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Cay Gibson Forum All-Star

Joined: July 16 2005 Location: Louisiana
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Posted: Dec 18 2006 at 10:25pm | IP Logged
For now I'm just curious...
Is anyone interested in a Christmas Mosaic book?
If so, what would be your 12-hit (perhaps 24 even ) picks for Christmas picture books?
__________________ Cay Gibson
"There are 49 states, then there is Louisiana." ~ Chef Emeril
wife to Mark '86
mom to 5
Cajun Cottage Under the Oaks
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Paula in MN Forum All-Star

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Posted: Dec 19 2006 at 5:57am | IP Logged
We love *The Jesse Tree* and especially *A Small Miracle*.
A Catholic Harvest
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Marybeth Forum All-Star

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Posted: Dec 19 2006 at 8:08am | IP Logged
We would cherish it!
Any books would be either old friends or welcomed new ones for our family.
__________________ Marybeth (Mb)
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kjohnson Forum All-Star

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Posted: Dec 19 2006 at 8:32am | IP Logged
That is an excellent idea, Cay. Our family would love it. I don't think I have a top 12 or 24 (which is why I could benefit from a Christmas Mosaic), but I would say The Miracle of Saint Nicholas, The Baker's Dozen, The Donkey's Dream, The Legend of the Candy Cane and De Paola's The Lady of Guadalupe and his book on the 3 wise men (can't remember the name of it).
I agree with Marybeth, we would enjoy seeing old favorites and be excited to find new ones.
__________________ In Christ,
Wife to Doug and Mother of 6
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Lisa R Forum All-Star

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Posted: Dec 19 2006 at 9:34am | IP Logged
YES!!! YES!!! YES!!!!
Thank you for all the work you do for us!!!!
__________________ God Bless!
Lisa, married to my best friend, Ray and loving my blessings Joshua (17)and Jacob(15), Hannah(7) and Rachel (5)!Holy Family Academy
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Waverley Forum Pro

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Posted: Dec 19 2006 at 2:17pm | IP Logged
I would enjoy a Christmas Mosaic. I would recommend (in addition to the wonderful titles included in The Mosaic) :
December by Eve Bunting
We Were There by Eve Bunting
Christmas Tapestry by Patricia Polacco
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amy7 Forum Newbie

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Posted: Dec 19 2006 at 9:04pm | IP Logged
Wonderful idea!
Here are a few of our favorites, besides the great Tomie dePaola ones:
The Christmas Miracle of Jonathon Toomey
An Orange for Frankie by Patricia Polacco - this one always makes me cry, I think because of the warmth of the family's love for each other, and the fact that is really did happen. You must read the Author's Note at the end to really get the tears flowing.
Trees of Dancing Goats by Patricia Polacco
Lion in the Box by Marguarite de Angeli - okay, it's not a picture book so it couldn't really be included, and it is out of print, but it's an all time favorite!
Stephen's Feast by Jean Richardson - about King Wenceslas on Dec. 26 going with his young page to help a poor family
Jan Brett's books (probably not Mosaic material, but still great) - Who's That Knocking on Christmas Eve, The Trouble with Trolls, and others
Can't think of any more right now, although I know there are many.
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CathinCoffeland Forum Pro

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Posted: Dec 19 2006 at 10:25pm | IP Logged
I have been trying to remember the book:
Stephen's Feast by Jean Richardson
forever! I gave up every remembering the title.
I love the idea... lets see my kids love all of the books the ladies listed above plus Lucia Morning in Sweden" by Ewa Rydåker
and one that we love that always makes us cry is
Marta and the Manger Straw: A Christmas Tradition from Poland by Virginia Kroll
i probably have a ton more to list but the kids have most of them tucked in bed with them so i cant refresh my memory
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momwise Forum All-Star

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Posted: Dec 20 2006 at 12:22am | IP Logged
I'll be picking up Father and Son a Nativity Story from the library as soon as I can get there.
__________________ Gwen...wife for 30 years, mom of 7, grandma of 3.....
"If you want equal justice for all and true freedom and lasting peace, then America, defend life." JPII
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Waverley Forum Pro

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Posted: Dec 20 2006 at 1:23pm | IP Logged
OK, so I thought about it some more and have another idea.
Could you include books for the preschool set in the Christmas Mosaic? Maybe there could be a section for the elementary school set and one for the preschool set as well. A lot of the Christmas books in The Mosaic are too much for my preschoolers and I found myself wishing I had a Mosiac for them. Hey, there's an idea - while you're writing a Christmas Mosaic you could write a full litergical year Mosaic for the preschoolers !!!
Thank you for all your work and committment to our children.
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JenniferS Forum All-Star

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Posted: Dec 20 2006 at 3:38pm | IP Logged
I'd definitely love it!!!!! I am so loving Catholic Mosaic right now, and our kids think it is also great.
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amy7 Forum Newbie

