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Posted: Feb 09 2006 at 4:18pm | IP Logged Quote Sarah

Just giving you time here to plan ahead and gather/order your music.

I'm trying to be very basic here. After reading about the girl working at the bakery who had never heard of Mozart, I think we should cover the most famous composers first. Thanks for sharing that story (on another thread), Mary. It did make me feel like we are doing something important for our kids .

So,. . .

Let it be Johann Sebastian Bach, a Baroque composer.

You can't get more basic than him. He is wonderful, although Lutheran -- , and has contributed more significant pieces than we could cover in a month. But, after each month of study, be sure to pull out composers here and there from previous months!

Four pieces I recommend are:

1. Magnificat
2. Toccata in D for organ
3. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
4. St. Matthew's Passion--for Lent

25 Bach hits

St. Matthew Passion

Bach Masterpieces

St. Matthew's Passion- more Catholic ideas

Even though I suggested several pieces above, there are many many more choices, so don't get hung up on my suggestions. Just enjoy the listening. The CD's I recommended have a good mix of his music, and there are other "greastest hit" type CD's out there, too. Bach should be very easy to come by. Good Luck!

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Posted: Feb 10 2006 at 9:28am | IP Logged Quote JennGM

We enjoy the show "Little Einsteins." One episode that we watched this morning (but it repeats all the time) is called "Farmer Annie" and it features the Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 Allegro Movement (Mvt. 1). Another good highlight of the episode is that it shows and features the harpsichord. So, I know that this isn't on your list, but as I was listening to different versions of this movement on Amazon, I couldn't decide which is more "authentic" or more pleasing to the ear! Oh, the decisions!

Jennifer G. Miller
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Posted: Feb 10 2006 at 11:41am | IP Logged Quote Sarah

This is great, Jenn. The harpsichord is a very important period instrument at Bach's time. I really couldn't choose four pieces easily. So, I hope people pick and choose what Bach they want. . .kind of like we did Mozart! Thanks.

If you find something you like, Jenn, link us to it!

Six boys ages 16, 14, 11, 7, 5, 2 and one girl age 9

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Posted: Feb 10 2006 at 4:29pm | IP Logged Quote Natalia

I have found this website classical archives You can register for free and listen to midi files online or you can pay a fee and have access to a wide variety of files. I like that you can look for specific pieces. Sometimes when we are reading a bio of the composer, the book would mention a piece. With this website you can listen to the piece. The quality of the sound is not great but it is enough to give you a taste of the music.

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Posted: Feb 10 2006 at 4:43pm | IP Logged Quote MacBeth

One of the highlights of Libby's summer was playing baroque music on period instruments (gut strings and all!). This DVD of the Brandenberg Concertos is performed by a baroque group, and it's a real treat, though there is no substitute for live performance .

God Bless!
MacBeth in NY
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Posted: Feb 10 2006 at 5:25pm | IP Logged Quote JennGM

MacBeth wrote:
One of the highlights of Libby's summer was playing baroque music on period instruments (gut strings and all!). This DVD of the Brandenberg Concertos is performed by a baroque group, and it's a real treat, though there is no substitute for live performance .

I was going to ask for Libby's input on a recording. The DVD looks fantastic, especially for my little one to SEE the orchestra playing. But for the car and a cd, any favorite recordings to suggest? I do like the authentic ones, but prefer a bit slower tempo than the faster paced "accurate" ones. Is there such a combo?

Jennifer G. Miller
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Posted: Feb 11 2006 at 7:40am | IP Logged Quote JennGM

Natalia wrote:
I have found this website classical archives You can register for free and listen to midi files online or you can pay a fee and have access to a wide variety of files. I like that you can look for specific pieces. Sometimes when we are reading a bio of the composer, the book would mention a piece. With this website you can listen to the piece. The quality of the sound is not great but it is enough to give you a taste of the music.

Great site, Natalia. My son and I spent some time listening to the different versions of the Concerto I mentioned. I can see lots more playing time in the future. Thanks!

Jennifer G. Miller
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Posted: Feb 11 2006 at 7:43am | IP Logged Quote JennGM

Sarah wrote:
4. St. Matthew's Passion--for Lent

I love this choice, Sarah! Just a few years ago I stumbled upon an interesting pamphlet for Holy Week and Easter. I put the section online that had some wonderful ideas on listening to St. Matthew's Passion. Music for Lent and Easter: St. Matthew Passion by Bach by Ethel Marbach (Ethel Marbach is the one and the same as Ethel Pochocki author of such books as "Saints for Seasons").

Jennifer G. Miller
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Posted: Feb 11 2006 at 2:41pm | IP Logged Quote MacBeth

jenngm67 wrote:

I was going to ask for Libby's input on a recording...I do like the authentic ones, but prefer a bit slower tempo than the faster paced "accurate" ones. Is there such a combo?

I'll ask her when she gets in. Like her mom, she seems to have an opinion on everything...

God Bless!
MacBeth in NY
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Posted: Feb 11 2006 at 3:05pm | IP Logged Quote Jen L.

Sarah wrote:
St. Matthew's Passion- more Catholic ideas

jenngm67 wrote:
Just a few years ago I stumbled upon an interesting pamphlet for Holy Week and Easter. I put the section online that had some wonderful ideas on listening to St. Matthew's Passion. Music for Lent and Easter: St. Matthew Passion by Bach by Ethel Marbach.

Well, great minds think alike! Jenn -- Sarah had already posted a link to Catholic Culture. (And you both assisted me -- who, until reading the article, knew nothing about St. Matthew's Passion).
Thanks to both of you!

dh Klete,ds (8/95),dd (12/97), dd (11/00), and ^2^ in heaven
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Posted: Feb 11 2006 at 4:36pm | IP Logged Quote JennGM

Jen L. wrote:
Sarah wrote:
St. Matthew's Passion- more Catholic ideas

jenngm67 wrote:
Just a few years ago I stumbled upon an interesting pamphlet for Holy Week and Easter. I put the section online that had some wonderful ideas on listening to St. Matthew's Passion. Music for Lent and Easter: St. Matthew Passion by Bach by Ethel Marbach.

Well, great minds think alike! Jenn -- Sarah had already posted a link to Catholic Culture. (And you both assisted me -- who, until reading the article, knew nothing about St. Matthew's Passion).
Thanks to both of you!

GRRRR....when will I learn! Sorry about that double posting...AGAIN! I saw the links and glossed over thinking they were links to music. Apologies for carelessness! But it's a marvelous passage, so maybe it's worth the double posting.

Ethel (Marbach) Pochocki also write "Once Upon A Time Saints."

Jennifer G. Miller
Wife to & ds1 '03 & ds2 '07
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Posted: Feb 11 2006 at 6:50pm | IP Logged Quote Jen L.

DO NOT apologize Jenn: It's definitely worth a double posting! Not only might others have glossed over it, you added additional info. (On second thought, even if you hadn't, it wouldn't require an apology!)

(Besides, if you apologize, it makes me feel bad for pointing it out )

dh Klete,ds (8/95),dd (12/97), dd (11/00), and ^2^ in heaven
"...the best state in which to glorify God is our actual state; the best grace is that of the moment..." St. Peter Eymard
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