Oh, Dearest Mother, Sweetest Virgin of Altagracia, our Patroness. You are our Advocate and to you we recommend our needs. You are our Teacher and like disciples we come to learn from the example of your holy life. You are our Mother, and like children, we come to offer you all of the love of our hearts. Receive, dearest Mother, our offerings and listen attentively to our supplications. Amen.

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Subject Topic: Best Shirt style for ahem a large bust Post ReplyPost New Topic
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Posted: July 19 2009 at 11:31pm | IP Logged Quote CathinCoffeland

I am going nuts trying to find some summer shirts.

I am dreaming of winter and large sweaters .

In the meantime I am dying of heat in my longsleeves.

I cant find any shirts tees or otherwise cut right though. The few I have are from 10 yrs ago and too tight or just ratty.

I am busty normally but nursing has boosted me into the circus tent bras size and I need some suggestions to styles/brands that mught work. Obviously no buttons or empire waist- i mean really do all the shirts in the store have to have those gathered under the bust elastic-it doesnt even come half way down my chest .

Everything is too tight in the armpits or or so thin its down right obscene looking or so huge i might as well be wearing a raincoat.

Being only 5'4'' doesnt help.

Oh and I have never found any brand nursing shirt that fit- to tight in the armpits and the openings are to high and small.

I would never ask- too embarrassing I have just sucked it up in hot weather and worn heavier clothes but i am just miserable in the heat it is really hot this year...esp since only my winter skirts are fitting right now...I dont remember it taking this long to get back into my summer skirts but Valentine is only 5 months old and i have been eating lots of icecream to keep cool

Any way any ideas would help-

thanks Maggie

-Maggie Annie
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Posted: July 20 2009 at 2:10am | IP Logged Quote JodieLyn

*some* plus size shirts from plus size stores.. not just a 1x shirt at walmart.. are cut a lot better.. not big in the shoulders but looser through the body.. I've used http://www.womanwithin.com but you still have to pay attention to the style and fabric.. look over the reviews.

Jodie, wife to Dave
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Posted: July 20 2009 at 7:15am | IP Logged Quote Becky Parker

I'm right with you on this Maggie, hoping you get some good replies. I have found that wearing a t-shirt with a light weight short sleeve blouse over top is okay. It's actually sort of my "uniform". It seems like I don't go anywhere without my "layers". I agree, it does get uncomfortable on hot days though. And, lately, it's hard to find blouses that are simple enough for this style. My favorite is one I bought at JCPenneys, made by Koret. I think it's called a camp shirt. They don't sell them anymore though. Now everything is fitted .

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Posted: July 20 2009 at 8:13am | IP Logged Quote missionfamily

Maggie--I have found that what Jodie says is true...a well made plus sized t-shirt is a whole different world from a Wal-Mart 1X...I especially love Land's End for good quality, comfortable shirts. Lots of cute things on sale right now too.

dh Greg
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Posted: July 20 2009 at 9:24am | IP Logged Quote Mimip


As one large br**sted woman to another I completely know what you mean. I only buy t-shirts from Lane Bryant. I know that they are expensive compared to Walmart and even JC Penneys but they are such better quality and last forever. I have a collection of them that have last forever. I always buy 1 or two about every 6 months and they truly fit to size and do not shrink.

They have a ton on sale right now so check out their sale and clearance section. I cannot stress enough that online is great but going to an actual store is well worth the drive if you can. They have a ton on clearance in the stores.

Good luck and I'll say a little prayer for you to find exactly what you need.
St. Anthony look around, Maggie needs some shirts to be found.

In Christ,
Wife of 16 years to Tom, Mom of DD'00, DD'02, '04(in heaven) DS'05, DS'08 and DS '12
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Posted: July 20 2009 at 1:45pm | IP Logged Quote folklaur

I have had luck with catalog companies like Blair and Roamans. (Lane Bryant, too, but i think they are now "woman within" that was mentioned above.)

also - believe it or not - QVC's line, "Denim & Co." - has been very nice too. look for clearance items and you can often get a good deal.

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Posted: July 20 2009 at 2:00pm | IP Logged Quote JennGM

I guess I'm in the minority, but I find that button down shirts are less revealing than knit tops, so I go for large button downs. If you get them large enough to cover, they won't cause gaposis.

And that kind of cotton is so much cooler in the summer.

Jennifer G. Miller
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Posted: July 20 2009 at 3:35pm | IP Logged Quote folklaur

JennGM wrote:
they won't cause gaposis.

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