Oh, Dearest Mother, Sweetest Virgin of Altagracia, our Patroness. You are our Advocate and to you we recommend our needs. You are our Teacher and like disciples we come to learn from the example of your holy life. You are our Mother, and like children, we come to offer you all of the love of our hearts. Receive, dearest Mother, our offerings and listen attentively to our supplications. Amen.

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Subject Topic: An article about Pope...to resign or not Post ReplyPost New Topic
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Posted: March 07 2005 at 12:48pm | IP Logged Quote TracyQ

Here is a link to an article that someone sent through one of my lists today. I found it very interesting, sometimes disturbing, and my reply on my list is included here as well..............I wasn't exactly sure where to post this, whether here in this forum, or on A Living Faith forum.

I thought you might like to read it, so I'm including it. I think I may read the intentions of our Holy Father to our children http://catholicculture.org/docs/doc_view.cfm?recnum=6319, and read them the article, and spark an important discussion:
Here's the article:
http://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/news/archive/local_20057 308.shtml


     Thanks for the link to this article. My blood boils when I read that people spew opinion without knowledge. But that happens all the time. The article was very good.
     This is the part that really struck me the most:
Paul Wadell, professor of religious studies at St. Norbert College in De Pere, said stepping down would give great witness to “accepting our own neediness.” He said, “Being pope is such an enormous responsibility. The role of pope is a moral voice in terms of political and social issues in the world. It’s hard to imagine anyone taking that role on with good health.”

The pope has said he wants others to witness in his sharing the suffering of Christ and that there is still value in the aged and the infirm, Wadell said. “None of that would disappear if he were to step down. There is an enormous witness to the value of stepping down, too. He would say that this is part of our pilgrimage to God. With diminished health capabilities, we can’t do what we once did. It’s accepting our own limitations. It’s accepting our own mortality.”

One of the things about American culture is not wanting to accept the fact of aging, something the pope has criticized Americans for, Jeffreys and Wadell said. “Accepting we can’t do what we once did and saying we’re able to accept this in light of the Resurrection (of Christ) shows there is meaning in life,” Wadell said. “There is a kind of humility and graciousness to that.”

He continued, “I don’t mean to be at all critical of the pope. There are different ways to serve the world and the church. In his time, the pope has served admirably. Now at the end of this life, there’s another way to serve the world and do it with sickness and infirmity. Those things do limit us at some point and we have to relinquish some things for the greater good. If the pope did so, it could be just as an important part of his legacy as his other achievements.”

Whose greater good? His? The world's? The Pope obviously has been led by the Holy Spirit to live in such a way as to SHOW the world where we are going wrong in the world today regarding life.... the unborn, the weak, the elderly, the sick, the disabled.

WHOSE greater good?   Is it better to just cast him aside, and send him off on the proverbial iceberg because it's TOO DIFFICULT for US to watch him suffer? Seems to be the same for Terry Shaivo, for those suffering with down's syndrome, cerebral palsy, one arm, no sight, those who can't hear, those who are in a wheelchair, what next......for those who have a big nose?

It's better for THEM to not suffer, and so they should be cast off into the sea so we don't have to wach them? Hmmm...very interesting.

How incredibly selfish the world has become! How incredibly self centered, egotisitical and faithless the world has become! This person who ended the article by what I've posted above proves that.

We can sugar coat ANYthing, and make it SEEM as if it's *being compassionate* as if it's *for the greater good* all we want! For WHOSE greater good? , I ask! For whose????

Thank you for the article, and of course, I'm just commenting on the article, as my heart breaks for just how sad this world is becoming. I just feel like I'm in a battle every day, and it's so hard sometimes.

Thanks again........




Blessings and Peace,
Tracy Q.
wife of Marty for 20 years, mom of 3 wonderful children (1 homeschool graduate, 1 12th grader, and a 9th grader),
homeschooling in 15th year in Buffalo, NY
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