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Angie Mc Board Moderator

Joined: Jan 31 2005 Location: Arizona
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Posted: May 29 2008 at 11:31pm | IP Logged
What are your favorite things to do with your child who is 3? What are his or her favorite things to do with you?
JP and I love singing together, Take Me Out to the Ballgame and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
I love reading books to him...he likes it but doesn't love it - yet .
He loves to act like an animal (usually a dog) and have me take care of him by giving him water in a bowl, walking with him on a leash (a long ribbon around his belly)...I can't say I love this game, but he's cute .
What about you?
__________________ Angie Mc
Maimeo to Henry! Dave's wife, mom to Mrs. Devin+Michael Pope, Aiden 20,Ian 17,John Paul 11,Catherine (heaven 6/07)
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pipandpuddy Forum Rookie

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Posted: May 30 2008 at 12:34am | IP Logged
Last year when my daughter was three, she loved (and still loves) to do fingerplays, ring games, and singing. She also enjoyed having me read picture books. Karen
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websterm Forum Rookie

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Posted: May 30 2008 at 11:27am | IP Logged
Too funny, my 2.5 yr old LOVES to be a dog! We do lots of pretend, lots of reading, playing in the sandbox, watering flowers and the grass, painting (briefly - only interested for about 5 min), going for walks, coloring - crayons, colored pencils, markers
I'm interested to see what everybody else says
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lapazfarm Forum All-Star

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Posted: May 30 2008 at 11:49am | IP Logged
My almost 3yo loves the usual singing, tickling, dancing, going on walks to throw rocks in the water, etc. But what he likes to do most with me is his bird cards.
We have to do them. every. day. period.
__________________ Theresa
us-schooling in beautiful Fairbanks, Alaska.
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Angie Mc Board Moderator

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Posted: May 30 2008 at 12:11pm | IP Logged
pipandpuddy wrote:
Last year when my daughter was three, she loved (and still loves) to do fingerplays, ring games, and singing. She also enjoyed having me read picture books. Karen
Help me out, Karen. What are ring games? Thanks for reminding me to go find our Hand Rhymes book,
websterm wrote:
Too funny, my 2.5 yr old LOVES to be a dog!... markers
I'm with you, Marcia!
lapazfarm wrote:
But what he likes to do most with me is his bird cards.
We have to do them. every. day. period.  |
What bird cards? Sounds like something *I* would like!
__________________ Angie Mc
Maimeo to Henry! Dave's wife, mom to Mrs. Devin+Michael Pope, Aiden 20,Ian 17,John Paul 11,Catherine (heaven 6/07)
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lapazfarm Forum All-Star

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Posted: May 30 2008 at 12:23pm | IP Logged
They are just a set of matching cards with photos of birds on them. We have to go through them several times a day so he can name them and match them. Really, it is a great game and he knows SOOOO many birds now by site that I am amazed. But. I do get a bit tired of it sometimes.
__________________ Theresa
us-schooling in beautiful Fairbanks, Alaska.
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Fuzzy Forum Pro

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Posted: May 30 2008 at 2:37pm | IP Logged
My 3 yo likes changing her clothes all day, every day. She also likes to color, paint, swing, sing, dance, be the mommy, and whatever my DS likes to do.
Mom to DS 12, DD 10, DS 7, and DS 4, and DD 1!
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Lisbet Forum All-Star

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Posted: May 30 2008 at 2:41pm | IP Logged
Theresa - sounds like my 4 y.o. with Mary Memory. We must play this each day, often, over and over again...
__________________ Lisa, wife to Tony,
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Nick, 17
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SuzanneG Forum Moderator

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Posted: May 30 2008 at 3:01pm | IP Logged
With me:
Sitting in a fort and telling stories
Wiping down cupboards
Sorting hair accessories
Going through my jewelry box
Going through button box/talking about the buttons (this is my favorite....for some reason it's very relaxing to me)
Singing songs ("I'm a little teapot" was her fav)
Dancing (I probably need to do more of this from the looks of my hips )
Brush my hair
Her favorite things that I don't usually participate in:
Dress up
Playing in the bathtub
Pouring/measuring with water, sand, flour
Play with dolls
And, WHAT is with the DOG-THING??? My girls all do this with each other. They LOVE to play "Dog?" Does EVERY child like this?
__________________ Suzanne in ID
Wife to Pete
Mom of 7 (Girls - 14, 12, 11, 9, 7 and Boys - 4, 1)
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pipandpuddy Forum Rookie

