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rm4mrfrus Forum Pro

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Posted: Jan 12 2007 at 11:47pm | IP Logged
Our pastor would like to start bringing in speakers about once a quarter and would like some help with this. I think this may have fallen to me. Could you suggest some for me to start looking into? A good friend requested that for Lent (if possible) we find someone who would really focus on the Sacrament of Penance. Scott Hahn is out of our price range unfortunately. We have a call in to Priests for Life to come speak and would love to get Jason Evert to come sometime. Another friend asked if we could get Karl Kohlhase to give a concert but after that I have no idea. Any suggestions?
__________________ Hollee married to dh in 94,
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margot helene Forum Pro

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Posted: Jan 13 2007 at 9:41am | IP Logged
Where do you live? Maybe someone who lived close to you would be "cheaper" to get.
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ALmom Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 13 2007 at 11:27am | IP Logged
What about the Sister Servants of the Eternal Word? I don't know how often or how far they actually travel to do talks but I do know their particular charism is retreats. They could give you names of good speakers even if they couldn't travel to you.
Fr. Fox would be another good one to ask.
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amiefriedl Forum Pro

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Posted: Jan 13 2007 at 4:43pm | IP Logged
Ohhh, you should definitly try the priests for Opus Sanctorum Angelorum.
Work of the Holy Angels site
Their CD sets are inspiring, incredible, informative.....
And they do talks all around from what I understand.
Fr. Basil Nortz is my favorite.
__________________ In Christ the King through Mary our Mother,
Blessed with an awesome hubby and Mom of ds10, dd7, dd3 and dd 10months.
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teachingmyown Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 13 2007 at 5:29pm | IP Logged
Years ago, we arranged for Scott Hahn to come and speak. We charged $5 per person and prayed! People thought we were crazy, but we had more than enough attendees, who came from near and far, to pay him and donate some to our local CUF chapter.
Try contacting Catholics United for the Faith,, or St. Joseph Communications,, for other speakers who would cost less but still do an excellent job.
Good luck.
__________________ In Christ,
wife to Court & mom to ds '91, dd '96, ds '97, dds '99, '01, '03, '06, and dss '07 and 01/20/11
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Rachel May Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 13 2007 at 8:46pm | IP Logged
Radix I saw a video but missed the live performance. Even on film it was powerful. I think they will stay in your home to keep the cost down.
Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament will come to help start Adoration or encourage people to participate in an existing progra. A frugal priest we had was willing to pay for them, so they can't be much.
Good luck!
__________________ Rachel
Thomas and Anthony (10), Maria (8), Charles (6), Cecilia (5), James (3), and Joseph (1)
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rm4mrfrus Forum Pro

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Posted: Jan 13 2007 at 9:21pm | IP Logged
THANK YOU!! These are great and I am writing them down and looking them up!!
I was told recently that Scott Hahn charges $10,000 and we are a small small parish in the Richmond Va diocese...I would LOVE to have him come! I wonder how far people would go to hear him speak? I also looked into having Janet Smith come but we decided to try Priests for Life instead! At first we tried to get our diocesan ethicist to come but he would not even return our phone calls
Keep those suggestions coming as I will make a long long list to share with Fr!
I knew you all would come through for me!
__________________ Hollee married to dh in 94,
ds(96), dd(97), ds(00), ds(02), ds(03) and dd(05)
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Rachel May Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 14 2007 at 9:08pm | IP Logged
I remembered that we (our Catholic woman's group) also used to have professors from the local Catholic college and Benedictine sisters and priests from a local monastery come. We would think of a topic and then see who could come and talk about it. We also had Curtis and Michaelann Martin come and talk about marriage. They didn't charge $10,000...maybe $3,000? I could get contact info for that if you wanted.
Scott Hahn video tapes would be more economical and have study guides, but obviously not as good as the real thing.
__________________ Rachel
Thomas and Anthony (10), Maria (8), Charles (6), Cecilia (5), James (3), and Joseph (1)
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BrendaPeter Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 15 2007 at 6:14am | IP Logged
I highly, highly recommend Radix who we had come to speak this past June. Both Doug Barry & Eric Genus are extremely holy men.
Apparently John Martignoni from
The Bible Christian Society is available to come speak. His apologetic cds are excellent and he lives in Florida which is fairly close to you.
__________________ Blessings,
Brenda (mom to 6)
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msclavel Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 15 2007 at 8:06am | IP Logged
One of my favorite blogs is Amy Welborn. Both she and her husband have many good books and you can even have them both speak. Here is the info
Have Amy Welborn speak
Another great blog is Mark Shea. Here is the info
Speaking Information
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teachingmyown Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 15 2007 at 11:58am | IP Logged
We had Scott Hahn 8 years ago. He charged $1200 for three talks in one day, in addition to travel expenses. Fortunately, for us, he was already at nearby Christendom College so we didn't have to pay for more than his gas.
I doubt his rates have gone up by so much. My dh says to check Scott's website.
We were in Woodbridge at the time, and people came from all over VA, DC and MD.
__________________ In Christ,
wife to Court & mom to ds '91, dd '96, ds '97, dds '99, '01, '03, '06, and dss '07 and 01/20/11
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MaryM Board Moderator

