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mumsrea Forum Rookie

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Posted: June 04 2008 at 7:05am | IP Logged
I am thinking my little almost two year old needs to have a circle/song time every day with rhyming and general body movement.
What kinds of things to you put into your 'schedule' just for the littles? Do they older ones want to join?
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Philothea Forum All-Star

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Posted: June 04 2008 at 7:41am | IP Logged
The only thing I schedule is naptime, which usually includes reading a book. Everything else is pretty slapdash (well, I do feed my preschooler daily, just not always at the same time). That said, things we do EVERY DAY are:
Read books together -- lots of books. We own a ton, but we're also frequent patrons of the library and usually have a theme going -- right now it's space/planets/rockets.
Talk about letters we see and what sounds they make, try to sound words out.
Pray together.
Sing silly songs.
Play outside, or if it's nasty out, we go somewhere like a mall play area so he can get that gross motor exercise he craves.
Work on life skills like pants zipping, putting on shoes, folding laundry, cutting food, setting the table, etc.
I try to give him serious answers to his eight billion questions -- he actually knows why the sky looks blue, for example.
Hope this helps ...
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joann10 Forum All-Star

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Posted: June 04 2008 at 8:55am | IP Logged
One thing I try to do everyday, mainly for the 2 and 3 year old is listen to fun music. I get cd's from the library for nursery rhymes and musicians like Raffi (this is what we are enjoying right now) and Lauri Berkner. They both just love it-my 2 year old more than my 3 year old-I think because my 2 year old is a girl-maybe-
It usually ends up as a big dance fest-we have very active chilren!
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Sarah M Forum All-Star

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Posted: June 04 2008 at 10:34am | IP Logged
For our littles, we make sure that every day we:
Read aloud
Go outside (even if the weather is bad)
I try to serve meals and snacks around the same time every day, and at bedtime, we are sure to get in prayers and snuggle time.
Everything else from day-to-day is, as Philothea says: slapdash! I made some Montessori materials we get out every once in a while, and of course they love playing in blanket forts or with play doh, but we don't get to these things every day- just when the mood strikes us.
I love the idea of daily circle time with songs, movement, and stories- and will try to start incorporating that more routinely in the fall. I haven't had much success in doing this on a regular basis so far...
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Philothea Forum All-Star

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Posted: June 04 2008 at 10:35am | IP Logged
We love music, too. Dan Zanes, Imagination Movers, any classical CD, Jars of Clay and Newsboys are favorites here.
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websterm Forum Rookie

Joined: March 05 2008 Location: Oklahoma
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Posted: June 04 2008 at 12:55pm | IP Logged
Our day is a bit more structured, I guess because I have other people's children also
A typical day for us goes like this
7:30 breakfast
8:15 circle / calendar / theme talk
8:30 free play - blocks and cars/trucks are a favorite
9:15 outside
10:30 art stuff / playdough / rice & beans - something they can get their hands into
11:00 I start getting lunch together - feed the younger ones
12:00 lunch
12:45 everyone down for nap / quiet time
2:45 everyone waking up
3:00 snack
3:15 draw / read / playdough / puzzles
4:00 outside
****Keeping in mind not EVERY day goes perfectly smooth or on schedule but this is what routine our days normally follow.
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SallyT Forum All-Star

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Posted: June 05 2008 at 11:40am | IP Logged
Meals, prayers, reading aloud, playing outside, conversation. My 4yo usually does some kind of art, but that's her scheduling herself, not my scheduling her. The 5yo goes around spelling things. Again, self-scheduling. I try to work in some math conversation.
That's about it . . .
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Isa in Michigan Forum Rookie

Joined: Feb 12 2008 Location: Michigan
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Posted: June 12 2008 at 12:15am | IP Logged
For my preschoolers I'll vary what we do, but I usually read to them, sing songs, and have some kind of an art activity. I spend at most 30 minutes a day, but when I do it really makes a difference because they will then do their own activities contentedly.
__________________ Mother to Francisco(10), Rafael(9), Teresa(7), Rosa(6), Lucia(4), Tommy(3), Miguel(1) & 4 in heaven
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