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Posted: May 30 2008 at 3:57pm | IP Logged
Ring games are games like Ring around a Rosie, Oats and Beans and Barley Grow, Oranges and Lemons, etc. I usually do these with my two or three youngest children. When I was growing up, this type of game was still very common. Sadly, you seldom see them played anymore. Hand clapping games are also a lot of fun (Miss Mary Mack, etc.). I have enjoyed relearning the ones that I knew as a child. Karen
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Betsey Forum Newbie

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Posted: May 30 2008 at 4:24pm | IP Logged
My almost 3 year old son doesn't do the dog thing (I remember doing that an entire summer vacation when I was little, though!), instead he pretends to be "Little Kapaw" (he calls Grandpa "Kapaw") and Daddy has to be "Big Kapaw". I'm Grandma, his baby brother is Rylee (his cousin) or Ashley (his aunt). Oh, come to think of it, he does pretend to be Jeffrey, the neighbors' dog, in which case we all have names from their family.
His very favorite thing is walking around our neighborhood, naming every type of car he sees...he knows every single one, which seems very strange to me...but he loves it! Honda, Porsche, Mini Cooper, Subaru, Toyota, all of them!
He also loves buying a lollipop at the store and then walking around "showing the same thing"...which means holding it up to various flowers to find matching colors. He loves this game he invented.
Then, there's books, baking, cleaning with me, and driving his toy cars. Oh, and "picking plants", as in weeding. Also, much running around the house to hide from the "dragon" (his 15 month old brother).
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missionfamily Forum All-Star

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Posted: May 30 2008 at 4:51pm | IP Logged
Well mine's two and half, but he loves to play in the garden and visit the kitchen, to help me cook (and to occasionally attempt it on his own much to my dismay ), to play in the bathtub, and to romp aroud non my bad while I lay there...tickling him, talking to him, reading a book, giving him rides on my feet, legs, back...basically being a human jungle gym...oh, and he loves to call Granny on the phone. It is the easiest distraction technique right now...I hope my mil doesn't stop answering the phone .
__________________ Colleen
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Rachel May Forum All-Star

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Posted: May 30 2008 at 9:34pm | IP Logged
Angie Mc wrote:
What are your favorite things to do with your child who is 3? What are his or her favorite things to do with you? |
Go running in matching pink baseball caps. Even when I was 9 months pregnant with Joseph we took the occasional jog around the block. She asks for this much more often than I can go, sadly.
She also wants me to ride bikes with her (She rides. I walk behind). She has a red Radio Flyer tricycle that I just replaced a wheel on today, so we're back in business.
__________________ Rachel
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Maddie Forum All-Star

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Posted: May 30 2008 at 9:46pm | IP Logged
My 3 yo loves to help me water the flowers.
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saminier Forum Newbie

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Posted: May 30 2008 at 10:18pm | IP Logged
My 3yo son love his wooden train tracks and spends hours almost everyday playing trains. He also loves to ride his trike, go for jogs in the stroller, push his sister in the stroller, help cook, read books, go on pretend camping trips, building with blocks and then demo-ing the house with his excavator, and cut paper with scissors.
__________________ Suzanne
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folklaur Forum All-Star

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Posted: May 30 2008 at 10:29pm | IP Logged
SuzanneG wrote:
And, WHAT is with the DOG-THING??? My girls all do this with each other. They LOVE to play "Dog?" Does EVERY child like this?  |
Mine liked to play kitty-cats instead.
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Maryan Forum All-Star

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Posted: May 31 2008 at 5:08am | IP Logged
The current fav activity of my 3 yo is to put on gloves and go work on his "John D" tractor like "Papa."
Yesterday they were baling hay and he got to ride with him for *real* and he was in heaven.
__________________ Maryan
Mom to 6 boys & 1 girl: JP('01), B ('03), M('05), L('06), Ph ('08), M ('10), James born 5/1/12
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MacBeth Forum All-Star

Probably at the beach...
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Posted: May 31 2008 at 8:32am | IP Logged
Collect and sort, collect and sort, collect and sort!
Sing all the time, or start string lessons, or both.
Play in the pool.
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MarilynW Forum All-Star

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Posted: May 31 2008 at 8:53am | IP Logged
Play baseball in the yard..for hours and hours and hours..and he is a very talented slugger - so guess who has to run all around the yard and into the neighbor's yards .. oh well - I guess I have to get exercise somehow...thank goodness for older siblings and patient daddy...
Also - he likes me to read to him and play card and board games
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happymama Forum Pro

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Posted: May 31 2008 at 12:55pm | IP Logged
in addition to the above, latest interests:
all things bugs, of course,
collecting & washing rocks outside,
washing his tricycle with the hose,
watering flowers,
painting (loves it),
hammering golf tees into hard clay,
helping wash & dry dishes
PBSKids website,
"going on adventures"
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