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St. Ann Forum All-Star

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Posted: March 17 2011 at 11:06am | IP Logged
JennGM wrote:
That looks really fabulous! It seems it's only available in the UK in English, and it's an Irish Press. I'd love to see it.
Is it written in prose or narrative style, or like a catechism? |
I would say it is a narrative catechism.
Did you see that the author is a graduate of Franciscan U. Stuebenville?
__________________ Stephanie
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Mary Fifer Forum Pro

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Posted: March 17 2011 at 3:58pm | IP Logged
I'm sure happy to see such a pretty book.
Let us know when you find it available. We'd like to see it, too.
Thanks for posting.
__________________ Mary
Saint Anne's Helper for Catechism Class
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Mackfam Board Moderator

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Posted: April 01 2011 at 1:22pm | IP Logged
Adding some resources that I've been forgetting to leave here for consideration....
Mackfam wrote:
Another book that isn't directly related to the Mass, but fits so well with learning about the Mass is Mother Mary Loyola's book, First Communion and After. I suppose the content is obvious from the title. This book is so beautifully and eloquently written in a manner in which Mother seems to be speaking directly to the child. I could not help but include it here for your consideration. It's one of those wonderful books that spans ages - I will read it aloud to my son preparing for FHC next year, but all my children will listen in and get something from it. It's written simply, yet there is a depth there that speaks across ages. It would be a wonderful complement to any study on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Since the pinnacle of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is the Consecration and the Eucharistic Prayers/Canon of the Mass, it seems like it would fit here.
There are 3 sections to this book:
** OUR LORD'S PREPARATION IN COMING TO US IN HOLY COMMUNION - beautiful explanation of Old Testament prefiguring the New Testament and the Sacrifice of the Mass...and goes all the way up through the Last Supper and Calvary.
** OUR PREPARATION FOR MEETING OUR LORD IN HOLY COMMUNION - discusses how Holy Communion involves Our Lord and us. This section discusses how to prepare to meet Him.
** THANKS BE TO GOD FOR HIS UNSPEAKABLE GIFT - Gets down to some practicals and prayers. |
Mackfam wrote:
St. Ann wrote:
Mackfam wrote:
Another book that isn't directly related to the Mass, but fits so well with learning about the Mass is Mother Mary Loyola's book, First Communion and After. |
Jen, I have never seen this book mentioned before at 4real. Is it a new find? |
It's actually not. My mom gave it to me several years ago, and I guess I've just never mentioned it before. I don't have my copy in front of me right now, but I believe it was published around the turn of the 20th century - I've seen conflicting version was published in 1904, and I've also seen 1910. It was originally published under the title, Welcome! Holy Communion Before and After, and you can still find older copies fairly inexpensively. There is also a small bookstore, St. Augustine Press, that has reprinted the 1904 Benziger Brothers edition.
St. Ann wrote:
I took a peek inside the book at amazon and was moved by Mother's words to the children at the beginning of the book. Would this be a book to add to the First Holy Communion books thread? or would you place it under a "continuing/ongoing Holy Communion education beginning with FHC prep" category? |
It is not a small book, so it fits in both categories quite well in large part because of the depth of understanding that Mother brings to her readers. Don't let this intimidate you though - this is the type of book that read once, the child will come away with an understanding, read again - a deeper understanding develops, read another time - understanding matures further. It's just one of those classics in that sense, much like her other book, King of the Golden City.
You're right though, I should have added this to the FHC thread long ago...I kept meaning to, but forgetting...I'm going to add this information there right after I post here! Thanks for the reminder!
St. Ann wrote:
How much of it do you read aloud at one sitting? How much is too much? It looks to be quite a lot of material in the book and I wouldn't want to push it...
Your instincts are exactly right, Stephanie. It is definitely a book to be read aloud slowly and savored, with time to digest, contemplate, and sometimes even discuss. It is helpful to keep in mind that at the time Mother wrote this, the age for reception of First Holy Communion was 12 years old, and thus a slightly older audience would have been reading the book. I don't find this an obstacle to reading it to my (7-ish year old) children preparing for FHC prep, rather it adds to the ability of this book to speak across a spectrum of ages. I also don't expect my 7 yo to walk away from this book with the same understanding that my older children will derive from it, but they do understand remarkably the beautiful and reverent love and devotion expressed and fostered for the reception of Our Lord present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Edited...I forgot to answer your direct question...we read aloud between 2 - 3 pages a day...spread out over an entire year. |
Mackfam wrote:
JennGM wrote:
Jen, I think I have the Welcome! one or have seen it. Are you sure that one isn't written for adults? |
Oh my! I think you may be right, Jenn.
My copy was published by Little Flower Press, 2000. It mentions that it was originally published 1920. That helps a this copy is the copy I have which is written to children. |
Wanted to add some biographical information I found about Mother Mary Loyola - Mother Who?
__________________ Jen Mackintosh
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 01 2011 at 1:32pm | IP Logged
Following you, Jen.
At my local Catholic shop yesterday, I saw this resource, and thought it was really well-done:
Jesus Speaks to Me About the Mass
It's not dumbed-down, but very solid. You can see excerpts here.
Also, there was Jesus Speaks to Me on My First Holy Communion also by Angela Burrin
Preview Here
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
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Zeliemum Forum All-Star

