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Chari Forum Moderator

Joined: Jan 28 2005 Location: California
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Posted: Dec 31 2010 at 10:27pm | IP Logged
Thanks to all of you who contributed to last year's list! We slowed up a bit the second half of 2010...but, let's get 2011 off to a better start.
Now, it is.......
Time to start for 2011!
Here are the "rules" for posting on this thread:
We will keep a list of all of the books we read this year. Everytime you finish a just post it here.
If it is a duplicate of a previous book mentioned.........list it anyway.
Consider it a survey of Catholic homeschool moms' reading choices.
Let's try to capitalize the titles, and always remember the author! If you want, take the time to put the title in it can catch our eye.
Be prepared to talk about your book choices sometimes!
I so appreciate all of my fellow bibliophiles and I encourage newer members to join with us!
Here is a link to our previous lists.....FIVE years' worth!!
Happy reading!
Book blessings,
__________________ Chari...Take Up & Read
Dh Marty 27yrs...3 lovely maidens: Anne 24, Sarah 20 & Maddelyn 17 and 3 chivalrous sons: Matthew 22, Garrett 16 & Malachy 11
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Erin Forum Moderator

Joined: Feb 23 2005 Location: Australia
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Posted: Jan 04 2011 at 3:37pm | IP Logged
Just finished Windflowers by Tamara McKinley.
I'm off on an Australian author and history rabbit trail.
__________________ Erin
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Seven Little Australians
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: Jan 04 2011 at 4:35pm | IP Logged
I just finished two:
TIME OUT FOR HAPPINESS by Frank B. Gilbreth Jr.
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
Wife to & ds1 '03 & ds2 '07
Family in Feast and Feria
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MaryM Board Moderator

Joined: Feb 11 2005 Location: Colorado
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Posted: Jan 04 2011 at 4:46pm | IP Logged
Is Agathe the one who just died last week?
__________________ Mary M. in Denver
Our Domestic Church
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: Jan 04 2011 at 4:48pm | IP Logged
MaryM wrote:
Is Agathe the one who just died last week? |
Yes! I just posted about this . It was a goosebump time to be reading her book and then see her name and face on the newspaper last week.
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
Wife to & ds1 '03 & ds2 '07
Family in Feast and Feria
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stellamaris Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 05 2011 at 4:48am | IP Logged
I've been on a mini-rabbit trail researching the Gospels and the date and language of their composition for a while, and I just finished one of the books I'm reading on this trail: REDATING THE NEW TESTAMENT (I feel like I just shouted the name of that book to you, all those caps! ) )
This scholarly treatment of the dating of the New Testament writings is by an Anglican, liberal bishop who set out as a joke to prove that the Gospels (as well as the rest of the NT) were written before 70 A.D...and he became convinced himself! Definitely for those who like the academic approach.
Related to this are THE BIRTH OF THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS , which I read last year,
and THE HEBREW CHRIST, which I plan to read this year (I see it has gotten pretty expensive, it is OOP)
__________________ In Christ,
Wife to dh 30+ yrs,ds's 83,85,89,dd's 91,95,ds's 01,01,02,grammy to 4
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stacykay Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 05 2011 at 3:58pm | IP Logged
I'm not even sure I should post this! My first book begun and finished this new year is a secular one,Moon River and Me by Andy Williams. I remember watching his show with my parents a long time ago, so I picked it up at the library. Mildly interesting, because it gave an inside peek into many "stars," whose lives were very sadly lacking God.
In Christ,
Stacy in MI
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Erin Forum Moderator

Joined: Feb 23 2005 Location: Australia
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Posted: Jan 05 2011 at 7:57pm | IP Logged
Just finished another Austrlian novelThe Silent Frontier - Peter Watt. Begins with the Eureka Stockade, and covers the Australian involvement in the New Zealand War of land dispossession against the Maoris.
__________________ Erin
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Karen T Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 05 2011 at 8:02pm | IP Logged
Just finished Tolkien's The Silmarillion which I had tried to read multiple times before. This time I got the audiobook and also started a RAL on Ravelry to discuss, so I kept at it. It was wonderful!
Also, Wilkie Collins' The Moonstone a few days ago.
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Erin Forum Moderator

