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MicheleQ Forum All-Star

Joined: Feb 23 2005 Location: Pennsylvania
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Posted: Dec 14 2006 at 7:27pm | IP Logged
Jenn wants to make a sling like the one I made recently so I'm starting a thread here to walk her through it.
First things first, gather your materials.
You will need at least 2 (preferably 2 1/2) yards of fabric for the main body of the sling. Don't choose anything too thick but also not too light. You want to be sure it has some strength to it. If you want to line the sling you'll need another 1 1/2 yds. of fabric. If you like the satin brocade JoAnn Fabrics has it half off right now.
The rings: I use nylon rings from Sling but I am sure you can find them elsewhere online too. The size I used for my sling was medium (2 5/8" in diameter .4" thick).
The only other things you need are a sewing machine and thread. Tip: Don't use cheap thread - it breaks. Personally I prefer Gutterman.
OK let me know when you are ready to begin.
__________________ Michele Quigley
wife to my prince charming and mom of 10 in Lancaster County, PA USA
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Angie Mc Board Moderator

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Posted: Dec 14 2006 at 10:38pm | IP Logged
I'll just mention Solar*veil material as an option. My single layer sling made of this material has worn like iron. (I haven't purchased the material from the site linked, just saw that they sold it by the yard and they have a link that explains what solarveil is.)
Thanks so much for walking us through this, Michelle!
__________________ Angie Mc
Maimeo to Henry! Dave's wife, mom to Mrs. Devin+Michael Pope, Aiden 20,Ian 17,John Paul 11,Catherine (heaven 6/07)
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jdostalik Forum All-Star

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Posted: Dec 15 2006 at 7:57am | IP Logged
I can go to the fabric store tomorrow. Michele, you are so sweet to offer to do this! And with a baby that is just one week old--amazing!
Can't wait to get started. This will be my first big sewing project besides the one I did in my beginner's sewing class last spring! Can you hear me saying to myself, "I think I can." "I think I can.".....
__________________ God Bless,
Jennifer in TX
wife to Bill, mom to six here on earth and eight in heaven.
Let the Little Ones Come
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marihalojen Forum All-Star

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Posted: Dec 15 2006 at 8:18am | IP Logged
Michelle that sling is gorgeous! Of course, little Maria is the frosting on the cake...
Take this idea with a grain of salt as my baby will be twelve next week but when she was little I tied her to me in all sorts of different ways with a sarong I'd picked up in Hawaii. I'd never in my life seen a store bought sling until a couple of years ago! But this site has pretty clear instructions for many different ways to tie a sling if you cannot find Sling Rings.
__________________ ~Jennifer
Mother to Mariannna, age 13
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alicegunther Forum All-Star

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Posted: Dec 15 2006 at 10:52pm | IP Logged
I am in love with both Maria and that sling. You are too much, Michele! I am in awe!
__________________ Love, Alice
mother of seven!
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Brew yourself a cup of tea, and come for a visit!
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MicheleQ Forum All-Star

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Posted: Dec 15 2006 at 11:16pm | IP Logged
Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to go through the process and make another sling.
I will take pictures and add instructions as I go along and then put it on my blog as a tutorial. It will have its own permanent page and be accessible to all. Of course you can ask questions at any time but this way everyone can go at their own pace. Since I can make a sling in an afternoon it shouldn't take long but oh yeah it's Christmas soon so it might be a little while yet as I have some gifts to finish for my girls.
God bless,
__________________ Michele Quigley
wife to my prince charming and mom of 10 in Lancaster County, PA USA
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Jenn Sal Forum All-Star

Joined: June 23 2005 Location: Texas
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Posted: Dec 16 2006 at 6:43am | IP Logged
Husband took yesturday off and I had a midwife appointment. Here I am catching up. So thankful that you have started this! I don't know how you do it, but thank you for sharing such an amazing talent with all of us.
Since I'm not sure when I can get the material, I may need to catch up. I will attempt this week, since husband took it off !
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
My sewing machine thanks you too!
__________________ Jennifer, Texas
Wife to Mark, Mom to Cora 13,Kade 10, Sarah in Heaven 12/05, Colette 7, Corin 5, & Kieran 2
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nissag Forum All-Star

Joined: Nov 23 2006 Location: Massachusetts
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Posted: Dec 16 2006 at 8:36am | IP Logged
Oh, Michele! Alright if I sew along? I need a prettier sling. You know, I have to MATCH!
I'll try to keep up and post pictures on my blog too. Oh, I adore that brocade - we bought fat quarters last year and made a quilt for Sophie.
__________________ Nissa
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MicheleQ Forum All-Star

