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Helen Forum All-Star

Joined: Dec 03 2005
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Posted: Jan 25 2007 at 4:09pm | IP Logged
When I saw Meredith's blog entry today, I thought it would be helpful to post the seven important biblical passages which instruct us about Mary, the Mother of God. (No pressure here folks. This is just FYI.) Fr. Manelli suggests studying these seven passages from the Bible. The following is a quote from our handbook.
(I used the quoting mechanism of the board, even though Father didn't previously post this )
Fr. Manelli wrote:
There are seven Biblical passages, however, which may be used as guideposts for the spiritual ascent of every M.I.M. missionary, from the battle with sin (Gen. 3:15) to the appearance of the “Woman clothed with the sun” (Apoc. 12:1).
In fact, these seven passages treat the ascetical-mystical life as it begins with purification and practice of virtue (charity, prayer, mortification, purity) and concludes in union with Christ, in self-immolation with Mary, in the very life of the Holy Spirit, via identification with “the woman clothed with the sun”.
The Seven Biblical Guideposts of the Marian Spiritual Journey
1. The “Mission of the Immaculate Mediatrix” is the mission of the Woman of Genesis (3:15), implacable enemy of Satan, in virtue of her Immaculate Conception. She is united with her Son (her “offspring”) in “crushing the head of the serpent” for the sake of fallen mankind’s salvation.
A battle between sin and a life of purity.
2. It is the mission of the One whose name is “Full of Grace” (Lk 1:28), who is all “grace” and no sin: whose name, then, is Immaculate Conception. Accepting with enlightening, sublime faith her vocation to be virginal Mother of the divine Word for the redemption and salvation of mankind, she realizes, with the Holy Spirit whose Spouse she is, the Incarnation of the Son of God.
The life of grace, with Jesus within.
3. It is the mission of the Mother of the Lord (Lk. 1:43), who carries with her the Good News and distributes this grace among men, as the first missionary of the Gospel bringing life and joy (“The child lept with joy: within the womb of St. Elizabeth: Lk. l:44) and magnifying God for the great things done in her and for His mercy poured out on men.
The apostolate and fraternal charity.
4. It is the mission of the Mother who prays and works as Mediatrix in union with her Son in order to assist her needy children, especially in the more significant moments of life (at the wedding feast: John 2:1 ff), obtaining, if need be, even a miracle.
A life of intercessory prayer.
5. It is the mission of the Mother who at the foot of the Cross immolates herself with her crucified Son as Co-Redemptrix for the regeneration of souls, becoming in this way a truly universal spiritual mother, proclaimed thus by the dying Jesus Himself: “Behold thy Mother” (John 19:27).
Being children of Mary.
6. It is the mission of the Mother of the Church, of the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, of the Queen of the Apostles in prayer at the Cenacle. The Eucharist, the Holy Spirit, our Lady, the Church: the Immaculate is at the center with her mission of gathering all her children into the Church animated by the Holy Spirit at the foot of the Tabernacle (Acts 1:14).
Life in the Holy Spirit with the Mother of the Church.
7. It is the mission of the Immaculate Mother, against whom the dragon (Apoc. 12:9) can do nothing - driven back, beaten down, hurled into the eternal abyss of fire and brimstone (Apoc. 20:8) by St. Michael the Archangel and his angels. It is the mission of the Queen Mother “clothed with the sun”, a radiant image of the heavenly Jerusalem, in which city She wants all her children to be.
Being transformed into the Immaculate, “clothed with the sun”. |
__________________ Ave Maria!
Mom to 5 girls and 3 boys
Mary Vitamin & Castle of the Immaculate
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Carole N. Forum All-Star

Joined: Oct 28 2006 Location: Wales
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Posted: Jan 25 2007 at 4:15pm | IP Logged
Thanks, Helen, for sharing this with us.
Carole ... in Wales
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Meredith Forum All-Star

Joined: Feb 08 2005 Location: N/A
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Posted: Jan 25 2007 at 4:34pm | IP Logged
These are so beautiful Helen, I'm so glad you posted them all, thank you
__________________ Meredith
Mom of 4 Sweeties
Sweetness and Light
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