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Posted: Jan 13 2011 at 2:58am | IP Logged
I just read 'Plain Truth' by Jodie Picoult. Set in an Amish community in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Addresses the issue of neonaticide.
When I first read one of Jodie Picoult's books I assumed because she was a popular modern author she would be light and fluffy. Shouldn't make assumptions. Anyhow each of her books tackle really deep topics and alot of research goes into them. I come away having learnt so much and find myself thinking about it all for long afterward.
__________________ Erin
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Mimip Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 13 2011 at 6:51am | IP Logged
I just finishedSomething Borrowed by Emily Griffin. Quick read recommended by my future SIL that I WOULD NOT recommend. All about how this woman falls in love with her best friend's fiance and after a one night stand develops a relationship.
I'm still trying to figure out why she thought I would like this book
Oh and I finished Freckles by Stratton Porter on my itouch (its free for Kindle readers) I really liked this book and am looking forward to reading more of his works. Not my usual read but such a touching story with nature woven into it.
On to a bunch of Shannon Hale with my oldest dd.
__________________ In Christ,
Wife of 16 years to Tom, Mom of DD'00, DD'02, '04(in heaven) DS'05, DS'08 and DS '12
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Karen T Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 14 2011 at 3:42pm | IP Logged
I finished The Eustace Diamonds by Anthony Trollope a few days ago. Lots of people liked it - I thought it was just OK. The main character is not someone you can like, which reminds me of Vanity Fair. In fact, the author starts out by saying she is not a Becky Sharpe. I didn't like VF either
I've recently been reading the Odd series by Dean Koontz - Odd Thomas, Forever Odd, Brother Odd and Odd Hours by Dean Koontz. Interesting, and definitely have a slightly religious aspect to them, though I wouldn't rank them as "great Catholic literature." Koontz is Catholic so there are references in the books. Riveting mysteries, though.
And just now, I sat down and read, cover to cover (dh took the kids snow-tubing today!) Unplanned, the story of the former Planned Parenthood director who became pro-life. This came out on Tues, I ordered from Amazon that day, with the supersaver shipping, and it came yesterday (Thurs!) - amazing. It was fantastic and I cannot wait to pass it along to some of my friends. highly recommended.
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Erin Forum Moderator

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Posted: Jan 14 2011 at 9:09pm | IP Logged
Karen T wrote:
And just now, I sat down and read, cover to cover (dh took the kids snow-tubing today!) Unplanned, the story of the former Planned Parenthood director who became pro-life. This came out on Tues, I ordered from Amazon that day, with the supersaver shipping, and it came yesterday (Thurs!) - amazing. It was fantastic and I cannot wait to pass it along to some of my friends. highly recommended. |
Oh I've been wondering about this book, so good to hear your opinion.
__________________ Erin
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JamieCarin Forum Rookie

Joined: Nov 14 2008 Location: New Jersey
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Posted: Jan 27 2011 at 8:28pm | IP Logged
I am new to this board and so excited to find this idea here! I LOOOVVEEE hearing what people are reading!!
I recently finished the Emily of New Moon series by LM Montgomery and Jane of Lantern Hill, Passionate Housewives Desperate For God (this is a Protestant book, but I thought it was good, but I always wonder if it totally jives with the Catholic teaching on woman's roles and vocation to motherhood. Anyone read this and have any thoughts?), Shutting OUt the Sky which is a young adult book about life in the tenaments on the Lower East Side around turn of the century. I liked the pictures, the text was....liberal to say the least (very feminist I thought, pro socialism, etc).
Tonight I am starting Confessions of a Prairie Bitch written by the actress who played Nellie Oleson on Little House. Can't wait to dig in!
__________________ Wife to Claudio for 9yrs, Mom to Ben (4), and Annabella (almost 3), and Beatrice (born 1/17/12)
Ad Silvam Ibimus
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JamieCarin Forum Rookie

