Oh, Dearest Mother, Sweetest Virgin of Altagracia, our Patroness. You are our Advocate and to you we recommend our needs. You are our Teacher and like disciples we come to learn from the example of your holy life. You are our Mother, and like children, we come to offer you all of the love of our hearts. Receive, dearest Mother, our offerings and listen attentively to our supplications. Amen.

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10 Bright Stars
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Posted: Dec 07 2007 at 11:48pm | IP Logged Quote 10 Bright Stars

Good evening everyone or should I say, "Good Morning!" For some reason I am in here at midnight since I can't sleep. (coffee?? ) Anyway, I have been super stressed lately in trying to "juggle it all". Do any of you all have trouble getting distracted during the day due to all the messes and disorder that you see? I am a mom of 8 with twin 2 year olds. I was never a neat freak per se, but I definately notice a correlation between exterior order and my inner peace. Today, I spent most of the day trying to have the kids work on their school work in the kitchen while I tried to make sense of the room. The whole time I was cleaning the kitchen, I felt guilty because I was not sitting at the table with them. I don't usually get up and do day long house cleaning like that, but it was really calling for it, and when exactly AM I going to clean the house????? I am managing to just "get by" with a presentable home etc., but the simple things like finding pots in the right cabinets etc. (boys do the dishes for me at night and vary where they put things away etc. or if they are even clean ) cause me major stress these days since so many little things like that are piling up. I feel as if I could spend all day cleaning OR schooling OR mothering etc., but I am just not able to keep up with it all and feel like I am turning in circles most days. Does anyone else feel like this? I keep praying that God will tell me what I am "doing wrong", and today I read an interesting newsletter concerning contentment "even when we think we are doing something wrong...that God will tell us and to just be content till He changes it." (I am paraphrasing..) I thought that was interesting since I had just prayed the day before that He would let me know if maybe the "something wrong" prayer was not what the issue was at all.

I really apprecitate the posting of the novena prayer to Mary Undoer of Knots. (over at Hidden Treasure) I think that may help me out a bit, but how do you all take the very good and practical advice that everyone has floating around and actually throw it into a very stressful feeling day? I feel as if I would need a year to prepare to get something organized off the ground. The twins are always into something and are a very unpredicatable part of my day. I constantly worry about what they are getting into, and they are very different than all of the singletons in that they seem to have a "mob mentality" since there are the two of them, and they come up with very mischievious things! I have to be honest that it has been a stressful year juggling a new baby, twin 2 year olds, a demanding 12 year old boy and all the others in between. (8 in all) Sometimes, I think it is just a ridiclous amount of work for one person to be doing! Am I just being a baby??? It doesn't help that everone else always seems to be so "cheery" about it all as if it is just all running smoothly and perfectly.

Today I tried to tell myself that I worry too much, and that I have to trust that God will take care of it all etc. As I dropped the boys off for a church group they belong too I worried about if they were late, if they had their rosaries etc. and then I sort of thought to myself, "Don't you think that God can take care of things where you fall short? Don't you think He can inspire them or lead them, or do you REALLY think it is all up to you? " I figured that must have been inspired by God since it was a clear and rational thought. hehe But, for a minute, it DID make perfect sense. I am always so busy stressing out under this huge "burden" of homeschooling etc., that I forget that He can make up for where I am lacking and then maybe I can see the blessings instead of the burdens. Anyway, probably rambling since I should be in bed, but any thoughts?????

Good night!!!        

Kim married to Bob (22y)
Mom of 11 blessings:
Bobby 19, David 17, Noah 14,
Mary 12, Gracie 10,
Isabelle and Sophia 8,
Gabrielle 6,
William Anthony 4, Joseph 3 and Luisa Marie - born in M
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Posted: Dec 08 2007 at 10:54am | IP Logged Quote cathochick

SeventhHeaven wrote:
Anyway, I have been super stressed lately in trying to "juggle it all". Do any of you all have trouble getting distracted during the day due to all the messes and disorder that you see? I am a mom of 8 with twin 2 year olds. I was never a neat freak per se, but I definately notice a correlation between exterior order and my inner peace...

I feel as if I could spend all day cleaning OR schooling OR mothering etc., but I am just not able to keep up with it all and feel like I am turning in circles most days. Does anyone else feel like this?

...I feel as if I would need a year to prepare to get something organized off the ground.

I can totally identify with your post except I only have two so I fear what my life and home will look like once I have a few more! My main problem is too much computer time. If I could curb that, I'd probably have things a bit more pulled together.

I get the "year to prepare" thing. My brain feels like mush these days. I've been trying to make a curriculum wishlist for over a year now. I still can't figure out an organizational plan that works for me.

Sorry I'm no help! You have my sympathy, though.


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Posted: Dec 11 2007 at 7:54am | IP Logged Quote Ruth

I'm so sorry you've been having a hard time, Kim. I'm going through the same thing. I can't seem to keep up with all the laundry. We've gotten rid of the extra toys, but the clothes just keep taking over.

I'm looking forward to our breakfast in Jan. I'll talk to you soon.



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Posted: Dec 11 2007 at 3:25pm | IP Logged Quote 10 Bright Stars

Thanks Ruth. There does appear to be a little light at the end of the tunnel. I think that we are still "recovering" from years of morning sickness, (literally) as well as the shock/blessing of the twins and a new baby. So, we are trying to re-train the kids to do jobs this week starting from where we are NOW as opposed to a few kids ago. Since my husband's job at work involves delegating work, organizing huge programs AND saving "failing" programs he realized he might have a lot to offer around here. I basically went to him feeling hopeless yesterday, and he was thinking it over at work and realized that he could probably bring that expertise he uses at work, home. Thank heavens!! I certainly don't have time to re-train them all and I am completely burnt out to boot. Sometimes I think they may even be sick of hearing my voice!!

Anyway, he went into the kitchen last night and walked them all through a system for doing this never-ending chore by breaking it down into sections for them and developing a routine. So, that is nice. Then, I am taking on smaller challenges like breaking the twins of the nighttime bottle habit etc. So, I can see some sunlight ahead!!! I just needed some help since there were so many fires burning at once.

Anyway, I still would appreciate any thoughts from moms of larger families and how they juggle it all with a spirit of contentment. I really enjoyed someone's post the other day concerning contentment and the marathon analogy. (Family Glue's post over at Mother Culture) What a cool way to think of your vocation!!! She was mentioning how a marathoner doesn't wonder if she should BE in a marathon while actually running it. That decision has already been made. Also, new running shoes won't make or break a race. (i.e new curriculum will magically "fix" everything. And I constantly question my decision to homeschool. As if there is any other option??? I would never send them to school!!!)

Anyway, I already feel less distracted, more hopefull and as if I have stepped out of the spin cycle of the washer, finally. I really would feel as if I was spinning some days!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess the lesson is that I have made this decision. (i.e large family and homeschooling) So, I have to start figuring how HOW to do this and do it contently and stop fighting it or thinking all the problems will somehow go away.

Thanks for caring,

Kim married to Bob (22y)
Mom of 11 blessings:
Bobby 19, David 17, Noah 14,
Mary 12, Gracie 10,
Isabelle and Sophia 8,
Gabrielle 6,
William Anthony 4, Joseph 3 and Luisa Marie - born in M
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