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Subject Topic: Hand-sewing Patchwork? Post ReplyPost New Topic
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Posted: Sept 09 2013 at 9:41am | IP Logged Quote JennGM

I'm trying to compile some handiwork ideas that I can direct and do from the couch or my bed during recovery.

One idea I had was sewing a patchwork quilt together. I had hoped to use some of my husbands old shirts to make quilts for the boys.

Most directions now are for machine sewing the squares. I know it's a basic question, but I'm just wondering if anyone has done the hand-sewing of squares and just a good way to teach children how to do it. Should I chalk lines or something to keep them on a straight line?


I am going to check out the Winky Cherry books on handsewing and Patchwork to see if they have a good approach.

Jennifer G. Miller
Wife to & ds1 '03 & ds2 '07
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Posted: Sept 09 2013 at 10:00am | IP Logged Quote CrunchyMom

That sounds like a lovely idea, Jenn.

I do think most people use a fabric marker to draw in the lines to keep the stitches straight, not just children.

I have not made such a quilt myself, but I am fairly adept at handsewing, having learned the basics from my mom and put in many hours in the costume shop in college. A couple of friends of mine in college decided to handmake quilts, and I'll never forget how my bluntness deflated them entirely. They had already cut out the squares and were busy sewing in the lounge at the campus ministries center, and I came along in my insensitive way and told them that they were doing it all wrong, that there was no way a straight running stitch would be strong enough. One friend insisted that her grandmother's quilt was made like that, and I told her that I didn't think so, though maybe it was quilted like that.


Just now, I couldn't remember for sure the name of the stitch you *would* use, but in looking it up, I came across some YouTube videos for how to do it (the back stitch). So, you might look there for pointers. I know my boys will sometimes respond better to the instruction of others, especially initially, and often, they are doing a better job of teaching than I would.

Handsewing Stitches

Five Boys(6/04) (6/06) (9/08)(3/11),(7/13), and 1 girl (5/16)
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Posted: Sept 09 2013 at 10:01am | IP Logged Quote JennGM

Just what I was looking for, Lindsay! I agree, the straight stitch is just a basting stitch. It really couldn't keep things together well.

Jennifer G. Miller
Wife to & ds1 '03 & ds2 '07
Family in Feast and Feria
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Posted: Sept 09 2013 at 10:02am | IP Logged Quote CrunchyMom

JennGM wrote:

I am going to check out the Winky Cherry books on handsewing and Patchwork to see if they have a good approach.

Oh my! These look wonderful. The patchwork book has instructions for making the alphabet flags!! My boys would LOVE making those to hang up in their [nautical] bedroom!

Five Boys(6/04) (6/06) (9/08)(3/11),(7/13), and 1 girl (5/16)
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Posted: Oct 22 2013 at 9:21pm | IP Logged Quote CrunchyMom

Did you ever check out these materials?

Five Boys(6/04) (6/06) (9/08)(3/11),(7/13), and 1 girl (5/16)
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[URL=http://mysymphonygarden.blogspot.com/]Lost in the Cosmos[/UR
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