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Posted: May 26 2011 at 7:02pm | IP Logged
Thank you for this wonderful post!
I am preparing two children for receiving FC & FC this July. Im in transition át present and most of my resources are packed in a storage shed, does anyone know of any resources that can be downloaded free.
I know you have all offered so much here but just a thought.
Thank you
God bless
__________________ Mother to seven with five in heaven...Spiritualmotherhood for Priests
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Erin Forum Moderator

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Posted: May 26 2011 at 9:55pm | IP Logged
You are welcome to borrow any of my resources, happy to post. Dd is making her FHC in September but we can work around that. I did hear a rumour you were moving Sorry can't help you with the online links.
Adding my list here, I'm sure some have been suggested before.
The New St Joseph First Communion Catechism - Fr Lovasik
Ten Eager Hearts - Sister of Notre Dame OOP
Patron Saint of First Communicants: The Story of Blessed Imelda Lambertini - Mary Fabyan Windeatt
First Holy Communion for Little Catholics - Fr Demetrius Manousos OOP
My Jesus and I - Aloysius Heeg
Eucharistic Adoration Coloring Book - Katherine
The Weight of the Mass - Josephine Nobisso
The Most Beautiful Thing in the World - Susan Brindle
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Mary Fifer Forum Pro

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Posted: May 26 2011 at 10:19pm | IP Logged
Hi C,
Congratulations on two receiving the sacraments! I had two who received Confirmation together and was surprised at how much more impressed I was by the additional graces in our family.
We have a few free things on our website that you can download and reuse:
Hundreds of coloring pages, many of Catholic topics: int.html
Several worksheet samples: amples.html
Please ask your First Communicants to pray for us!
__________________ Mary
Saint Anne's Helper for Catechism Class
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Lacy Forum Pro

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Posted: May 28 2011 at 6:30am | IP Logged
Many Little Blessings has put together and Amazing First Communion Resource Page that I would really suggest checking out!
Here are some First Holy Communion posts from my blog:
Pool Noodle Monstrance Craft
How to make a First Commnion Banner
Gold Doily Monstrance Craft
Make Cute and easy First Communion Cookies
First Holy Communion Round Up
First Communion Cake Ideas
Thanks for all the great resources, ladies!
__________________ Lacy
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Zeliemum Forum All-Star

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Posted: June 08 2011 at 10:05am | IP Logged
Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you with a thank you.
Thanks Erin for the generous offer but I think I will be able to access some of my materials very soon. I do have some resources that have come in handy and I have been able to get some great items off the net which I will share with you all at a later date. I have some of the books that you mentioned and two of them are with me, so have been able to use them.
Mary I have downloaded some of the beautiful colouring pictures...thank you, and Lacy I always check out your blog for ideas with my littles...thank you also.
God bless Chemai
__________________ Mother to seven with five in heaven...Spiritualmotherhood for Priests
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Zeliemum Forum All-Star

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Posted: June 09 2011 at 9:19am | IP Logged
Sorry I won't be able to share any of the wonderful 1st HC free resources I found since posting above, whilst researching (actually downloading times-tables )I caught a virus and lost it all after my husband had to fix dd's computer.
I don't have my own computer at present and haven't since the beginning of this year. I had a profile on dd computer which I could access when she wasn't schooling but now all my files are gone.
Oh well will start again slowly and carefully!
God Bless
__________________ Mother to seven with five in heaven...Spiritualmotherhood for Priests
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: June 09 2011 at 1:06pm | IP Logged
Aw, I'm so sorry about your virus and computer. I had a virus recently but we were able to recover all the files.
I sobbed and sobbed when I first thought it was all lost.
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
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Mary Fifer Forum Pro

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Posted: June 09 2011 at 1:16pm | IP Logged
Oh the grief of this is overwhelming. I feel your pain.
A similar thing happened to us this winter and we learned to use OpenDNS to protect our computer from accessing undesirable sites. The tech guy said that research is the main way that you can get a virus after indecent sites and gaming sites.... He said to get a cheap computer to do all your research. Sure seemed worth it at that time.
Be sure to do regular backups, too. Um... I'd better do mine today!
__________________ Mary
Saint Anne's Helper for Catechism Class
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: Sept 28 2012 at 9:23am | IP Logged
I've added this thread to the Sticky Posts. Please add any First Communion Resources you have found helpful.
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: Sept 28 2012 at 9:26am | IP Logged
I didn't realize this book was now available in the US. I've been waiting and waiting:
Friendship with Jesus: Pope Benedict XVI talks to Children on Their First Holy Communion
These are the actual talks with Pope Benedict with children with beautiful illustrations by Ann Engelhart. I think it really makes it come alive for the child.
Highly recommended!
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
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Betsy Forum All-Star

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Posted: Sept 28 2012 at 9:56am | IP Logged
I wanted to add a few Chaplets that I feel are appropriate for FHC, but really can be used anytime!
Blessed Sacrament Chaplet
Mother of the Most Holy Eucharist Chaplet (This is prayed on regular Rosary beads)
Holy Communion Chaplet (I couldn't find just the prayers on the internet, if you look at the prayer card enlarged you can see how to pray it)
When handcrafting my work, I always pray that it will raise your heart to all that is true, modest, just, holy, lovely and good fame!
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Mary Fifer Forum Pro

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Posted: Sept 28 2012 at 9:58am | IP Logged
Thank you Jenn!
I read the first part of one of the stories of the actual talks that the Pope gave and found it very sweet. I'll be reading this to my own children!
I think that it's great when the children see older and famous people have taken the same steps that they have or will. What better model than the example of the Pope's own First Communion!
__________________ Mary
Saint Anne's Helper for Catechism Class
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