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Posted: Sept 05 2013 at 5:03pm | IP Logged Quote Angel

Has anyone used emeals.com? Obviously I would have to tweak it a little, since their "family" meal plans serve 3-6, but I'm just looking for anything to make my life a little easier on the food front, especially as we start up school again.

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Posted: Sept 05 2013 at 7:08pm | IP Logged Quote CrunchyMom

I haven't. I used theFresh20 a couple of years ago and liked it. Emeals looks to be a similar concept, just with more options, and it looks to allow for a variety of diets, which is really neat.

I liked that Fresh20 was seasonal, so it was easy to buy from local sources or use things from the garden. I recently bought the book of Fresh20 weekly menus, and I like it, but I do think I'll use it more in the Fall and Winter when the garden produce isn't begging to be used up in an unpredictable way. It isn't focused on the budgeting like Emeals seems to be, but then, I don't do much shopping at the grocery store.

Five Boys(6/04) (6/06) (9/08)(3/11),(7/13), and 1 girl (5/16)
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Posted: Sept 06 2013 at 5:08pm | IP Logged Quote Angel

Hmmm. Fresh20 looks good, too. I like their sample gluten-free week more than the e-meals one and we also eat seasonally for the most part, but I was looking at tweaking the Mediterranean plan on e-meals. I guess they're both about the same price, too.

So you did feel like you got your money's worth out of Fresh20?

Mom to 9, 7 boys and 2 girls
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Posted: Sept 06 2013 at 6:09pm | IP Logged Quote CrunchyMom

Yes, but I never paid full price. I got several months on special. If I were to do it again, I think I might do the yearly subscription so I had access to the archives and could pick and choose more. The author is in CA, and I remember the seasons being off for us at times.

You might also consider the book. It is 16 weeks, 4 of each season for about the same as the 3 month plan. It is very pretty with lots of full color pictures. My only qualm is not being able to easily print the list and scribble on it, lol.

I'd like to eventually go through with post-its to add things to the list that I might normally modify and add to the prep ahead list, like making chicken stock or dried beans instead of buying canned. I also remember there being a few things she didn't have in "prep ahead" that could have been.

Five Boys(6/04) (6/06) (9/08)(3/11),(7/13), and 1 girl (5/16)
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Posted: Sept 06 2013 at 6:15pm | IP Logged Quote SallyT

We did emeals for a while, and . . . eh. We tried the low-carb program, and thought the recipes were hit-or-miss, with lots more prepared ingredients (not quite "open a can," but almost) than I normally cook with. Our grocery bills went up, too. I looked at their Aldi program, wanting cheaper, but recipes seemed, again, to run to the "open a packet of instant dry soup" thing.

Some of the recipes were really good, but not so good that I wanted to pay for the subscription.


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Posted: Sept 06 2013 at 6:16pm | IP Logged Quote SallyT

Oh, and our family of six never thought it was enough food.


Castle in the Sea
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