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Chari Forum Moderator

Joined: Jan 28 2005 Location: California
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Posted: March 07 2007 at 3:01pm | IP Logged
What town exactly, Kelly? you can pm me if you want it more private
You are SO close to VA and to Michele Quigley.....can you find a way to meet up?
__________________ Chari...Take Up & Read
Dh Marty 27yrs...3 lovely maidens: Anne 24, Sarah 20 & Maddelyn 17 and 3 chivalrous sons: Matthew 22, Garrett 16 & Malachy 11
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Chari Forum Moderator

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Posted: March 07 2007 at 3:15pm | IP Logged
Kristin, we were posting at the same time!
I just LOVED Kristin! I am so glad we HAD to take that car ride together and get to know each other better! And, to see her quilting loft and library.......kindred spirit for sure!
I am SO bummed I cannot see you on this cross country trip moved out of my way....
Congratulations on your pregnancy! And, keep me on your mailing list so I can see the kids grow! BTW, are you coming out to CA anytime soon? oh, and I found some Vogels here in Weed, CA..........any relation?
__________________ Chari...Take Up & Read
Dh Marty 27yrs...3 lovely maidens: Anne 24, Sarah 20 & Maddelyn 17 and 3 chivalrous sons: Matthew 22, Garrett 16 & Malachy 11
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JennGM Forum Moderator

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Posted: March 07 2007 at 4:06pm | IP Logged
Chari wrote:
What town exactly, Kelly? you can pm me if you want it more private
You are SO close to VA and to Michele Quigley.....can you find a way to meet up?  |
Kelly...I'm wondering the same thing. We swing through to central PA all the time, and my sil is near Harrisburg....
__________________ Jennifer G. Miller
Wife to & ds1 '03 & ds2 '07
Family in Feast and Feria
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Kristen in TN Forum Pro

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Posted: March 07 2007 at 8:55pm | IP Logged
Hi Chari,
I am ever so glad we got to ride together that day as well. Not many people saw that place we lived in. Glad we could share it.
The only Vogels that I know we are related to are Fr. John Vogel, who was just appointed pastor at St. Dorothy's in Glendora and his mother in Pasadena. I know that is no where near you. Any others I don't know about.
The dream for us to go to California has probably been put on hold once again. Believe me, if we make it out there, I'll be calling you!
God bless,
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Tina P. Forum All-Star

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Posted: March 07 2007 at 9:46pm | IP Logged
JennGM wrote:
Tina P. wrote:
I'm about to meet Chari. And I've almost called Jenn. I guess almost doesn't count. And about to doesn't either. Hmmmm ... I'm at zero here. |
Hmmmm...and I'm wondering why you didn't call? Pretty please, do anytime! It's easier for me to rein in the one young son and take calls. Come on, pretty please?  |
I find it so much easier to type. I can be interrupted and most of the time actually remember what I was thinking when I write. And I can also choose at what time I type. It's fairly late where you are now, isn't it? Whenever I'm on the phone, I have to referee quibbles, hear over singing or piano playing, or hear a huge THUMP and then a whole lot of crying. Maybe someday ... it's my dream ... I can call friends and actually hear what THEY have to say.
__________________ Tina, wife to one and mom to 9 + 3 in heaven
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alicegunther Forum All-Star

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Posted: March 07 2007 at 9:58pm | IP Logged
Tina P. wrote:
or hear a huge THUMP and then a whole lot of crying. |
LOL! This really cracked me up! So very true!
__________________ Love, Alice
mother of seven!
Cottage Blessings
Brew yourself a cup of tea, and come for a visit!
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Erica Sanchez Forum All-Star

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Posted: March 08 2007 at 1:29am | IP Logged
Angie Mc wrote:
Now, if I can just get together with the San Diego crew and the west coast camping... |
Absolutely, Angie! You must promise that the very next time you are here you will tell us!
What are your chances of camping? We will be going for the first time! :)
__________________ Have a beautiful and fun day!
Erica in San Diego
(dh)Cash, Emily, Grace, Nicholas, Isabella, Annie, Luke, Max, Peter, 2 little souls ++, and sweet Rose who is legally ours!
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KellyinPA Forum Pro

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Posted: March 08 2007 at 2:23pm | IP Logged
Chari wrote:
What town exactly, Kelly? you can pm me if you want it more private
You are SO close to VA and to Michele Quigley.....can you find a way to meet up?  |
We are just north of Harrisburg, about 15 minutes or so. Yes, Michele Q and I love within an hours drive of each other. And only a few hours from NOVA too, like I said, come on over!
__________________ Blessings,
mom to 6 blessings
the abundant life
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Angie Mc Board Moderator

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Posted: March 08 2007 at 6:45pm | IP Logged
Chari wrote:
Angie......PLEEEEEASE come camping! WOW, I just realized JP's 2nd bday is on the! |
I feel like excuse-maker-woman...this year we aren't doing any extended trips because dh's work has him traveling a lot. We'll be staying close to home and doing short trips. Which gets me to...
Erica Sanchez wrote:
Absolutely, Angie! You must promise that the very next time you are here you will tell us!
What are your chances of camping? We will be going for the first time! :) |
Dh's job ALMOST had a trip to San Diego set up for this June, but it has been changed to Santa Fe. But, I still think we can get to SD this year. I'll just have to figure out how to get together with you all. I get stranded on the Navy base without a vehicle while dh is working and no one can visit unless they have a military ID. We'll just have to figure out something! I want to be able to come back and add to my numbers on this thread, LOL.
__________________ Angie Mc
Maimeo to Henry! Dave's wife, mom to Mrs. Devin+Michael Pope, Aiden 20,Ian 17,John Paul 11,Catherine (heaven 6/07)
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Wendy Forum All-Star

