Oh, Dearest Mother, Sweetest Virgin of Altagracia, our Patroness. You are our Advocate and to you we recommend our needs. You are our Teacher and like disciples we come to learn from the example of your holy life. You are our Mother, and like children, we come to offer you all of the love of our hearts. Receive, dearest Mother, our offerings and listen attentively to our supplications. Amen.

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Posted: June 20 2007 at 7:18pm | IP Logged Quote Bella

How do you manage summer meals and evening ball games/practices?

Do you feed before/after? How in the world is there time to figure in a bath?

I would love to hear from some sage Moms on how to do all of this!

Thankyou for your time.

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Posted: June 20 2007 at 7:59pm | IP Logged Quote LisaR

Hi! We have 5 kids, the oldest three are playing on 5 sports teams total right now and I understand your dilema. First of all, I want to emphasize that because evenings are crazy, we are not always able to eat dinner as a family. We have switched our family meal time to breakfast and if you can do that it is worth it! It's just oatmeal/yogurt/eggs as usual, but we try hard to all sit down together in the am.
We always eat "dinner" before heading out to sports- it just gets too late to try to feed everyone when we arrive home- otherwise we'd have 9, or 10 pm mealtimes.
I do alot of crock pot dishes that everyone can help themselves to when they need to, or big huge main dish salads that keep in the fridge and we just dig into as needed. If we are really pressed for time, we quickly make sanwiches
and I grab
some baby carrots or grapes and we eat on the go. Dinner might be as early as 4pm some nights for some of us! We do not really ever do take out or drive through- mainly for financial reasons but health reasons, too.
Showers are very fast and are to be taken RIGHT away when arriving home. The boys strip down as much as possible in the garage before treking up the carpeted stairs to their bathroom.
I do think the crock pot can be a lifesaver year round! Grilling out sure sounds fun in the summer months, but is not very practical on most evenings for us.
have a fun summer!!

dh Tim '92
Joseph 17
Paul 14
Thomas 11
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Isaac Vincent 9/21/10! and...
many little saints in heaven!
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Posted: June 20 2007 at 9:05pm | IP Logged Quote Sarah

We have baseball Monday night, Tuesday night, Wednesday night, Thursday night, Saturday morning, and Sunday afternoon (some of those are practices). We have three boys playing on three different teams. This seems a little nuts, I know, but this is all we do and it only lasts a short time. . .and we don't do it all. . .we skip if we need to. Also, game time is family time.

In the morning the boys have to lay out their entire uniform--shoes, socks, hat, uniform, mitt, batting gloves, and whatever else we need. At that point (in the morning) we can find the stray sock, etc. Be patient, this does play a part in mealtime.

The boys also have to bring me all the water bottles in the morning so I can wash them BEFORE the dinner time chaos begins.

In the morning or the night before I know EXACTLY what is for dinner and I know that we have to be seated by "X" time in order to be at whatever field at whatever time.

This means starting the meal at 1 or 2 in the afternoon. We eat together and sometimes that may mean eating at 4:30pm. Sometimes that means packing Dad dinner and a fork to eat at the game. We also eat breakfast and somtimes lunch as a family.

I clean the kitchen before dinner so all we have to do is quickly load some plates and sweep. So, while the boys are dressing in everything tha was laid out, I spruce the kitchen and pack a survival bag which is usually well stocked to begin with. Stroller and chairs are already in the car.

If games end late (some can end past 10:00pm). I send them to bed dirty. . .I know, bad Mom, but they are just too tired. We change our sheets VERY often during baseball season and shower in the morning.

One morning, ds10 came to breakfast in his uniform (dirty). He confessed to "sliding" into his bed and sleeping that way .

If its before 10pm, they shower. I try to always bath or at least sponge down the little ones.

We stay up late in the summer, so I just have to be laid back.

This was our routine until last week when I had this baby, now I'm home with the littles, otherwise game night is a family event.

We do nothing else sressful on days we have major games. I would be too tired, no meals would be made, and the littles wouldn't get good naps which is ESSENTIAL to game survival.

Six boys ages 16, 14, 11, 7, 5, 2 and one girl age 9

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Posted: June 20 2007 at 10:15pm | IP Logged Quote LisaR

Yes, having all uniform components together, water bottles ready, and survival bag and assorted sundries together the morning of is a must! Even a 5 y/o can learn how to keep track of his own gear.
I do everything Sarah mentions, but I just can't sleep knowing anyone is dirty :)!! We do have "speed showers" down to a science ala "Cheaper by the Dozen" style. Recently we timed again, and all 5 kids, and dad had showered in 11 min. The all shower alone, but the water is kept on and after one steps out and is wrapped in a towel, the next goes in...even our daughter, just 2, can shower alone with mom or dad sticking an arm in to help her stay steady...
Sarah, congrats on your newest arrival!

dh Tim '92
Joseph 17
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Posted: June 20 2007 at 10:52pm | IP Logged Quote momwats8

I must say by now we have it down to a science as baseball season started in February. Our regular season is over( 5 kids on 4 different teams - all at the same field though) but the older two - 12 and 10 have all stars now. It is practice every night for 2 weeks and then the games start.

Depending on the times of the games/practices we try to eat before we go. I try to make something simple like meat loaf, hamburger helper, spaghetti. If the practice is early we will have a bigger snack like a sandwich before we go and then eat when we get home.

The shower thing is tricky especially because down here everyone is covered in sand when we get home. Some nights we don't even get here until 10 at night. Those nights the older ones shower and then I sponge bathe the rest and more thouroughly wash them the next day.

As for uniforms they stay in my room and I hand them to them before they get dressed. I have to or else they get mixed up with all the practice pants and shirts we have from the previous years. This way I always have their pants, shirts, belts, and socks ready to go. They put them right in the laundry room when they are done.

Gear they are on their own. I give them a little check before we go if I remember but they all have bat bags and need to keep all their gear in them. I bring a cooler for water or gatorade and we are on our way.

I hope this hels. It can be challenging at times but it is worth it.

Mary- Wife to Mike and Mother to Austin(92), Mikey(95), R.J.(97), Benedict(98), Kolbe(00), Ignatius(02), Christian(03), Margaret(05),&4 angels in heaven

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Posted: June 26 2007 at 11:40am | IP Logged Quote Bella

Thankyou for your replies Ladies!

Lisa- If you have the time I would love to get some of your summertime crockpot recipes! The ones I have are mostly for colder months.

Sarah- We too make the practices and games a family affair. I can see how, for some families, that just wouldn't be possible. I did miss one of ds's practices because I didn't have anything planned for dinner, and needed to pull something together. A big CONGRATS on your new baby!

As with everything else in my life, it all comes down to lack of organization and planning! Neither are my strengths!

Took note of all of your suggestions.....thankyou!!

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Posted: June 26 2007 at 12:34pm | IP Logged Quote Elizabeth

If one child is playing and we are all watching,I pack a picnic. We eat a LOT of picnics . I can pack almost anything as a picnic and my dh really appreciates the effort.

If you're talking about the revolving door because someone is coming and going all the time at dinner time, I set the table and eat with all the children who are at home. If someone is practicing early, they get a plate if it's ready. Usually, there are two plates or so set aside for people who eat after practice (sometimes for the second time that meal ).

Elizabeth Foss is no longer a member of this forum. Discussions now reflect the current management & are not necessarily expressions of her book, *Real Learning*, her current work, or her philosophy. (posted by E. Foss, Jan 2011)
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