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Posted: Dec 16 2006 at 10:22am | IP Logged
nissag wrote:
Oh, Michele! Alright if I sew along? I need a prettier sling. You know, I have to MATCH!
I'll try to keep up and post pictures on my blog too.
Absolutely Nissa!
__________________ Michele Quigley
wife to my prince charming and mom of 10 in Lancaster County, PA USA
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MicheleQ Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 02 2007 at 11:12am | IP Logged
OK, so is everyone ready to go?
I'm washing my sling fabric this afternoon and time allowing will start on my sling later today. I plan to take lots of pictures and post a tutorial page on my sewing site. In the meantime if you have any questions just ask.
OR if you already started (or finished) tell us about it!
__________________ Michele Quigley
wife to my prince charming and mom of 10 in Lancaster County, PA USA
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nissag Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 02 2007 at 12:37pm | IP Logged
I'm nearly ready - can't wait to get out to the fabric store and pick up something to make the new sling from. I thought I might pinch some from my stash, but I decided against it - I'd have to sacrifice a skirt for Catherine and a pair of jammie bottoms for William.
That could endanger my well-being! ;-)
__________________ Nissa
Deacon's wife, mother of eleven, farmer, teacher, creator, cook.
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jdostalik Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 02 2007 at 12:47pm | IP Logged
Hi Michele!
I couldn't decide on what kind of fabric to use--but I plan on just going to the fabric store today and getting something--so I should be ready tomorrow!! I am excited to start!!
__________________ God Bless,
Jennifer in TX
wife to Bill, mom to six here on earth and eight in heaven.
Let the Little Ones Come
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MicheleQ Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 03 2007 at 12:44pm | IP Logged
Yikes! I forgot it was Wednesday (I am completely off on days with the holidays!) and that means I have RCIA business I need to attend to so I'm not going to be able to get started on the sling until tomorrow.
If you got your fabric yesterday be sure and wash it. Trust me you don't want to skip this step. A sling will most likely need to get washed and you don't want it to shrink AFTER you have made it. Wash and dry the fabric just like you would the sling.
I'll be posting and updating here (this isn't a blog post page it's actually a separate, permanent page that I'll link to from the main blog page) and of course posting and updating here on this forum (but without pictures...they'll be on the tutorial page).
See you tommorrow!
__________________ Michele Quigley
wife to my prince charming and mom of 10 in Lancaster County, PA USA
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MicheleQ Forum All-Star

Joined: Feb 23 2005 Location: Pennsylvania
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Posted: Jan 04 2007 at 3:29pm | IP Logged
Once you have chosen your fabric be sure and wash it. Trust me you don't want to skip this step. A sling will most likely need to get washed and you don't want it to shrink AFTER you have made it. Wash and dry the fabric just like you will the sling. Once you have washed your fabric you may want to iron it. Be sure to use a press cloth or iron on the underside of the brocade.
I'm using a maroon poly silky (lightweight but strong) for the main body of the sling and a pale pink satin brocade for the lining.
Next, decide on how wide you want your sling to be. I prefer 30 inches but you can certainly go larger or smaller (for safety's sake, I do not recommend going smaller than 25 inches wide).
You can use the selvages of the fabric if you'd like but I prefer not to, especially for a lined sling because the selvage edge can pull and distort things.
To get a clean cut I fold the fabric over and use a rotary cutter. Keep in mind that it doesn't have to be perfectly straight but do try to cut it on grain as it will give you a smoother fit when you cinch up the sling later.
More to come - stay tuned. . .
__________________ Michele Quigley
wife to my prince charming and mom of 10 in Lancaster County, PA USA
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MicheleQ Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 09 2007 at 10:24pm | IP Logged
My apologies for being so slow on this. It's a busy week for me. Maria's baptism is this Sunday and I am still playing catch up with business and RCIA stuff from last month. Next week looks to be less busy so I will get back to it then. I hope that's OK. Do let me know you're progress!
__________________ Michele Quigley
wife to my prince charming and mom of 10 in Lancaster County, PA USA
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saintanneshs Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 10 2007 at 9:43pm | IP Logged
Michele, I just love that you're doing this!! I found a whole box of leftover baby fabric in my basement (pretty big pieces) last weekend and am planning to see if I can't get my hands on some rings after my dr. apptmt. tomorrow. If this baby's going to take it's time getting here, I might as well try to make a sling for him or her!
I've never had a sling before, not with any of my babies, but I hear it's wonderful and I'm ready to give it a try...
Thank you in advance for the photos. They are soooo helpful for us beginners!!
__________________ Kristine
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MicheleQ Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 18 2007 at 1:46pm | IP Logged
I'm sorry this is taking so long to get to but believe it or not I'm waiting for sunshine! My camera takes MUCH better pictures when it's sunny and it's been terribly dreary lately. Yesterday we had sun but it was Wednesday - my RCIA day so I had no time to sew.
If anyone is needing help please let me know. We'll get this done eventually.
God bless,
__________________ Michele Quigley
wife to my prince charming and mom of 10 in Lancaster County, PA USA
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jdostalik Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 18 2007 at 4:14pm | IP Logged
I haven't ordered my rings yet--so there is no hurry on my acct. I ended up ordering a OTSBH sling online since the baby could be here anytime...I still hope to join in and make my own, though!
__________________ God Bless,
Jennifer in TX
wife to Bill, mom to six here on earth and eight in heaven.
Let the Little Ones Come
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MicheleQ Forum All-Star

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Posted: March 09 2007 at 3:18pm | IP Logged
It's done!
Sorry it took me so long.
You can see the tutorial at:
As a bonus, if you leave me a comment you get a chance to win this sling!
Thursday March 15th I will draw a name from all those who leave a comment and the winner gets the sling. I'll package it up and mail it to you for free!
Just to be clear, it's not perfect (I don't do perfect) but hey it's free!
Also if you see any obvious typos or something really isn't clear please say so. I was up until 2 am last night with a happy but very wide awake baby.
__________________ Michele Quigley
wife to my prince charming and mom of 10 in Lancaster County, PA USA
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saintanneshs Forum All-Star

Joined: April 15 2005 Location: Virginia
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Posted: March 09 2007 at 3:35pm | IP Logged
Okay, confession here...I never got around to making my sling. Before I get started on one, I want to make sure I can still USE one.
Since I've never had one before, what I'm wondering is, how big are the babies when it's time to put away the sling? How much weight does a sling hold? My little guy is only 7 weeks and already weighs 14 pounds. Will he be too heavy for a sling? Will it hurt my back?
__________________ Kristine
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