Oh, Dearest Mother, Sweetest Virgin of Altagracia, our Patroness. You are our Advocate and to you we recommend our needs. You are our Teacher and like disciples we come to learn from the example of your holy life. You are our Mother, and like children, we come to offer you all of the love of our hearts. Receive, dearest Mother, our offerings and listen attentively to our supplications. Amen.

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Subject Topic: March Composer: Franz Liszt Post ReplyPost New Topic
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Posted: March 04 2008 at 6:51am | IP Logged Quote stefoodie

a bio for the kids

A long bio is here, though definitely not for impressionable minds.

We will be listening to Via Crucis for the remainder of Lent.

And The Young Liszt after.

There's also a movie that seems to be suitable for the younger set. My requested copy hasn't come yet so I can't say anything about it for now:)

Please feel free to add your own suggestions!


mom to five
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Posted: March 04 2008 at 2:20pm | IP Logged Quote Chari

I LOVE reading about Liszt........definitely not for kids, but I have really enjoyed the bios I read about him........could not get enough ..........even though he had a longtime relationship with a married woman.....and had kids, too, I think.....he later turned to the Church and received a few steps of Holy Orders to the priesthood. He lived almost as a hermit in his later years, and folks made musical and spiritual pilgrimages to see him. He did not leave a ton of composed music and was very famous for his playing, others pieces as well......and boy could he improvise!..........it pains me to know I can never HEAR him play.......only read about others opinions of his playing.   

BTW, some of the composer/artists series kind of upset me in what they allow children to see (Bizet's for one.....grrrr).....I do believe the Liszt movie is good and one of our favorites......but, it has been awhile since we have seen it.......so no promises

Thanks, Stef!

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