? |
ice tea, with lots of sugar. maybe a Shirley Temple if i am feeling wild & crazy. ;)
i don't like most alcoholic drinks...mostly because i have a very thin line between enjoying a drink and throwing up. i am a total light-weight. i haven't had a drink in yeeeeeears. one beer would do me in. srsly. i'm a wimp.
when i did occasionally have a drink, the froufier and sweeter the better. my drink of choice is a Malibu Bay Breeze, which is Coconut rum, with Pineapple juice and a splash of cranberry juice. it's very pretty in a glass, too. looks like a sunset.
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guitarnan Forum Moderator

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 11:32pm | IP Logged
For the record, I like girl beer - okay, not black cherry - but I don't know any men who do. (Admittedly, I hang out with sailors...)
Sierra Nevada is good but I don't know how widely it is distributed. It's brewed not too far from my husband's home town, too!
DH likes some microbrew from Charlottesville (VA) but I forget the name. (Of course, we have none here...he drank it, LOL!)
Many higher-end liquor stores carry a decent selection of beer - microbrew, imported and otherwise. If you're going for an India Pale Ale (IPA) or other microbrew, you might need to find a liquor store in a nicer neighborhood.
Trust me, though, Father will be happy for the home-cooked meal with a different set of faces around the table! Beer is an extra.
__________________ Nancy in MD. Mom of ds (24) & dd (18); 31-year Navy wife, move coordinator and keeper of home fires. Writer and dance mom.
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JodieLyn Forum Moderator

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Posted: Nov 04 2009 at 11:50pm | IP Logged
Laura - you know just pineapple juice with a splash of cranberry and some sprite makes a tasty drink.. also orange juice, sprite and grenadine. And for the coconut flavor.. just use some coconut milk/cream in it.
__________________ Jodie, wife to Dave
G-18, B-17, G-15, G-14, B-13, B-11, G-9, B-7, B-5, B-4
All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education.
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SuzanneG Forum Moderator

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Posted: Nov 05 2009 at 1:29am | IP Logged
If you can't find those regional beers listed above,
Fat Tire (New Belgium from Colorado) is national and I have yet to meet someone who doesn't like it! You should be able to find that all over for sure. New Belgium - Fat Tire
__________________ Suzanne in ID
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SuzanneG Forum Moderator

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Posted: Nov 05 2009 at 1:29am | IP Logged
And, shouldn't this thread go in "Our Domestic Church"?????
__________________ Suzanne in ID
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Lisbet Forum All-Star

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Posted: Nov 05 2009 at 5:15am | IP Logged
I like beer too and this time of year Sam Adams has a nice Harvest Ale (or is it October Ale and it's done this year?) I believe it may be Blue Moon that has the Harvest Ale. It's very good, and nicely seasonal.
__________________ Lisa, wife to Tony,
Mama to:
Nick, 17
Abby, 15
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SusanJ Forum All-Star

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Posted: Nov 05 2009 at 5:39am | IP Logged
I'm a huge beer fan. I almost wrote huge beer drinker but that isn't quite the case. We try to be moderate for cost reasons. But last summer when we were spending three days in the car at the start of our big cross-country move, Dh and I bought two really nice Belgian Ales (the kind that come in those big bottles) to drink in the hotel rooms each night It really helped.
Dh always tells people who want to buy a nice beer but dont' drink it themselves to avoid anything that costs less than $1.25/bottle. But, there are a lot of good beers that fall below this price range.
In Minnesota our absolute favorite for every day is Summitt. That is the worst thing about living on the East Coast. Other places . . . if you have a Trader Joe's near you, their "store brand" beers are actually pretty good for the money. TJs will also let you make your own six pack so you could get a bunch of things to try.
I think Sam Adams is pretty uninspiring but their Oktoberfest beer, out now, is probably the best. And Sam Adams is a step up for those who like Bud, etc., but definitely drinkable for beer snobs like dh and I
I keep thinking of that "would you think less of me post" every time I post now . . .
Anyway, I'd take beer over wine pretty much any day though I do love wine and mixed drinks, too.
__________________ Mom to Joseph-8, Margaret-6, William-4, Gregory-2, and new little one due 11/1
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