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juststartn Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 01 2007 at 3:09pm | IP Logged
My youngest SIL is in a position where she MAY be able to come out and help us...for a time to be determined later. We are trying to get in touch with her, and are having no luck. Initially, of course, the plan had been for her to come out after DH leaves for Iraq. But right now, we are in dire need of HELLPPP! And none of the other sisters would be able to come out and help now...none of my family can come help, etc.
DH is still (more than a week after he returned home) laid up because of the nerves/disks in his back, as well as his respiratory infection (he goes back to the dr tomorrow morning, btw). My bedrest is going...well, it's going. I'm 29 wks today (Palm Sunday). It's not going well, cause I really CANNOT be horizontal nearly as often as I ought.
My SIL is 34, and single, and is currently not working as far as I know...DH and I would fly her here and home, and have her stay with us, etc. But we haven't been able to get a hold of anyone at the house where she is staying (currently with another SIL who has a huge house, and its only her and her dd mostly). THere're lots of people who SHOULD answer the phone--all family, but no one has answered or called us back (I called this morning, and DH called this afternoon)...
Please. pray that A) we can get a hold of her...B) she'll be able and willing to come out right away...and C) that my OB apptmt on Thursday goes reasonably well....somehow.
Thank you ladies, and please, have a blessed Holy Week. If any of you can, please pray for my family, as we were completely unable to make it to Mass this week, and next week may be iffy, unfortunately.
Thanks in advance...
__________________ Married DH 4/1/95
Lily 3/11/00
Helena(Layna) 5/23/02
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kingvozzo Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 01 2007 at 3:21pm | IP Logged
Praying for you, Rachel.
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SeaStar Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 01 2007 at 5:26pm | IP Logged
Oh, Rachel! Praying that the Lord will provide the help you need SOON. God bless you and the babies.
__________________ Melinda, mom to ds ('02) and dd ('04)
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MarieC Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 01 2007 at 6:45pm | IP Logged
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guitarnan Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 01 2007 at 7:33pm | IP Logged
Rachel, you're in my prayers every day. I hope this can work out for you!
__________________ Nancy in MD. Mom of ds (24) & dd (18); 31-year Navy wife, move coordinator and keeper of home fires. Writer and dance mom.
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Paula in MN Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 01 2007 at 7:53pm | IP Logged
Praying here, Rachel.
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joann10 Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 01 2007 at 9:06pm | IP Logged
Praying for you Rachel.
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mavmama Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 01 2007 at 10:45pm | IP Logged
I sent you an e mail earlier tonight, then saw this post. PLEASE do call me--I've still not found your number. I will do whatever I can to help, and will certainly be praying.
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Jen L. Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 02 2007 at 12:06am | IP Logged
Praying here, Rachel.
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Chari Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 02 2007 at 1:05am | IP Logged
Good idea, Rachel! Praying for you!
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hylabrook1 Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 02 2007 at 7:51am | IP Logged
Rachel -
Praying that you sil can help, that you are able to be resting and at peace, and that your dh is better soon, as well. Especially praying for those sweet babies.
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stefoodie Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 02 2007 at 9:54am | IP Logged
Rachel, praying that you get the help you need and soon.
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 02 2007 at 7:15pm | IP Logged
Praying for these intentions!
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Nina Murphy Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 02 2007 at 7:51pm | IP Logged
Been praying for you every day, Rachel! How are you?
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juststartn Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 02 2007 at 8:37pm | IP Logged
We're doing ok. I have an OB apptmt Thursday, and another level II u/s on next I'll know more about my status by then. I would NOT be surprised to find out I have dilated a least a couple of centimeters...If I've thinned more and they find dilation, I could be doing a remote access to the boards and forums I am on, from the hospital, lol.
I'm trying to keep my spirits up til I know more for sure. DH is struggling with his back. The dr's gave him two referrals today, one for Portsmouth Naval Hospital in VA, and another one for locally. And the meds for his respiratory infection...which fortunately seem to be working very well already.....but he's in a lot of pain of course.
Please keep praying cause my SIL hasn't called yet.
__________________ Married DH 4/1/95
Lily 3/11/00
Helena(Layna) 5/23/02
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Tina P. Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 02 2007 at 11:53pm | IP Logged
Praying here!
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KC in TX Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 03 2007 at 7:48am | IP Logged
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juststartn Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 03 2007 at 9:46pm | IP Logged
I went and spent a few hours in the Labor and Delivery triage today. I woke up having ctx, and they lasted all morning, so in spite of lots of water, rest, laying down, etc....I needed to go in. SO, after a few hours, I left, still on bedrest, of course, still effaced the same as I was..and now I know I am dilated to 2 cm. They wanted me to come in this evening, but all of my ctx stopped after I left (of course), so I called and asked them if they wanted me to come in...they said no, unless something changed, or if my FFN test came back positive (no word on that yet).
But, on the good side, boy A is head down, YAYYYY!! Hopefully he'll STAY THERE! LOL. Baby B is transverse, right about where my bellybutton used to be (now it's something like one of those rock formations in the middle of the painted desert, lol). They had two drs, a resident, and a nurse in there, with an u/s machine, trying to first FIND the boys' hearts so that they could put the monitors on My boys definitely do NOT like being spied on, lol. Listening to them roll around and hit at the monitors was llike listening to construction equipment, lol.
Anyway, I've finally heard from my SIL. She has apparently gotten a job. Nothing massively exciting, so maybe just maybe we can convince her to come out once she reads my email. LOL I'm still more prayers to that effect would be very helpful. LOL
Thanks ladies, for all of your thoughts and prayers...
I have a regular OB apptmt on Thursday, and my level II u/s is on Tuesday after So I am sure I will know more interesting tidbits at that point. My blood pressure was good, though, my weight is fine (I'm finally 10lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight.....)....and the boys are definitely as active as usual.
So more prayers are always useful...thanks, ladies.
Rachel (now 29w2d)
__________________ Married DH 4/1/95
Lily 3/11/00
Helena(Layna) 5/23/02
Sophia 4/19/04
John 5/7/07
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Chari Forum Moderator

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Posted: April 03 2007 at 10:27pm | IP Logged
more prayers, coming, rachel!
__________________ Chari...Take Up & Read
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stacykay Forum All-Star

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Posted: April 04 2007 at 9:57pm | IP Logged
Praying you are able to stay home as long as possible, that your dss continue to do well and that they stay put and don't try to put in an appearance until they are due!
God Bless,
Stacy in MI
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