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Posted: Jan 27 2011 at 8:50pm | IP Logged
Oops and forgot Susie Lloyd's Don't Drink the Holy Water
__________________ Wife to Claudio for 9yrs, Mom to Ben (4), and Annabella (almost 3), and Beatrice (born 1/17/12)
Ad Silvam Ibimus
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Grace&Chaos Forum All-Star

Joined: June 07 2010 Location: California
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Posted: Jan 27 2011 at 8:53pm | IP Logged
Yeah!! I just finished O Pioneers by Willa Cather. This was the first fictional book I've read (for myself) since we started homeschooling. Feels good . I'm moving on to one of her later books Sapphira and the Slave Girl.
__________________ Blessings,
Mom to dds(00,03) and dss(05,06,08,09)
Grace in Loving Chaos
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stellamaris Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 27 2011 at 10:38pm | IP Logged
Jenny, I love Willa Cather! My favorites are Death Comes to the
Archbishop and Shadows on the Rock.
Just finished THE RITE It is a documentary on the training of a Catholic priest as an exorcist. The author was a non- practicing Catholic journalist who decided to investigate how exorcists are formed..he is a very devout Catholic can imagine why! Nothing like recognizing that the devil actually exists to convince someone to place their trust in God! I only hope the movie will be such a powerful tool for conversion. I understand the priest- exorcist who was the main focus of the book and the author both advised on the movie,
__________________ In Christ,
Wife to dh 30+ yrs,ds's 83,85,89,dd's 91,95,ds's 01,01,02,grammy to 4
Flowing Streams
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Grace&Chaos Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 28 2011 at 9:11am | IP Logged
I'll have to try those as well . We just saw a preview for The Rite and had no idea of its background. My dh put it on his must see list. I'll have to share to check out the book first. I hope the movie isn't "hollywoodnized" as well. Remember to tell us about it when you see it.
__________________ Blessings,
Mom to dds(00,03) and dss(05,06,08,09)
Grace in Loving Chaos
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JuliaT Forum All-Star

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Posted: Jan 29 2011 at 7:16am | IP Logged
Books read for the month of January are:
The Last Station by Jay Parini. This is an historical fiction based on the last year of Tolstoy's life. Tolstoy's wife gives a whole new meaning to the term 'fishwife'. I enjoyed this book.
Beowulf trans. Seamus Heaney. I am pre-reading this for dd for next year. I have never read it before and was preparing myself for a time of slogging. I was wrong! I loved this book! It was so good.
Grendel by John Gardner. This, too, was a pre-read for next year. Ugh! What a horrible, nasty book! We will not be using this book for lit. next year. This experience proved to me that pre-reading is necessary.
At Home by Bill Bryson. Little bits and pieces of history in the context of the rooms in our home. Delightful read!
Composed by Roasanne Cash. It was okay.
Passionate Minds by David Bodanis. This tells of the Age of Enlightenment through the lens of the affair between scientist Emilie duChatelet and Voltaire. I really enjoyed this book and was quite shocked by the lack of morals in the 1700s.
__________________ Blessings,
mom of 3(14,13 & 11 yrs.old)
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Chari Forum Moderator

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Posted: Feb 05 2011 at 2:27pm | IP Logged
Okay,I have finished three books so far.....I think.
The Bethrothed by Alessandro Manzoni. I wrote a review on my blog. I think every Catholic should read the book. It was "work" to read it....but I gained so much.
Then I read Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh. I enjoyed it very much, but I could see why some would not.
And, I just completed Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar...Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes by Cathcart & Klein. It is a brief overview about philosophy, using jokes as a way to represent the idea. Some of the jokes are really funny, some stupid...and some terribly risque or graphic......but over all, I enjoyed the book and can understand some of the philosophical ideas better.
__________________ Chari...Take Up & Read
Dh Marty 27yrs...3 lovely maidens: Anne 24, Sarah 20 & Maddelyn 17 and 3 chivalrous sons: Matthew 22, Garrett 16 & Malachy 11
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