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Barb.b Forum All-Star

Joined: June 22 2007
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Posted: Dec 30 2011 at 7:59pm | IP Logged
I really have a hard time figuring out what to read. I have a nook and there are soooo many. . . . I just get stuck. So, How do you go about deciding what to choose!
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stellamaris Forum All-Star

Joined: Feb 26 2009 Location: Virginia
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Posted: Dec 30 2011 at 8:28pm | IP Logged
I have a vague goal for my reading. Nothing too set in stone, but a general idea of the purpose of my reading. I want to read those works of theology, philosophy, and literature that have been instrumental in shaping our Western culture and have been part of the ongoing conversation of thought throughout the ages. So, I'm mostly reading from these categories:
1. The Great Books of the Western World (scroll down)
2. The Catholic Lifetime Reading Plan
3. The 100 Best Novels (not a list for students, lots of problematic material in these books)
And then there's "bathtub" reading:
Any novel my sisters have sent me
Any novel written in the last 40 years
Some "fluff" that caught my eye, usually pertaining to a current interest like gardening, children's contact (or lack of it) with nature, family life, etc.
And then there's....well, guess I don't know how to narrow down the choices either! Just read through the stack you have on your table, and then get some more! Don't get stuck, just read the next thing! You'll never get through it all before the Lord comes, anyway! Love to read!
__________________ In Christ,
Wife to dh 30+ yrs,ds's 83,85,89,dd's 91,95,ds's 01,01,02,grammy to 4
Flowing Streams
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lapazfarm Forum All-Star

Joined: July 21 2005 Location: Alaska
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Posted: Dec 30 2011 at 9:20pm | IP Logged
I keep about 10 books in my "current reads" folder on my Kindle. Usually something from several different genre---a spiritual book, a fun read, a nature read, some non-fiction--history, classic lit, etc. The idea is that there is always something in there I want to read. In reality--I can't choose, either. I end up reading bits and pieces of several things until I finally land on something that hits me at the right place and time. And that doesn't even address the shelves and shelves of actual "book" books I have yet to crack the covers on.
I suppose there are worse dilemmas!
My advice is to keep picking up and reading until something hits you.
__________________ Theresa
us-schooling in beautiful Fairbanks, Alaska.
LaPaz Home Learning
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JodieLyn Forum Moderator

Joined: Sept 06 2006 Location: Oregon
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Posted: Dec 30 2011 at 9:49pm | IP Logged
I watch for recommendations here. Pre-read for my kids. Read new things by authors I like. Read stuff on hand (been given to us or picked up cheap somewhere etc). Reread old favorites.
__________________ Jodie, wife to Dave
G-18, B-17, G-15, G-14, B-13, B-11, G-9, B-7, B-5, B-4
All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education.
-Sir Walter Scott
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