Oh, Dearest Mother, Sweetest Virgin of Altagracia, our Patroness. You are our Advocate and to you we recommend our needs. You are our Teacher and like disciples we come to learn from the example of your holy life. You are our Mother, and like children, we come to offer you all of the love of our hearts. Receive, dearest Mother, our offerings and listen attentively to our supplications. Amen.

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Subject Topic: If you have (had) a local Catholic store. Post ReplyPost New Topic
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Posted: Oct 13 2006 at 5:18pm | IP Logged Quote gwendyt

what would you want it to be like? What would you like to see them carry or offer (think "reading area" "coffee house" "web ordering" ETC!)? what would get you shopping there regularly?

I ask because we have a local Catholic bookstore that is okay but not doing that great, and the owner is looking to sell. None of us that frequent the store want to see it go out of business...but it needs something more to make it successful. I'd love to hear some ideas and whether anyone cares if they would have a local place like this or not. Bring it on!

Married to DH Joe 18 yrs., 8 beautiful children - 2 girls, 6 boys (14,12,9,7,5,3,1,newbie born 3/1/2010)
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Posted: Oct 13 2006 at 5:29pm | IP Logged Quote JennGM

What is it like now?

To keep in business, I think you have to have the typical merchandise that will bring in all sorts of customers -- buying gifts for different sacraments, Fontanini and such. And good cards.

But oh, I would strive for beautiful religious art, wonderful books, and very good children's book section. Perhaps all the books in Cay's Catholic Mosaic for a start? And materials for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and some Montessori materials.

And being able to order online is another good option.

I think our local Catholic Shop and Gloria Deo in Nebraska would be great examples for a gorgeous store and online options.

Jennifer G. Miller
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Posted: Oct 13 2006 at 6:04pm | IP Logged Quote marihalojen

I don't have a Catholic Shop anywhere near that is ever open (one connected to a nearish church is always locked up tight) but my favorite nearby bookstore has a great coffee shop, maybe yours could add something similar but sell coffee from monks and sweets from nuns and other such Catholic foodstuffs.

And I agree with Jenn, a fabulous kids' section would be great! Comfy seats for groups like book clubs to meet. Activities like lectures or poetry readings or musicians are really popular here with the bookstores.

Mother to Mariannna, age 13
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Posted: Oct 13 2006 at 6:10pm | IP Logged Quote JennGM

Oh, on Jennifer's thinking lines, can I just add...enough walkways to push a stroller, child-proof...fragile things out of harm's way. And maybe a place to nurse or just rest when necessary? I visited my shop around St. Nick's day, as they were having a photo-op with St. Nicholas (a very nice thing, I must add), but my son was tired, hungry and I had no place to go. And I couldn't get the stroller around the store.

I know real estate is expensive, but making a store child friendly (and how a mocha would just go so perfectly with browsing the Catholic cookbooks) just would be a dream!

Jennifer G. Miller
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Posted: Oct 13 2006 at 7:15pm | IP Logged Quote Betsy


I think including local artists is always a great idea. I make rosaries and religious jewelry for a local Catholic Book Store. These iteams sell well and provide a service that you can't get from Amazon! I know this store also encourages local artist to sell their original art works. too.

Just an idea....

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Posted: Oct 13 2006 at 7:36pm | IP Logged Quote Michaela

We *just* walked in the door from the Catholic bookstore. I told my children that I'm so thankful we have one, BUT (along the line of what was already mentioned) I wish they had a section for children with couches or religious puzzles to do while I shopped.

I told them that whenever we go there are no children which could be because parents are so worried that their littles ones will wonder off & break something.

It has the basics, but there is an entire feel missing.

Momma to Nicholas 16, Nathan 13, Olivia 13, Teresa 6, & Anthony 3
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Posted: Oct 13 2006 at 8:24pm | IP Logged Quote gwendyt

You're all thinking along the same lines I was....MUST be child friendly and inviting!!! We are pro-family after all    We were dreaming a coffee/cafe area (similar to what a B&N would have) with a "kids corral" so to speak so parents could sit and browse material or visit or yes, meet for a book club.

I love the idea of local artists (read unique items!), great artwork, and a classic lit/great catholic children's lit section - part of the problem with the store now is atmosphere (kind of plain,blah), selection is too limited, and items are too expensive. Part of the reason I don't shop there as often as I could is because I can buy online for less ...is there really a way to combat the price thing??

BTW, I love the idea of pics with St. Nicholas, and the bit I can see of the Gloria Deo store - Scott Hahn is right, it is beautiful! Keep those ideas coming!

