Oh, Dearest Mother, Sweetest Virgin of Altagracia, our Patroness. You are our Advocate and to you we recommend our needs. You are our Teacher and like disciples we come to learn from the example of your holy life. You are our Mother, and like children, we come to offer you all of the love of our hearts. Receive, dearest Mother, our offerings and listen attentively to our supplications. Amen.

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Posted: July 19 2009 at 10:19pm | IP Logged Quote juststartn

I know, its been a loooong time...I've had some serious computer hard drive death issues...unfortunately. Again....lol.

But we are doing well. The children are another year older, DH is moving up in the food chain at his job (he was initially in dispatch with 911, now he's the Assistant Emergency Management Director...in under a year's time. They are hoping to have him take over the Director's slot, as soon as they can pass his hire through the City Council...

We've gotten two cows (well, a heifer we'll have bred in another month or so, and a steer for the freezer, lol). Our pigs have now entered into the frozen stage of their existence...and the chickens, geese, and duck are doing well, too...enjoying all the grass and bugs and seeds. We were able to put in more of a garden this year, and the tomatoes and jalapenos are rolling in on a steady basis these days. I'll be making salsa, tomato soup, whole tomatoes, spaghetti sauce, etc, for the pantry, starting tomorrow morning first thing...

We're otherwise doing well. I hope that everyone here is doing okay--I'll be reading back on the boards. DH hasn't been able to resurrect my old hard drive (WAAAHHH!) so I will have to re-find all of my old favorites *again*...unfortunately!


Married DH 4/1/95
Lily 3/11/00
Helena(Layna) 5/23/02
Sophia 4/19/04
John 5/7/07
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Posted: July 19 2009 at 10:58pm | IP Logged Quote kingvozzo

Welcome back, Rachel!

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Posted: July 19 2009 at 11:32pm | IP Logged Quote Booksnbabes

Welcome back! Sounds like a very blessed year.   

Wife to wonderful DH, mom to SIX beautiful gifts from God!
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Posted: July 20 2009 at 6:42am | IP Logged Quote Jen L.

Welcome back!!

dh Klete,ds (8/95),dd (12/97), dd (11/00), and ^2^ in heaven
"...the best state in which to glorify God is our actual state; the best grace is that of the moment..." St. Peter Eymard
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Posted: July 20 2009 at 6:44am | IP Logged Quote Paula in MN

Glad to see you back!

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Posted: July 20 2009 at 7:24am | IP Logged Quote aussieannie

Hi Rachael!!! LOVELY to see you back online again and here!

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Posted: July 20 2009 at 8:14am | IP Logged Quote JennGM

Hello, Rachel! I'm so glad to see you back! I've been thinking about you and praying that everything was going well. Although it's a loss, I'm glad it was nothing more serious than a hard drive.

Jennifer G. Miller
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Posted: July 20 2009 at 8:31am | IP Logged Quote mary theresa

Hi Rachel! Welcome back! I was wondering where you went.

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Posted: July 20 2009 at 8:56am | IP Logged Quote teachingmyown

Hi Rachel! Glad things are going well there. You guys had a rough time of it for a while. I still remember when your twins were born and you wanted to figure out how to grocery shop with all the kids!

In Christ,
wife to Court & mom to ds '91, dd '96, ds '97, dds '99, '01, '03, '06, and dss '07 and 01/20/11
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Posted: July 20 2009 at 10:13am | IP Logged Quote Mary K

welcome back!
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Posted: July 20 2009 at 11:33am | IP Logged Quote hylabrook1

So nice to see you again, Rachel!

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Posted: July 20 2009 at 12:06pm | IP Logged Quote Martha

hi there stranger! welcome back!

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Posted: July 20 2009 at 1:05pm | IP Logged Quote stefoodie

Yay, Rachel! Welcome back!


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Posted: July 20 2009 at 2:55pm | IP Logged Quote juststartn

I am so glad you ladies even remember me!!! LOL

This last year was one big challenge after another.......but things seem to be looking up, at least, for us....

Going shopping is still a challenge, now that the boys are two--and they HATE HATE HATE the two seater carts at the stores...lol . So we either do the stroller seperate, or the one in the seat of the cart, and the other in the bucket.

Of course, I can't really use the "click and pull" from Sams--the closest one is over an hour away, so I've been ONCE since we moved here, over a year ago. Don't I wish! LOL

Anybody have a way of cooling off a hand when the fingers are 'on fire' from working with tomatoes and peppers? Ouch ouch ouch...I had to cease and desist for today, since the pain is really...out there...lol. So no salsa.



Married DH 4/1/95
Lily 3/11/00
Helena(Layna) 5/23/02
Sophia 4/19/04
John 5/7/07
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Posted: July 20 2009 at 3:32pm | IP Logged Quote Martha

ug. I hate those 2 seater carts. I know they thought they were being nice, but all my kids do is wack and elbow each other.

I'm of the firm belief that shopping is man's work.

mama to 7 boys & 4 girls
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Posted: July 20 2009 at 5:02pm | IP Logged Quote Bookswithtea

Rachel!!!    So glad to see you back. I've been wondering about you, thinking it was weird that I hadn't seen you post in awhile.

We've got layers now, too!    17 of them...well, possibly 16 and a rooster. Which reminds me, any idea at what age I should know for sure about that? They are somewhere between 12 and 14 weeks. I have 2 RIR's and one of them has a crown and wattle that is suspiciously double the size of the other RIR.



mothering ds'93 dd'97 dd'99 dd'02 ds'05 ds'07 and due 9/10
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Posted: July 21 2009 at 3:07pm | IP Logged Quote juststartn

I thought I posted to this???

Okay--RIRs can be notoriously mean. Especially the roosters. Watch him close, particularly around the dc. Roosters have been known to take the eyes out of little people---so I watch mine like a hawwwwkkkkk...anything under about, oh, age...dead, some of these birds will go after. And no, I am not joking. And that's roosters in general--not just RIR. But they are well-known for being more...cantakerous would be putting it nicely.

If he is a rooster, you'll likely hear from him in another month or two. But he may surprise you...if one starts leaving large, brown, round hard things--its a girl. If it stands on top of the wood pile, screaming challenges into the wind--its a boy. But chances are, unless Big Wattle is a very early maturing female, then you have a rooster on your hands.

We're down to 8. Between trading some of ours for a Great Pyr pup (female) a month ago, and the vagaries of life in coyote country (we've had lots become coyote snacks this year), well, we're needing to get some more the end of this month. But our geese and duck (our drake committed suicide by minivan in May) are still doing well.

Today, I am canning salsa. I tried yesterday but my hands got peppered/tomatoed to death--between the oils from the peppers and the acids from the tomatoes--ladies, ALWAYS WEAR GLOVES!!!!!!! DH had to give me a muscle relaxer to knock me out last night, my hands hurt so badly (I was still using an ice pack on them when I went to bed at 1130pm or so...). They are fine today, but I used my food processor and my blender instead of doing it by hand, lol. Got the first three jars in the hot water bath. Hopefully, this will taste good. Otherwise, I am going to be rather disappointed...(understatement of the century)


Married DH 4/1/95
Lily 3/11/00
Helena(Layna) 5/23/02
Sophia 4/19/04
John 5/7/07
David 5/7/07
Ava Maria, in the arms of Jesus, 9/5/08
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