Oh, Dearest Mother, Sweetest Virgin of Altagracia, our Patroness. You are our Advocate and to you we recommend our needs. You are our Teacher and like disciples we come to learn from the example of your holy life. You are our Mother, and like children, we come to offer you all of the love of our hearts. Receive, dearest Mother, our offerings and listen attentively to our supplications. Amen.

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Posted: Oct 24 2008 at 1:50pm | IP Logged Quote insegnante

Wow, I cannot believe how awful my memory has become. It seemed a bit worse in pregnancy, but not like this. I'm joking with my husband about it a lot, but I wonder if I should be more concerned. I do have a 9-week-old baby. A bit over a year ago though I was examined for multiple sclerosis, which I was told was "probable" (enough that if I understand correctly I could have begun medication then if I had wanted to, even without a diagnosis; I declined a spinal tap, so I don't even know if I could have qualified for a dx already if I had gone through all recommended procedures.) So I'm wondering whether this is something others have experienced so significantly, postpartum? Even if it were another MS-type thing, I'm not going to be on the meds anytime soon nor have more MRIs right now... so I'm not in a hurry to add another appointment and copay to our immediate plans.

You know how when you talk to much older people including those who have had medical problems that may lead to memory loss, sometimes they say something you've just referred to within the same conversation or very recently, and it seems as if they think were just thinking of it out of the blue? Or even say, "I don't know why, but something reminded me of..."? That's happened to me. Never mind forgetting that I myself already, recently told someone something.

Then there's how often I have had to stop pretty much in the middle of a sentence to remember what I was going to say.

The following are just a couple of examples, not necessarily the best ones, I'm just not sure I can remember any other good ones right now!

Usually, I log the routes I have walked with walkjogrun.net to find out how far and how fast they were. I walk around our small neighborhood, so it is not difficult to remember the route. But the other night, I could remember most of where I walked, but the different segments of the route were chopped up into separate memories and I couldn't connect them sequentially, or remember how many times I went up and down a street. Try as I might I could not put it back together; usually I can do so pretty quickly even if I have momentary trouble recalling my route.

I was just looking at another thread about what inspires you as a Catholic mother, and I felt like there was the name of some book that I wanted to cite in my response, but it just wasn't there -- it wasn't just the name, I don't even know for sure that such a book exists, but it was one of those "the memory is on the tip of my brain but I can't access it!" feelings. The way things have been going I don't even trust that there was anything in particular to post about in that thread though.

mommy to three boys, 3/02, 8/04, and 9/10, and a girl, 8/08
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Posted: Oct 24 2008 at 2:14pm | IP Logged Quote folklaur

imo, I would not want to make any decisions about my memory if I was just 9 weeks post-partum. I am usually running on very little sleep at that point, and am lucky if I remember much of anything coherently. I've put keys in the freezer, left the house in my slippers, that kind of thing. Seriously.

But - if YOU are worried, you know yourself best.
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Posted: Oct 27 2008 at 10:54am | IP Logged Quote Michaela

Well, my baby is almost 2 years old, so I can't base my memory problems on being a few weeks postpartum.

My short term memory isn't what it used to be though.
I'm not sure if it's because I'm so busy or what.

Usually, I start to do something and I need to be reminded what it was I was going to do. I'll just stand in the kitchen and ask my children, "What was I supposed to do?" It's really wierd and a bit scary wondering if it will become worse with age.

For me, it's probably sleep deprivation. I stay up very late, usually close to midnight, but have to wake up at 4:45am with DH.

Momma to Nicholas 16, Nathan 13, Olivia 13, Teresa 6, & Anthony 3
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Posted: Oct 27 2008 at 11:03am | IP Logged Quote JodieLyn

lack of sleep
too many things going on (new baby is lots of extra new stuff going on that's not quite routine yet)

those can all make for memory problems

plus being a mom tends to make for the "give a mouse a cookie syndrome".. you know you're working on a job and go into another room to put something away and see the laundry so you go and shift the laundry and then stop to go to the bathroom and wind up cleaning the mirror in there and it takes you 30+ minutes to get back to the original task you were trying to do.

Jodie, wife to Dave
G-18, B-17, G-15, G-14, B-13, B-11, G-9, B-7, B-5, B-4

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