Married to DH Joe 18 yrs., 8 beautiful children - 2 girls, 6 boys (14,12,9,7,5,3,1,newbie born 3/1/2010)
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Posted: Oct 14 2006 at 8:28am | IP Logged Quote alicegunther

We do have the dream Catholic store near us. It does not have a website, and the parking is a challenge, but what it does possess is a saintly, kind, and devout owner who loves children and beauty and our Faith. Each visit to her store is like a retreat, and priests and nuns may be found browsing the shelves of carefully chosen Catholic books and works of art. My children are always made to feel welcome (even missed if they are not with me), and they never leave without a round of holy cards or medals from this incomparable woman.

God bless her!

Love, Alice
mother of seven!

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Posted: Oct 14 2006 at 9:41am | IP Logged Quote 5athome

If there was space or a classroom type area it would be great to offer some type of evening Bible study or mom's night out/during the day children's enrichment class or even religious themed crafts class.
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Posted: Oct 14 2006 at 9:49am | IP Logged Quote JennGM

Another thought...I've seen it done in different ways. I LOVE used books. There are so many good Catholic titles out there that are slightly used and/or out-of-print. If the owner finds used Catholic books and/or homeschooling books, offer those for sale, too. One store had a little shelf just for used books. Another store mixed the used with the new.... I think I liked the former.

Jennifer G. Miller
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Posted: Oct 14 2006 at 2:09pm | IP Logged Quote momwise

5athome wrote:
evening Bible study or mom's night out/during the day children's enrichment class or even religious themed crafts class.

Oh I loooove this idea. In addition, every time I go into our store (there are several in Denver and the one near me is excellent) I wish I could find the Catholic homeschool enrichment products and books. I mean why not have a Catholic Mosaic and all the picture books, products from Illuminated Ink and other crafts kits, and books like A Treasure Chest of Catholic Family Traditions?

Wouldn't it be great to run over and be able to get goodies for a great feast day celebration within just a couple of days rather than wait for mail orders? I'd also love to see other families have access to all the great things we find in our homeschool catalogs!

Gwen...wife for 30 years, mom of 7, grandma of 3.....
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Posted: Oct 15 2006 at 12:20pm | IP Logged Quote gwendyt

Those of us talking about it around here talked about used books and homeschooling materials too. I think that would be great, and I do think you're right Gwen - other families could benefit from some of the great homeschooling stuff we see so often! I do think the people who own or run the store will have a lot to do with its success as well. Your store sounds great Alice - that's just what we need - atmosphere permeated with Catholicism (and people who are really living it!)

All these ideas are great and right up the alley of our thinking. These things all appeal to us - do you think they will also appeal to the average Catholic? I think the success of this store will depend on if the new owner(s) can expand the customer base (and we do have Catholic stores in two of the three major neighboring towns, which doesn't help) and improve atmosphere/selection - as well as offer something unique (as in any of the above ideas!)

Married to DH Joe 18 yrs., 8 beautiful children - 2 girls, 6 boys (14,12,9,7,5,3,1,newbie born 3/1/2010)
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Posted: Oct 15 2006 at 10:55pm | IP Logged Quote Lavenderfields

I think we have close to the perfect Catholic Store here. The owner's are great, 8 children and I don't know how many granchildren. I think out of the 8 children they have 8 of them homeschool. So, they get a lot of feed back from their kids. They stock Catholic books, homeschool curriculum, Catholic Mosaic, Real Learning and mostly anything else we ask for. They have some statues, Rosaries, and a little knic knac's, but mostly we go in their and buy what we need for school. They also have illuminated press items which is very handy to just go that day to buy what we need. They also have a very good selection of dover coloring books. I love our store and the owner's.

But, I am going to print out what has been mentioned here and share it with them.

God Bless
Robynn in Lancaster, CA
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Posted: Oct 16 2006 at 2:48pm | IP Logged Quote Patty LeVasseur

We don't have a Catholic bookstore here and in fact the only books at the Christian bookstores that have the word Catholic in it are along the lines of "I use to be Catholic, but now I am a Christian".    We have a big Christian bookstore that has been here for a long time so when I saw a new small Christian bookstore open up I didn't think it would make it long. It is doing great! Their secret is that they made half the store a bookstore and the other half is a cafe with ice cream, sandwiches, and coffee and free high speed wireless internet.

mom to four blessings
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Posted: Oct 16 2006 at 3:02pm | IP Logged Quote Cay Gibson

We have a nice Catholic bookstore owned by the Diocese and staffed by volunteers.

The two highlights are the nice pink "princess" table and chairs in the children's section and the large open conference room free for use.

The one thing recently that I've noticed is this. Hurricane Rita left the roof ripped off the store and all the merchandise in ruins. The building was gutted and remodeled and restocked.

Now it offers a mostly Protestant selection
which is kind of lame because there is a very nice, well-stocked Christian bookstore right down the road.

Cay Gibson
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Posted: Oct 17 2006 at 10:18am | IP Logged Quote marihalojen

Cay, how awful! And owned by the Diocese too

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