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Hoosiermama Forum Newbie

Joined: Feb 18 2007
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Posted: Dec 21 2007 at 8:47pm | IP Logged
Hello all!
If this is the wrong place for this post, please move it or take it down. I wasn't sure where to even post this.
I posted my introduction earlier this year, but I haven't been able to find it again. I've been away from the board for awhile but now I'm back again,hopefully to stay!
To make a very long story short, I've decide to return to the Catholic Church after having been away for 30 years. I'm 37, my mom left the church when I was 7. Not only am I going back, my eldest son is coming with me.
We just found out today that there is a Latin Mass held every Sunday afternoon less than half an hour away from us! He and I were just thrilled to learn about this! I told my mom this evening about it and she said "You know, its in Latin. You won't know what they are saying." LOL!
We also had to break the news to our very Protestant homeschooling co-op members. I told them we would leave if they felt our religious difference would be a problem. They were all so very gracious. Full of questions, but very understanding and gracious. They don't want us to leave and we all ended up crying. So, for now, we'll stay and study together. It's going to be interesting as we are using Omnibus II and the last book we study in Luther's "Bondage of the Will." Not sure yet how I'm going to handle that one. We might just sit that one out...
Now, I know my way around Mass, but I've never,ever been to a Latin Mass. Is there anything at all I need to be aware of?
Rejoicing today,
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Michaela Forum All-Star

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Posted: Dec 21 2007 at 10:14pm | IP Logged
Wonderful to hear!
I've never been to a Latin Mass, but did want to post to say, Welcome Home!
__________________ Michaela
Momma to Nicholas 16, Nathan 13, Olivia 13, Teresa 6, & Anthony 3
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: Dec 21 2007 at 11:40pm | IP Logged
Hoosiermama, I did move the thread here to Life in the Domestic Church since the topic of preparing to attend a Latin Mass fits here better. Hopefully members will add their thoughts on what would be helpful to know before attending. There are a couple past threads that have included long discussions of the Latin Mass. Though they cover a wide variety of topics related the the Latin Mass there is some helpful info for your specific question as well.
Tridentine Mass
Latin Mass
And welcome back to the forums - and the Catholic Church.
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
Our Domestic Church
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Servant2theKing Forum All-Star

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Posted: Dec 22 2007 at 6:00am | IP Logged
Dear Hoosiermama,
Welcome home! One thing that may help you before attending Latin Mass is to get a copy of a Latin Missal or the "Latin-English Booklet Missal for Praying the Traditional Mass", published by the Coalition in Support of Ecclesia Dei. Read through the English prayers of the Mass, which are right beside the Latin will fall in love with the reverence and wonder of the prayers. Another idea is to find Latin Mass recordings or Latin hymns and listen to them often to familiarize yourself with the language so it feels less foreign when you attend the Mass.
Don't be discouraged if you feel out of place at your first Latin Mass, it takes awhile to get used to the differences, but the more familiar you become with it the more beautiful the experience can be! You are truly blessed to have a Latin Mass so close! Latin Mass is one to two hours away in our diocese...but it is worth the drive for such a sacred and reverent Mass.
__________________ All for Christ, our Saviour and King, servant
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CKwasniewski Forum All-Star

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Posted: Dec 22 2007 at 7:36am | IP Logged
Dear Hoosiermama,
Congratulations on finding your way home!
I second everything that Servant said.
Just take it slow and get used to it... let the quiet and reverence seep into your bones....
God Bless you,
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Anne McD Forum All-Star

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Posted: Dec 22 2007 at 9:28am | IP Logged
Hi Hoosiermama,
I just wanted to say "welcome home," too! You sound so joyful about your return!
I attended my first Latin Mass in College and fell in love with it, though I had no idea what was being said. It was the Novos Ordo (did I get that right?) so I knew what was going on, though I didn't know the responses. It didn't take long, though, to become familliar with the difference. I second what has already been said, and I'd think they would use something like the Adoraemus hymnal at the Mass, which makes it quite easy to follow along.
__________________ Anne
Wife to Jon
Mommy to Alex 9
James 8
Katie 6
William 3 1/2
Benedict Joseph 1
and baby on the way! 10/14
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