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4RealModerators Forum Moderator

Joined: Dec 28 2009
Online Status: Offline Posts: 41
Posted: Oct 10 2007 at 2:14am | IP Logged
Catholic parent educators can use Living Books and engaging methods that encourage the healthy development of the whole child within the context of a living faith, a loving family, and real life. Many of our moderators and members have explored and benefited from the educational philosophies of a variety of influential educators, to include Charlotte Mason, St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein), Maria Montessori, St. John Bosco, and others. We have taken an eclectic approach, choosing aspects of different philosophies and melding them into a unique family educational philosophy.
Here is a sampling of aspects that point toward an educational philosophy for families:
** Developing the whole personality of the child--the heart, soul, and mind--is critical to ensuring the child has a happy, wholehearted, academically excellent, and spiritually complete childhood.
** The atmosphere of the home and family life, naturally and through attention, offers valuable informal learning opportunities for children and their parents.
** Learning happens best when the child is developmentally ready and engaged, allowing connections to be made within the learner himself.
** Learning through individualized and family friendly methods and materials is encouraging for children and their parents.
From these aspects and others, fitting methods and materials emerge but are not limited to:
** Living Books offer broad knowledge, family unity, access to beauty and truth, and subtlety in life lessons that encourages each child and adult to learn uniquely.
** Nature Study, narration, copywork, keeping a Book of Centuries, and using timelines lend themselves to active child participation.
** Art, music, performance, and craft encourage children and adults to engage in and think about what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, gracious, excellent, and worthy of praise. (see Phillipians 4:8)
** Celebrating the Catholic faith through the Liturgical calendar offers variety and abundant opportunities to grow in faith.
** Short lessons and habit formation and healthy attachment help children to grow in self discipline.
** Unit Studies are a way to integrate a variety of subject matter as well as take advantage of opportunities and "rabbit trails" of interest.
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4RealModerators Forum Moderator

Joined: Dec 28 2009
Online Status: Offline Posts: 41
Posted: March 23 2010 at 8:37am | IP Logged
The 4Real message board’s Educational Philosophy centers on learning in a family atmosphere which emphasizes living books, the Church's Liturgical Year, nature, beauty in art, music, and natural methods of learning. We serve as a ministry which strives to be faithful to the Roman Catholic Magisterium. Though it is not required that all members be of the same faith or background, as a Board we strive to keep the focus centered on a thoroughly Catholic perspective.
In the past, questions about Waldorf and Waldorf influenced education have arisen. The Church gives parents the right and responsibility to choose from many different educational philosophies and does not dictate the manner of education to her devoted children as long as they do not contradict our Faith. In an effort to serve our members and after prayerful consideration, the moderators of 4Real offer the following summary of information and the Church's guidance on the Waldorf educational method and explain how this will affect board policy henceforward.
Waldorf Philosophy
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) is one of the key figures in New Age thinking of the 20th century. In the document, Jesus Christ, the Bearer of the Water of Life, the Vatican says:
It is well to be aware that the doctrine of the Christ spread in New Age circles is inspired by the theosophical teachings of Helena Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy and Alice Bailey's “Arcane School”. Their contemporary followers are not only promoting their ideas now, but also working with New Agers to develop a completely new understanding of reality, a doctrine known by some observers as “New Age truth”. |
Waldorf schools were developed by Steiner in order to educate children in the tenets of Anthroposophy, a spiritual science which he developed based on Theosophy. (See Rudolf Steiner and Oak Meadow description)
An article in the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia describes some of the features of Theosophy as: gnosticism, pantheism, reincarnation, occultism, and relativism (that truth is found in all religions).
Theosophy was clearly condemned by Pope Benedict XV in 1919:
Can the doctrines which today men call theosophical, be reconciled with Catholic doctrine, and hence is it lawful to enroll in theosophical societies, take part in their gatherings, read their books, periodicals, journals, writings? ....Negative in omnibus (In the negative in everything). (DS 3648;ASS 11 (1919), p. 317) |
(Source: Denziger - scroll down to #2189)
Anthroposophy and New Age both share in the condemnation because they derive from Theosophy and share in its heterodox tenets. (See Fr. Hardon.) The condemnation means that theological error pervades the writings of the anthroposophists.
Board Discussion Policy
Because Waldorf is associated with philosophies that have been condemned by the Church, and because we are parents, not theologians, we have determined that it is not within the purview of the 4Real Board to discuss Waldorf (formal or informal schools, curriculum, pedagogy and philosophy, Steiner's lectures, anthroposophical writings). The 4Real Board will no longer host discussions of those topics.
Community Bulletin Board Policy on Waldorf Materials
Materials that directly promote Rudolf Steiner's educational philosophy cannot be sold in the Community Bulletin Board forum.
Home as Haven Topics
Occasionally a home or health related topic comes up in Home as Haven fora which offers a resource or book that identifies as drawing inspiration from Rudolf Steiner's philosophies. General topics such as health, nutrition, parenting and toys can be discussed in Home as Haven without the introduction of Steiner influenced resources. 4Real welcomes discussion of common practices which are gentle and lovely and add to making home as haven.
Physical Materials used in Waldorf Schools
What about the discussion of physical materials used in Waldorf schools which resonate with our Catholic heritage? Often Waldorf practices look very much like something we would find in our own Catholic tradition. Rudolf Steiner used Saints and festivals, art materials, and fairy tales to communicate his anthroposophic principles. The atmosphere created by these materials when used as Steiner directed communicates a New Age Reality. However, when materials are used in the common way found in our Catholic Tradition, they are a welcome addition to our homes and to this board.
Individual Responsibility
We encourage each family to do their own research and exercise the Virtue of Prudence in discerning whether or not to implement some of the Waldorf influenced methods and/or physical materials in the Catholic home.
May Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life, illuminate our path to Him.
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