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chicken lady Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 13 2007 at 4:45pm | IP Logged
Who can relate.......I woke this AM to a major snow storm. DH is sick in bed, and I have not a bean of coffee in my house. Now I am terribly afraid of driving in the snow, as I hit black ice a couple of years ago. However I CANNOT live with out with snow flying, roads uncleared I went for coffee!!! I am so pathetic, and so proud of myself at the same time One more note, we do have a 4 wheel drive suburban, so I'm really not that brave! I drove about 10 MPH, people behind me in mini vans were so mad at this crazy lady in this massive built for snow suburban driving like a 80 yr old lady
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Carole N. Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 13 2007 at 5:09pm | IP Logged
Have it delivered. Anderson's Coffee can be reached at 1.512.453.1533. They roast the beans and ship UPS the same day (if you call early enough). I recieve my coffee in two days.
I have also heard good things about Peet's Coffee although I have never tried it myself.
Carole ... in Wales
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: Feb 13 2007 at 5:38pm | IP Logged
Carole N. wrote:
Have it delivered. Anderson's Coffee can be reached at 1.512.453.1533. They roast the beans and ship UPS the same day (if you call early enough). I recieve my coffee in two days.
I have also heard good things about Peet's Coffee although I have never tried it myself. |
Great sources, Carole, although even 2 days to wait for coffee could make Molly go stir-crazy!
Good for you braving the snow. I'm just chicken...but I don't have a 4wheel vehicle, either.
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
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Cay Gibson Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 13 2007 at 5:43pm | IP Logged
For Valentine's Day I bought my oldest ds a pound of regular Community dark roast coffee (no decaf) and a small two cup coffee pot to use in his apartment.
He hates my decaf (though it tastes just the same). He says it doesn't put any hair on the chest.
__________________ Cay Gibson
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Maryan Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 13 2007 at 6:23pm | IP Logged
I can relate! But would have been too chicken to drive here in VA where they don't plow!!
But have been in that position and is what prompted me to look into what Cay mentioned (but NE version). Dunkin Donuts beans can be shipped to my house!! These things are very important to the peace and tranquility of our homes!
__________________ Maryan
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Mary G Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 13 2007 at 6:54pm | IP Logged
Peet's is excellent coffee -- my mom says the guy that started Starbucks once worked for Peet's so she ONLY will drink Peet's (unless we don't have it, then she'll drink whatever we've bought).....
Community coffee will ship and that stuff is GREAT, but you do have to get used to the taste of chicory -- all my BTR in-laws swear by it!
Molly -- I'm really proud of you -- maybe that adrenalin rush from driving in the snow made the coffee journey unnessary?????? Glad you made it back safe and that the store had your brand.....I figure God must be a coffee drinker too, eh?
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lapazfarm Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 13 2007 at 7:04pm | IP Logged
I keep a jar of *gasp* instant tucked away for just such occasions. It isn't my preferred method, but it will get me through in an emergency!LOL!
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Martha Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 13 2007 at 7:35pm | IP Logged
I know your pain and would have done the same thing. And my family would rather have had me do that than stay cooped up with me without it! They love me, but they aren't saints!
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momwise Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 13 2007 at 8:48pm | IP Logged
molly wrote:
However I CANNOT live with out with snow flying, roads uncleared I went for coffee!!! I am so pathetic, and so proud of myself at the same time |
You go girl....but how did you sleep through the night knowing there was no coffee in the house
__________________ Gwen...wife for 30 years, mom of 7, grandma of 3.....
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chicken lady Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 13 2007 at 9:54pm | IP Logged
Theresa I usually have instant on hand for various recipes, can you believe it that was empty also. I went out shopping the night before knowing the snow was coming, and since dh makes the coffeee I did not realize we were out. So I slept fine the night before, slept in complete ignorance
I order coffee from a Organic food service that delivers once a month, otherwise I just buy Starbucks Italian roast....I mean can coffee doe'nt cut it over here!
Good thing it happened today instead of tomorrow we have major ice now on top of the snow!!!
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ShawnaB Forum Pro

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Posted: Feb 13 2007 at 10:23pm | IP Logged
Molly, I SO relate. When on occasion Dh and I stay in a hotel somewhere, I actually take own coffee so as to not be forced to drink the sub-standard coffee valet brand.
Now, when we are out of coffee and its snowing, Dh gets a little scared and he jumps in to 4x4 and brings me back a cup'a real quick!
__________________ Shawna, wife of Jacob, mom to Abraham 8 Amelia 5 and Jillian & Jonathan age 3 years
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Chari Forum Moderator

