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Posted: June 22 2016 at 3:42pm | IP Logged Quote SeaStar

Can anyone recommend a blood typing kit you have used with your kids?
We are going to do a small unit this fall on blood types, transfusions, etc, and I wanted something that was a kit, maybe with some reading material or charts for the kids to look up.

Amazon seems to have a lot that are no frills kits....

Melinda, mom to ds ('02) and dd ('04)

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Posted: June 23 2016 at 12:52pm | IP Logged Quote MaryM

This has been a challenge for me recently for my Biology class in our co-op. There used to be a company that had a small set for co-op use but they no longer exist. All the science supply companies now have just big classroom sets, so are expensive and impractical for home or small co-op use. Or they have ones with "fake" blood to simulate testing but you don't really test. Now the best option for individual testing is an Eldon Card - which can still be spendy for a co-op (compared to the old kits) but for a couple children is really the only affordable option. They average about $10 but have seen them as low as $7 each. And just finding this 3 pk. for $15 so $5 each which is pretty darn good.

Mary M. in Denver

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Posted: Aug 03 2016 at 8:33pm | IP Logged Quote mom3aut1not

What about Home Training Tools? They have Elenco kts for $9.80 each or 32 kits for >$100 as well as some other kits.

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Posted: Aug 04 2016 at 1:29am | IP Logged Quote MaryM

mom3aut1not wrote:
What about Home Training Tools? They have Elenco kts for $9.80 each or 32 kits for >$100 as well as some other kits.

Yes, those $9.80 kits are the Eldon cards so are the best option for small groups currently. Right now Hometrainingtools.com is having a 10% off sale (they frequently have sales) so that is the best time to get them. That big classroom kit is great and does have exactly what I liked using - just it's a lot of money to spend for a small class of 8-10 (since the kits should be using in a year - or 2 if refrigerated).

Mary M. in Denver

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