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Posted: Jan 17 2007 at 3:46am | IP Logged
I've worked on the homeschool conference here for several years and have researched many speakers.
The advise to seek out regional speakers is good in that the cost is usually less. In addition to lower travel and lodging expenses, they often will have a lower speaking fee if it is local.
We did check into having Scott Hahn. There is a form to fill out on the website that Molly mentioned. After you complete it they send back speaker request info with prices, etc. At the time (Fall 2005) he sent us info that 2006 fee had not been determined. I'm sure it is quite a bit more than the $1200 he charged 8 years ago but don't think it could be up to $10,000. I do know that for 2006, Kimberly charged $1500/day. For both they charge more if they have to stay over night (that is in addition to the expenses you would have for them). They have several other very specific requests in their contract (for instance professionally printed flyers are requested for publicity).
Since you mentioned Jason Evert, have you been to the speaker pages on the Catholic Answers website Catholic Answers website? It has all the fee info as well as speaking topics on the various speakers that work through them. They have many fantastic speakers. I've heard Jason Evert, Rosiland Moss, and Jimmy Akins. Looks like Marcellino D'Ambrosio has a specific talk on reconcilliation.
Steve Ray site includes his fees and speaking topics.
Patrick Madrid site includes his fees and speaking topics.
Curtis Martin has been mentioned. Speaking fee as of last year is around $1500. $2200 for both he and Michaelann to speak together.
Luminous Media (Ascension Press) has several speakers that they contract for including Jeff Cavins (about $2000, he does a reconciliation talk), Tim Gray ($2000), Matthew Pinto ($1200)(we had him - excellent speaker), Matthew Kelly, and others. I can't seem to find the speaker page they used to have associated with their site. I'll keep checking and see if I can find that if you are interested.
We had Mary Ann Budnik this past year. Very reasonable speaking fee of $500. One of her books is Looking for Peace? Try Confession - she does that as a talk as well.
We have a couple local speakers who are exceptional and starting to build names for themselves in the Catholic speaking set, Ted Sri and Jonathan Reyes (Tim Gray - mentioned above - is local here as well). Both teach at the Augustine Institute. I know Ted travels for talks but Jonathan doesn't sound like he does leave the area as it is disruptive to the family - but since he used to teach at Christendom he may be persuaded to go back to Virginia for a visit.
I'm happy to help find info on speakers or share other info I have.
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
Our Domestic Church
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KASB Forum Pro

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Posted: Jan 17 2007 at 8:30am | IP Logged
The Fathers of Mercy give wonderful parish missions and retreats. We have been to several and attended Mass at their Generalate when we lived in KY. They are wonderful!
mom to 9 - 8 boys (24,14,10,9,7,4,3,17 mos.) and 1 girl(22)
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rm4mrfrus Forum Pro

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Posted: Jan 17 2007 at 8:56pm | IP Logged
These are terrific! Thanks for all the ideas. I am going to keep a running list and pass it on to Fr. so he can see which ones he thinks would be best. I just received an email from Priests for Life and am in the process of figuring out when they can come. I am really looking forward to that! All these speakers are so good that I'd like to hear them all!!
thanks again (and keep 'em coming!)
__________________ Hollee married to dh in 94,
ds(96), dd(97), ds(00), ds(02), ds(03) and dd(05)
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chicken lady Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 17 2007 at 9:29pm | IP Logged
Hollee, there are many wondeful public speakers, Stacy Mitch and her dh Curtis are wonderful. Chris Padgett and his wife Linda are also wondeful. Both of these couples live here in Steubenville, let me know if you need contact info. Curtis and Michaelann Martin former Steubenville residents are great. Don't get discouraged by the Hahn's price, perhaps it is our Lady's way of sending a different message to you all!!!
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rm4mrfrus Forum Pro

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Posted: Jan 17 2007 at 9:45pm | IP Logged
I would LOVE the contact info for them and also if there are any topics that they "specialize" in.
Our area is heavy into Peace and Justice stuff and light on other areas. It would be nice to beef up all the other areas!
Also there are colleges nearby and the Catholic students seem pretty lethargic so any particular suggestions for them could be passed on to the right people too!
Molly, I'm not going to get too discouraged by their fee until I see for sure what it is and pass it by Fr. If they could draw people from all over all the other places they go, surely they could from here too! Maybe it is do-able here too!
And if not, then we'll remain open to what she wants us to hear! Thanks again for helping me out!
__________________ Hollee married to dh in 94,
ds(96), dd(97), ds(00), ds(02), ds(03) and dd(05)
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chicken lady Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 17 2007 at 9:56pm | IP Logged
Stacy Mitch is the author of Couregous Women bible study and Curtis works for Scott and Kimberly. They are both brilliant, and I might add mighty fine people.....I will PM you with their info as well as the Padgets.
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rm4mrfrus Forum Pro

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Posted: Jan 31 2007 at 10:41pm | IP Logged
Mary M,
I'd love any other info you have that might help me not reinvent the wheel...I am getting a bit out of my comfort zone lately with things....I am not typically an organizer but seem to be becoming one.
I'd have lots of questions about organizing a large event. For right now we are setting it up to have someone from Priests for Life come talk...and Fr. would like to have Jason Evert sometime too. I think that would end up being a big event....any advice or words of wisdom?
Molly, I'd love their contact info if you have it!
__________________ Hollee married to dh in 94,
ds(96), dd(97), ds(00), ds(02), ds(03) and dd(05)
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Michaela Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 1:14am | IP Logged
Mark Shea will be speaking at our parish in February.
He's the author of
Making Sense out of Scripture: Reading the Bible As the First Christians Did
(This book will be the subject of his talk.)
By What Authority? An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition
and This is My Body: An Evangelical Discovers The Real Presence
His website has his Speaking information
__________________ Michaela
Momma to Nicholas 16, Nathan 13, Olivia 13, Teresa 6, & Anthony 3
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knowloveserve Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 01 2007 at 5:49pm | IP Logged
I've been to many conferences and talks and my all time favorite speaker is Father Shannon Collins (out of Alabama). He's got a way of putting things that no one else has ever matched, IMO.
Also, I used to really like Tim Staples and Jeff Cavins for apologetic material.
__________________ Ellie
The Bleeding Pelican
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