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Posted: Aug 20 2013 at 6:50pm | IP Logged Quote pumpkinmom

I just picked a ton of tomatoes and planning to make some spaghetti sauce. I've seen packets at the store, but I would like to make it from scratch. Anyone have a recipe to share?

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Posted: Aug 20 2013 at 7:00pm | IP Logged Quote JodieLyn

you want to can spaghetti sauce? or you want to make it for dinner without using a can?

Jodie, wife to Dave
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Posted: Aug 20 2013 at 8:53pm | IP Logged Quote pumpkinmom

I'm wanting to can it.

Homeschooling my little patch of Ds-14 and Ds-10
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Posted: Aug 20 2013 at 9:24pm | IP Logged Quote JodieLyn

Water bath or pressure canner?

Sorry for all the questions..

But for pressure canning my suggestion is not add any meat, and then use any recipe you like for the sauce.. you just use the canning time and pressure for the longest time and highest pressure of any one of the ingredients.

Jodie, wife to Dave
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Posted: Aug 21 2013 at 1:15am | IP Logged Quote pumpkinmom

No meat, but since my husband does the canning I'm not sure which method he will want to use.

Homeschooling my little patch of Ds-14 and Ds-10
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Posted: Aug 21 2013 at 1:25am | IP Logged Quote JodieLyn

I think spaghetti sauce is normally pressure canned.. being a tomato base it may be possible to find a recipe that's acid enough to waterbath can though.

But yeah, if you have a recipe you already use, you can can it.

I'd give you my recipe but it more or less involves.. browning onion and canned mushrooms and tossing in some diced tomato and tomato sauce, a handful or so of Italian seasoning, some extra rosemary, salt and pepper, red wine (or a smaller amount of red wine vinegar) and letting it all simmer while the noodles cook.

Yep that's the way I tend to cook. Luckily I can also teach how to cook that way so my children are able to learn to cook too

Jodie, wife to Dave
G-18, B-17, G-15, G-14, B-13, B-11, G-9, B-7, B-5, B-4

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Posted: Aug 21 2013 at 11:57am | IP Logged Quote mathmama

I made tons of sauce using this recipe last year Easy marinara I didn't can it, but froze it in half gallons. This sauce is loved by all, especially with meatballs       Oh, and one note, I wasn't too sure how my crew would feel about a chunky sauce, so after letting it simmer all day I put it in the fridge and then puréed it the next day. I refrigerated it because I was too tired at the end of the day to do it (I was pg).

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Posted: Aug 21 2013 at 7:02pm | IP Logged Quote pumpkinmom

mathmama wrote:
I made tons of sauce using this recipe last year Easy marinara I didn't can it, but froze it in half gallons. This sauce is loved by all, especially with meatballs       Oh, and one note, I wasn't too sure how my crew would feel about a chunky sauce, so after letting it simmer all day I put it in the fridge and then pur�ed it the next day. I refrigerated it because I was too tired at the end of the day to do it (I was pg).

This looks yummy! I'm wanting to can because my freezer is full. We may get a small deep freezer, but it keeps getting put off with other expenses coming up. Thanks!

Homeschooling my little patch of Ds-14 and Ds-10
Tending the Pumpkin Patch
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