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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 7:11am | IP Logged Quote Elizabeth

Yesterday, I wore a skirt to a soccer tournament. It was supposed to be around 50 degrees. I wore cotton tights and clogs. When I got in the car to go home, it was 42 degrees, windy, totally overcast and raining. My legs and feet were numb from the knee down and they still ache today.

I read this booklet, linked on Amy's blog, and reread all of Helen's Dressing with Our Lady Collection. I'm beginning to understand that we don't necessarily have a right to be comfortable in our clothing (as catalog copy would suggest). And I understand that even beyond the modesty issue (and not showing form), there is the inherent virtue of just not wearing "man's clothing." But yesterday, as I could focus on nothing except my freezing self, I wasn't feeling virtuous at all. I was feeling like a fool, and missing my flannel lined jeans, ski socks, and warm shoes.

Anybody have a solution that does not involve wool (I'm allergic)? If I wear boots/other shoes, they need to be sensible. Patrick split his playing time yesterday between fields marked off on a farmer's back 40 and the Potomac Polo Grounds. Often, there's lots of walking to get there. I push a stroller, tote a chair or two, lug a cooler, carry a baby, and frequently need to run back and forth to the porta potty with small children. That gives you an idea of the terrain and the activity, Is ever a skirt just not appropriate?

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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 7:39am | IP Logged Quote Bridget

I've been in this situation a few times since I committed to skirts and dresses too. I have not had the money to invest but the solution is a long, (that should be easy for you ) denim skirt, long underwear and nice
field boots. Ask for them for Christmas.

God Bless,
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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 8:02am | IP Logged Quote MicheleQ


I would suggest some silk long underwear and/or a flannel slip. I use flannel backed satin from the fabric store to make winter slips. The flannel keeps you warm and the satin keeps the slip from sticking to the skirt.

Silk long underwear is thin but warm (and also slides nicely under skirts). You can buy plain basic white at Dharma for a good price. In my experience they are warmer than cotton.

Hope this helps...

Michele Quigley
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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 8:40am | IP Logged Quote Lisbet

Those field boots look really nice...wonder if I could find them more inexpensive elsewhere...

I have committed and re-commited to skirts many times over the years, and my falling off always comes in the winter, when nothing seems right or sensible with a skirt. I'm committed to staying committed this year!

I've been wearing leggings under my skirts lately. It actually seems to be the 'fashion' right now anyway! So it's been long skirts, black leggings, thick socks, and clogs. I don't know how that would work in your situation Elizabeth. I don't have alot of $ to spend on clothing for myself, so fancy long underwear is out. This has been my solution thus far. Let me know if you find something that works for you!

Lisa, wife to Tony,
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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 8:41am | IP Logged Quote St. Ann

I have silk long underwear from Lands'End. I have on my stockings(cotten) and the long underwear over them. I just pull them up to under my knee and they stay in place. I also have warm boots - tall ones for snow and short boots for just plain cold days.
And like Michele said, skirts just slide over the silk , just like having a slip on.
A longer coat is also a help.

My boots are very sensible. I only wear practical shoes.


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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 10:30am | IP Logged Quote Willa

Elizabeth wrote:
   I'm beginning to understand that we don't necessarily have a right to be comfortable in our clothing (as catalog copy would suggest). And I understand that even beyond the modesty issue (and not showing form), there is the inherent virtue of just not wearing "man's clothing."

In the "old days" they always wore long skirts or robes.   I think this was practical as well as modest.

I usually wear a long skirt and leggings. There seem to be a lot of longer skirts available nowadays. Like you, I'm allergic to wool, plus have poor circulation. I'm a bit cold even in the summer up here in the mountains!

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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 10:41am | IP Logged Quote andibc

We switched to skirts and dresses only about 10 years ago and it took awhile to find out what worked for us. Once you get the right supplies you won't think twice about it again. On a cold damp day I would wear leggings with black socks and boots. If you tend to feel chilled even inside and don't want to wear tights constantly, you might want to consider petty pants I wear them year round.
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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 12:59pm | IP Logged Quote Christine

I second Bridget's recommendation for the L.L. Bean field boots. The weather usually doesn't get very cold in Western Washington, but I really like wearing boots in the fall and winter. My boots currently need resoling and I was actually considering asking for the ones in the L.L. Bean catalog for Christmas; however, doing so might be frivolous because mine can be easily repaired. Although they might seem pricey, I believe that it is worth spending more for a good pair of boots. I have had my old pair of boots (not L.L. Bean, but they were very similar in price) for about 12 years and they still look nice, other than the sole. People have always commented when I wear them and they are comfortable.