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 12:11am | IP Logged
Very funny, Gwen!
Molly, I am really proud of you, too! So coffee is your motivation, huh? Who would have thought!
I REFUSE to let people in inappropriate snow traveling vehicles force me to go fast......I would do the same as you.....well, I might go about 25mph in MY suburban
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aussieannie Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 12:38am | IP Logged
molly wrote:
Now I am terribly afraid of driving in the snow, as I hit black ice a couple of years ago. However I CANNOT live with out with snow flying, roads uncleared I went for coffee!!! |
I think I need a roll on the floor lol!
Molly, are you pregnant too?
I thought these were only the desperate acts of a pregnant woman in search of satisfying their pregnancy cravings!!
Or like the poor dh on a impossible knight's mission for the pregnant wife - like frantically searching for some rare, out of season piece of fruit on a Sunday afternoon. (or in ancient times would equate to searching for the milk of a unicorn) and we SERIOUSLY expect them to come home triumphant!
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chicken lady Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 7:41am | IP Logged
NO I am not pregnant just addicted to coffee! Although I can relate to your post my dh has had many of these trips to find me Granny Smith apples, or Blueberries in the dead of winter.
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Carole N. Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 8:06am | IP Logged
Oh Molly, I am sorry, but I did not read your first post completely (short on time sort of thing, ykwim). You should be proud that you went out! I would have stayed at home. I'm from Texas and we don't have that kind of weather down there! Absolutely no training, but dh is from PA, so he knows how to handle it.
I am very picky about coffee as well. That is why I have it shipped in. My neighbors think I am daffy, but a good cupa in the morning goes a long way!
Carole ... in Wales
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Tina P. Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 9:38am | IP Logged
Oooooh! Anderson's has coffee *and* tea offerings. That site looks way fun. Wish I'd have seen it in time for Valentine's Day!
We like Melitta. I've never seen their site before! Just buy what I like at the store. I'm a frou-frou coffee drinker. I love flavored coffees (you know, French Vanilla, Hazelnut Creme). I could generally do without regular.
So for you coffee afficionados, what's the difference between light and dark roast? And is whole bean better than already ground ('course, that'd mean we'd have to get a grinder)? Can you tell I'm new to coffee addiction?
There is also a holiday blend that we liked a lot ... I have to remember the name of it and get back to you.
__________________ Tina, wife to one and mom to 9 + 3 in heaven
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Marjorie Forum Pro

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 10:24am | IP Logged
Molly, that is true java scented devotion!
Bravery or insanity, I'm not sure, but I'm with you all the way. We call coffee the "elixer of life" at our house and while I am learning to appreciate tea in its many forms - give me a good cuppa joe, please! I knew my husband was a keeper when the first present he ever gave me was a Braun coffee grinder! That was 17 years ago and I still use it every day at least once. True love w/coffee on the side, happy sigh.
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chicken lady Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 10:34am | IP Logged
Carole don't be silly you have nothing to apologize for I am crazy and looking for people to enable my addiction
Dark roast beans (the ones I prefer) make strongier coffee! I like Italian roast for example, that is also what is used for espresso. The lighter the milder the flavor.
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marihalojen Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 10:43am | IP Logged
| addiction to Volcanic Roasted Beans from the Bad Ass Coffee Company here.
And so the story goes……
“The native people of Kona, Hawaii, remember the days of the "Bad Ass Ones." The bellows of the donkeys could be heard echoing through the mountains as they hauled the heavy loads of coffee up and down the mountainside. In honor of these hard working donkeys, we named our coffee company. The legend of the Kona Nightingale lives on right here at The Bad Ass Coffee Company.”
When I went to link to the company I found that they are sending bags of coffee to our soldiers, what a nice thing to do! $11.95 will Buy a Cup 'O Joe for a Soldier, actually a 16oz bag of Hawaiian Blend.
If I were to give up coffee for Lent I think I might send the money saved here...
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Chari Forum Moderator

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 11:25am | IP Logged
molly wrote:
NO I am not pregnant just addicted to coffee! Although I can relate to your post my dh has had many of these trips to find me Granny Smith apples, or Blueberries in the dead of winter. |
not coffee-related......but, here is another thing in common dh says he had to buy so many Granny Smith apples for my first pg, he thought our daughter would be a Granny Smith
......we DONT have the coffee thing in common though......I decided as a young twenty not to let myself get addicted to coffee "like everyone" around me .........I drink tea all day long, just for cravings.
I WILL drink fun flavored coffees, about 2 times a year
........I got so HIGH once on a jumbo expresso I drank in ten minutes once, it scares me to do too much....numb face, dizzy, talking crazy.....etc.......funny, but I am afraid to drink coffee while driving........I might have a car accident from the reaction
__________________ Chari...Take Up & Read
Dh Marty 27yrs...3 lovely maidens: Anne 24, Sarah 20 & Maddelyn 17 and 3 chivalrous sons: Matthew 22, Garrett 16 & Malachy 11
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