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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 12:15pm | IP Logged
Carole N. wrote:
Oh Molly, I am sorry, but I did not read your first post completely (short on time sort of thing, ykwim). You should be proud that you went out! I would have stayed at home. I'm from Texas and we don't have that kind of weather down there! Absolutely no training, but dh is from PA, so he knows how to handle it.
I am very picky about coffee as well. That is why I have it shipped in. My neighbors think I am daffy, but a good cupa in the morning goes a long way! |
Carole, don't apologize! I have to apologize. I was just teasing that Molly couldn't wait 2 days...but your suggestions are great!
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
Wife to & ds1 '03 & ds2 '07
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momwise Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 1:37pm | IP Logged
Chari wrote:
my dh says he had to buy so many Granny Smith apples for my first pg, he thought our daughter would be a Granny Smith  |
So is her real name Annie Granny?
Chari wrote:
I decided as a young twenty not to let myself get addicted to coffee "like everyone" around me  |
My coffee drinking began in ernest when I got a great job in 11th grade at the Catholic hospital here cleaning surgery rooms all day Sat. and Sun. I shared a break room with the nurses....well, you probably know what that means! The coffee pot got a workout.
Chari wrote:
.........I drink tea all day long, just for cravings. |
Don't worry, I have lots of tea
__________________ Gwen...wife for 30 years, mom of 7, grandma of 3.....
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Tina P. Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 1:40pm | IP Logged
Chari wrote:
I decided as a young twenty not to let myself get addicted to coffee "like everyone" around me .........I drink tea all day long, just for cravings.
I WILL drink fun flavored coffees, about 2 times a year |
I had the same conviction as you, at about the same time, too. And then flavored coffees came into my life. I drink tea, too. I'm actually rather addicted to Irish Breakfast tea.
__________________ Tina, wife to one and mom to 9 + 3 in heaven
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chicken lady Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 1:52pm | IP Logged
Jenn now you are silly , no one needs to apologize
Chari you are hysterical
BTW Jenn there is NOOOOOO WAY I could wait 2 days, I would probably be in prison
I do love tea, but not first thing in the AM, what are your favorites?
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Tina P. Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 2:27pm | IP Logged
I have a friend who drinks soda religiously. She even carries around a six-pack. It's bad. She gave up soda for Lent one year and after Easter, people commented on the fact that it was good to have "the old Juli" back. She didn't recognize a difference.
__________________ Tina, wife to one and mom to 9 + 3 in heaven
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JennyMaine Forum Pro

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 2:51pm | IP Logged
I'm laughing hysterically at your post! It's amazing what we'll do for a cup of the bean!
We're getting hit with the blizzard here, and sorry to say I woke up to discover I was out of the good coffee. I had to resort to my emergency can of Maxwell House (yuck!) It just isn't hazelnut, but it is better than nothing. . .
if I were out totally, you better believe I'd drive in a blizzard if I had to! I'd have a migraine if I had to go a day without coffee. You were brave. . .and you totally did the right thing!
__________________ --JennyMaine, Mom to Catherine (17) and Sam (15) "The countenance is a reflection of the soul. You should always have a calm and serene countenance." -- Therese of Lisieux
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chicken lady Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 4:00pm | IP Logged
I was laughing asking my dh if caffiene qualifies as a drug. The local sherriff has declared us a level 3 emergency, no one is allowed to drive unless it is an emergency. We were told to call the sherriff if we need a prescription, and they will bring it to us. So what would happen if I called and explained I needed a bag of whole bean Italian roast I can just see the dispatchers face as I'm begging for coffee
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Karen E. Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 4:06pm | IP Logged
molly wrote:
We were told to call the sherriff if we need a prescription, and they will bring it to us. So what would happen if I called and explained I needed a bag of whole bean Italian roast I can just see the dispatchers face as I'm begging for coffee  |
Oh, I think you'd be perfectly justified!
You're a woman after my own heart!
Once, when our coffeemaker broke down, we jerry-rigged a contraption involving boiling water, a strainer, paper towels and the magic ground beans.
Anything for that cup in the morning!
__________________ God bless,
Karen E.
mom to three on earth, and several souls in God's care
Visit my blog, with its shockingly clever title, "Karen Edmisten."
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Willa Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 5:19pm | IP Logged
My mom sends me chocolate-covered espresso beans. I save them for emergencies. Not the same as real drinkable coffee but might work as a stand-in!
I just think coffee is a wonderful part of life. The smell, the taste, the health benefits, the ritual of making it and serving it, the comradeship, everything. I do not have the problems with anxiety and insomnia unless I overdo it, which I don't usually. All that being said, I'm probably going to give it up or at least cut down over Lent.
__________________ AMDG
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Nina Murphy Forum All-Star

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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 5:23pm | IP Logged
I have loved, loved this thread. I needed this *boost* and *rev-er upper* today--VIRTUAL COFFEE!
Thanks, Molly! Sending you vibes of caffeine, antioxidants, tannins, and theobromines over the wires.... !
__________________ God bless,
mother of 9 on earth,
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wamegomom Forum Pro

Joined: Feb 07 2005 Location: Kansas
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Posted: Feb 14 2007 at 9:27pm | IP Logged
I think the most desperate I've ever been for coffee was on my first adoption trip to China in 1998. After five days of coffee being totally unavailable, my adoption group got on the plane with our new children (Dragon Air, I think) in order to fly from Kunming to Guangzhou to get their visas to enter the U.S. with us. As we boarded the plane our senses were reeling from the heady scent of really good coffee. We all practically needed "drool buckets" as we took our seats and couldn't wait for the plane to take off. You never saw a bunch of more eager American coffee addicts than were on that plane. The stewardesses even commented on the Americans wanting that coffee.
Soon we were up and off and the beverage cart came down the aisle. One by one, each of us begged for a coffee, and the lovely hostess complied. A few minutes later, she was totally confused by the number of barely touched cups she retrieved at each seat. The pot she poured from had already had enough sugar mixed in with the coffee to bring it to a syrupy consistency, and it was undrinkable. One dad remarked that maybe hell was like that--smelling the coffee, wanting the coffee, and not being able to drink it. No one had the heart to tell the stewardess why we didn't drink it, as we didn't want her to lose face. What a build-up, and what a let-down.
BTW, good coffee was more easily available on my second adoption trip to the same lovely city in 2001. Just to be sure, I brought some coffee and a Melitta single-cup maker.
Mary Alice in Kansas
p.s. now I'm missing China, little coffee and all........
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