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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 1:52pm | IP Logged Quote Cheryl

I will soon be placing an order for some boots and pants/skirt. (I have birthday money.) I was thinking about purchasing these boots or these boots. After reading this thread and most of the booklet that Elizabeth linked to, I'm thinking my choices look rather masculine. I'm still feeling confused about how to dress. When the modesty threads were being discussed earlier this year, I talked with my dh about it. He said he likes me to wear jeans. Do your dh's support your wearing skirts? Did they when you first started to? Would you wear skirts anyway and hope that your dh would think you look nice? Also, do you wear skirts when you play in the snow with your children? Would you wear those expensive riding boots in the snow? I know I sound indecisive, but this would be a big change for me. When I met my dh I wore jeans and flannel shirts. I'm starting to feel like jeans are much too revealing, so I wear my baggier nylon pants which make me feel kind of bummy. I have some money to spend, I just need to be decisive. Did any of you have similar doubts with a change to skirts?

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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 2:05pm | IP Logged Quote MacBeth

I have always been partial to paddock boots in the field on cold days.

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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 2:11pm | IP Logged Quote Rebecca

I wear tights with leggings on top and tall leather boots as well when it is really cold. The long underwear suggestion is a great one.

In the house, I do not wear the leggings (just the tights) and switch to simple shoes with in an updated Mary Jane style.

Cheryl, I felt convicted to switch to skirts when my second son was a baby. I wore skirts and dresses for five years straight and got rid of all my pants. My husband recently mentioned that he likes me to wear jeans now and then. I bought a pair but still wear skirts 99% of the time.

I think the switch may feel odd, because it is somewhat counterculture but I do notice that the children respond to me differently when I am wearing a skirt and that the boys treat their sisters better when they are wearing skirts (less rowdy, more protective, etc.)

I do wear pants when I play outside in the snow with the kids(bib ski pants.) or when we all go sledding.
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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 2:28pm | IP Logged Quote Willa

Cheryl wrote:
I have some money to spend, I just need to be decisive. Did any of you have similar doubts with a change to skirts?

I started by buying skirts at thrift stores. This gave me a chance to try out different things and find the kinds that worked best with my activity level, life with little kids, size (I'm tall) etc.   Actually I still buy things at thrift stores, partly because it's easier there to find NICE durable clothes within my budget, but if I DO splurge on something new now I am less likely to make mistakes because I know what works for me now.

It did take me some time to get accustomed to the skirts. I have always been a jeans person. I still wear them sometimes around the house but I wear skirts when I go out, over 90% of the time anyway. It was difficult and felt awkward for a very long time but I am finally starting to enjoy the habit of getting into a skirt and nice top when I go somewhere.

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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 5:26pm | IP Logged Quote JodieLyn

be sure your tights and such are restricting blood flow.. that can make you cold no matter how many layers.. or if a heavier sock makes your shoe too tight etc.

I too love the silk long undies.. I buy the 3x from Cabela's.. that's a good 2-3 sizes too big.. but because of the way they're made they stay on anyway.. and I can still wear them pregnant those plus a long skirt usually keep me pretty warm.. Also you can find denim skirts that are flannel lined.. corduroy is very warm.

One of the things I've found with winter is that the outer layer of fabric WILL get cold.. it's the layers under that keep you warm.. you need air space to hold the warmth too you and you need something to protect you from that outer fabric getting cold.

Jodie, wife to Dave
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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 5:39pm | IP Logged Quote BrendaPeter

I bought some fleece-lined chukka boots a few years ago from Lands End. They are lace-up & more attractive than their current offering.

I also have poor circulation & very cold feet. The cold was a major obstacle to my wearing skirts all winter. I have a friend who insisted that skirt-wearing women of old were very warm in skirts because they wore layers.

What really keeps my feet warm is to wear 2 pairs of socks - 1 thin white cotton pair (I believe Peds makes these) with a thicker cotton pair on top. For years I searched for wool socks but as that proved to be difficult, I realized that 2 pairs of socks would do the trick nicely.