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Posted: Dec 20 2006 at 10:51pm | IP Logged
Another favorite is Mortimer's Christmas Manger by Karma Wilson.
It would be perfect for the preschool set that Waverly mentioned. A little mouse finds a home in a Nativity set, and complications ensue when the figure of Jesus is placed in Mortimer's cozy manger bed. The whole book is extremely simple (by the Bear Snores On author/illustrator)and sweet and just right for 2-4 year olds (though all my kids like it).
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Cay Gibson Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 01 2007 at 2:02pm | IP Logged
Saw it yesterday, Gwen.
Beautiful book. Very worthy of a Christmas Mosaic.
__________________ Cay Gibson
"There are 49 states, then there is Louisiana." ~ Chef Emeril
wife to Mark '86
mom to 5
Cajun Cottage Under the Oaks
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momwise Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 04 2007 at 10:24am | IP Logged
I read it this week. I love the idea (Joseph gazing upon baby Jesus and wondering how he will be able to serve God as his Son), and the dialogue. In the illustrations there is one page where Joseph loses his temper over the puppy and I don't like his facial expression at all. What did you think of that Cay?
Cay, did you ever get The Santero's Miracle? It was mentioned in another thread but not here yet. It is a totally charming and Catholic Christmas story, and a great addition to a Catholic Christams library (it would also be a wonderful story for the feast of St. Isidore). The characters are gentle, patient, and generous to their neighbors and family members. So many little acts of kindness grace the pages of this book! The grandfather questions his faith but falls back on his intuition as a creator of saints in order to pray for a miracle.
The illustrations are done in Southwest folkart style and would be given to quite a lot of side activities I think. The text is in both Enlish and Spanish, so it's also a great book to practice your Spanish. You've gotta check it out
__________________ Gwen...wife for 30 years, mom of 7, grandma of 3.....
"If you want equal justice for all and true freedom and lasting peace, then America, defend life." JPII
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msclavel Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 09 2007 at 6:38pm | IP Logged
Just saw this and YES! Cay, I would love it. We love Miracle of the Poinsettia retold by Brian Cavanaugh, TOR. I am hispanic so I especially love that it tells the story in Spanish alongside the English. Also The Friendly Beats by dePaola. Others have mentioned some of our other favorites.
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Cay Gibson Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 09 2007 at 7:39pm | IP Logged
momwise wrote:
Cay, did you ever get The Santero's Miracle? It was mentioned in another thread but not here yet. It is a totally charming and Catholic Christmas story, and a great addition to a Catholic Christams library (it would also be a wonderful story for the feast of St. Isidore). |
My library doesn't have it. I'm still searching around. Can you believe when I queried for it on the library's search engine it came up with "Jack the Ripper". What's up with that ?!!!
msclavel wrote:
Just saw this and YES! Cay, I would love it. We love Miracle of the Poinsettia retold by Brian Cavanaugh, TOR. |
Good, because I got the contract in the mail yesterday.
Please keep sending me your favorite Christmas titles. The list is filling up fast and I can see that I'll have to be very selective but I plan to list all book titles into a mega-Christmas booklist.
__________________ Cay Gibson
"There are 49 states, then there is Louisiana." ~ Chef Emeril
wife to Mark '86
mom to 5
Cajun Cottage Under the Oaks
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marihalojen Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 10 2007 at 7:43am | IP Logged
Cay Gibson wrote:
Good, because I got the contract in the mail yesterday. |
It sounds like congratulations are in order!
__________________ ~Jennifer
Mother to Mariannna, age 13
The Mari Hal-O-Jen
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TradCathMom Forum Rookie

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Posted: Jan 10 2007 at 1:28pm | IP Logged
YES! Most definitely! I'm assuming you mean Advent and Christmas! (hint*hint)
Thanks for pulling Catholic Mosaic together.
It would also be wonderful to have a Lent and Easter one! Hurry! Lent's almost upon us!
__________________ Julie
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Waverley Forum Pro

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Posted: Jan 10 2007 at 1:54pm | IP Logged
Please let us know the specifics of the NEW Christmas Mosaic!!! I am so excited. Do you know yet if you'll have preschool books?
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: Jan 10 2007 at 3:18pm | IP Logged
Congrats, Cay, on the contract.
I havent' responded with any ideas on Christmas books for several reasons, the main one being many are out of print.
Are you taking the same approach to choosing only in-print books?
And Waverly's question is one I echo? Will you have a section on books that are accessible for preschoolers?
And if so, "Who is Coming to Our House" and "Tomie dePaola's Christmas Pageant" are two to include. Love those.
I just got some of my Christmas books this week, and have enjoyed them. I know, it's time to put them away, but I bought some to give at Epiphany, and then we passed them on as gifts for a niece and nephew. I ordered again for Epiphany but they came a little late.
Donkey's Dream and Crippled Lamb are great for the younger ages.
I just got this one...I forget who was the first to recommend it but it's just gorgeous The Nativity: Six Glorious Pop-Up Scenes by Francesca Crespi . They ARE glorious.
We have read many, many books this Advent and Christmas. The pop-up books have been the most delightful, most meditative of all our reading...but of course, they aren't just ANY pop-up. We have Tomie dePaola's The First Christmas (OOP sadly) and Tasha Tudor's Book of Christmas. Crespi's is a perfect addition.
Christmas Carol books is something I really enjoy. Did you see MaryM's great compilation Christmas Carol Unit Study?
For some inspiration, read from Father Francis Weiser Christmas Book:
Ancient Carols and Hymns
Carols for Every Mood
Familiar Carols and Hymns
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
Wife to & ds1 '03 & ds2 '07
Family in Feast and Feria
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