I also wear leggings starting in about September. I LOVE Michele's suggestion about the flannel-lined silk as I've been looking for a warmer slip. My skirts are always long & full since they allow greater freedom of movement. I've actually been warmer in a skirt than I ever was in pants!

I imagine there are situations when it's more practical & prudent to wear pants, but I've been wearing skirts exclusively for the past 3 years and, except for pjs, have not used any of my "just-in-case" pants. At this point, I think I would be so uncomfortable & feel so masculine that it's not worth it. Not to mention that my husband is very smitten with the new feminine me & would be quite sad to see me in pants. He certainly never pushed for me to wear skirts but he's been very pleased with the effect they've had on me and on our marriage .


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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 5:48pm | IP Logged Quote BrendaPeter

Cheryl wrote:
I will soon be placing an order for some boots and pants/skirt. (I have birthday money.) I was thinking about purchasing these boots or these boots. After reading this thread and most of the booklet that Elizabeth linked to, I'm thinking my choices look rather masculine. I'm still feeling confused about how to dress. When the modesty threads were being discussed earlier this year, I talked with my dh about it. He said he likes me to wear jeans. Do your dh's support your wearing skirts? Did they when you first started to? Would you wear skirts anyway and hope that your dh would think you look nice? Also, do you wear skirts when you play in the snow with your children? Would you wear those expensive riding boots in the snow? I know I sound indecisive, but this would be a big change for me. When I met my dh I wore jeans and flannel shirts. I'm starting to feel like jeans are much too revealing, so I wear my baggier nylon pants which make me feel kind of bummy. I have some money to spend, I just need to be decisive. Did any of you have similar doubts with a change to skirts?

Hi Cheryl,

You have so many good questions that I had to quote the whole post. Switching over to skirts is a process & takes time. My biggest suggestion is to unceasingly pray to Our Lady & She will guide your way. God obviously has this on your heart. Our Lady is the most feminine of all women. Pray to her to become more feminine. Ask Her if she would wear the boots, skirts, etc. you're considering. Your husband will undoubtedly appreciate it, although he may not realize it now. Switching over to skirts has been revolutionary for our marriage and has brought tremendous order into it. When I started wearing skirts, neither my husband nor I realized our marriage was disordered at all!



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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 6:15pm | IP Logged Quote Ruth

I'm so glad you posted this question. I just started reading Dressing with Modesty. I went out this morning to the thrift store and bought the girls and me some skirts and I found some nice flats for daily wear. I tried on some leg warmers, size small, but being 5'3", they were too long on me. I ended up leaving them. I bought jogging capris, but I dont like the way they feel. I will take them back when I get a chance.

Good luck. I'll keep reading this post for more ideas.

Keep praying to the Blessed Mother.

God bless. Ruth


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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 6:25pm | IP Logged Quote amyable

I appreciate all the links because I'm so fashion illiterate ... so would anyone care to discuss good tights and leggings and where to find those too?

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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 6:29pm | IP Logged Quote JennGM

Bridget wrote:
I've been in this situation a few times since I committed to skirts and dresses too. I have not had the money to invest but the solution is a long, (that should be easy for you ) denim skirt, long underwear and nice
field boots. Ask for them for Christmas.

I still wear pants according to the occasion....I haven't completely changed to skirts, but I am trying more.

It's funny you should mention these boots, as they are the exact ones I'm asking for Christmas. Last year I received Winter Ridge Boots, similar in style, but with Thinsulate, and they were too hot, so I returned them. But this is the look and practicality I was hoping for, without too much warmth.

Silk underwear I recommend, also.

Does anyone wear the Hanna Andersson tights? would you recommend them?

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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 6:36pm | IP Logged Quote Lisbet

Cheryl, I have went round and round with this issue for years. At least twice now I've thrown out (gave away actually) all of my pants, only to buy or aquire more. All I ever asked from my husband is to pray for guidance on this issue. I've never flat out asked him and he's never flat out said either way. He doesn't have to say though, I have seen the fruits of feminine dress in my marriage, in how I behave and treat my husband and children and in how my husband and children treat me. I never thought there was a 'problem' before either. I don't think there ever was a problem, but things are much more 'ordered' now. I can't quite put my finger on it.

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Posted: Nov 20 2006 at 7:55pm | IP Logged Quote Sarah

I also say that boots are the way to go plus some type of "long underwear" type thing under the skirt.

I love my boots.

Also, a LONG coat, too.

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