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Posted: March 09 2007 at 8:59am | IP Logged
Let's see, I've met Kristen in TN (at Dinosaurland, when she still lived in Virginia), Hollee, Lissa (and her husband and adorable little boy), Molly (very briefly at NACHE one year), Michele Q. (also very briefly at NACHE one year) and Molly Smith -- who has to be one of the sweetest women in the world -- just a week ago. I've also seen Elizabeth and MacBeth at NACHE, but was too shy to go up and introduce myself.
__________________ God bless,
Wife to Chris
Momma to Grace, Sam, Ben, Maggie, Mary Cate, and Jamie
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Kristen in TN Forum Pro

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Posted: March 11 2007 at 7:40pm | IP Logged
Hi Wendy!
Remember when I saw you in church that night? I was the lady staring at you, but wasn't sure it was you because, after all, you weren't in a van or at Dinosaur land! LOL!
God bless,
Kristen in TN
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Wendy Forum All-Star

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Posted: March 12 2007 at 9:54am | IP Logged
Yep, because I was having the same problem. "hmm.... she looks familiar." But no large vehicle, no huge plaster prehistoric creatures....
__________________ God bless,
Wife to Chris
Momma to Grace, Sam, Ben, Maggie, Mary Cate, and Jamie
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Angie Mc Board Moderator

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Posted: March 16 2007 at 5:22pm | IP Logged
I just updated my original post to include Margot Helene! Sheesh...we met in PA in no connection to this board, and now we're both here, with Margot working with Cay on Catholic Mosaic. How cool is that?
__________________ Angie Mc
Maimeo to Henry! Dave's wife, mom to Mrs. Devin+Michael Pope, Aiden 20,Ian 17,John Paul 11,Catherine (heaven 6/07)
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MarilynW Forum All-Star

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Posted: June 25 2011 at 8:33am | IP Logged
Resurrecting a very old thread...
I have finally met 4ladsmom - after many years of chatting on these boards and on the phone. She and her son are staying the weekend with us - and what can I is like we have known each other all our lives. Of course we are both constantly talking..Her son is also a wonderful young man - a great advertisment for homeschooling teens.
It was great to meet so many 4realers at the recent IHM too - many of whom I only see once a year at the IHM. I also met someone I had never seen from these boards- it was funny as we were at the same talks and kept bumping into each other everywhere. She gave off "kindred spirit" vibes - we started talking and found out that we sort of "knew" each other from 4real.
__________________ Marilyn
Blessed with 6 gifts from God
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Lisbet Forum All-Star

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Posted: June 25 2011 at 9:05am | IP Logged
Thanks for popping this back up Marilyn - btw WHERE have you been???
I've met Bridget - our kids attend HEP together and our daughters became fast friends! - and Bridget - well, she's so very genuine and gracious (and oh so patient with my scatterbrain! LOL!)
__________________ Lisa, wife to Tony,
Mama to:
Nick, 17
Abby, 15
Gabe, 13
Isaac, 11
Mary, 10
Sam, 9
Henry, 7
Molly, 6
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MarilynW Forum All-Star

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Posted: June 25 2011 at 9:12am | IP Logged
Congrats to you for your new additions since I last "talked' with you.
As for Bridget - I would LOVE to meet her.
__________________ Marilyn
Blessed with 6 gifts from God
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Lara Sauer Forum All-Star

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Posted: June 27 2011 at 8:06pm | IP Logged
I think that I have met between 4-10 of you wonderful ladies out in the open...but I don't know many of your nom de plumes, so it is possible, that being in the DC area, I have met way more than that!
Here's hoping to meet more of you!
__________________ You can take the girl out of Wisconsin, but you can't take the Wisconsin out of the girl!
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4 lads mom Forum All-Star

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Posted: June 28 2011 at 9:47am | IP Logged
HI All!
Just wanted to say how wonderful it was to stay at Marilyn’s house and meet her sweet, sweet family! We had a terrific time in DC and feel blessed that Marilyn’s hospitality was what enabled us to make this trip for a film festival that my son had won entry into.....what a great weekend!!
I have had the great pleasure of meeting Bridget as well...what a sweetheart! You all have been a terrific blessing to me over the years!
__________________ Mom of four brave lads and one sweet lassie
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leanne maree Forum All-Star

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Posted: June 29 2011 at 4:58am | IP Logged
I must say this is a great little poll.
I have met 6 mums from this forum IRL.
Last year Erin posted about a few of us meeting up at a homeschool camp in northern NSW.
It is such a Blessing,
__________________ God is Love
Loving wife to Dermot and Adoring mother to Louise, Kristie, Kieran & Brid
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martinas6 Forum Rookie

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Posted: Aug 26 2011 at 2:01pm | IP Logged
haven't met any in real life buuuttt...I think it would be a good idea to create a 4real group on Facebook.That way I could connect more "faces" to the moms I've gleaned so much help from here on the boards
__________________ Martina DeRose in IL
married in 93
mom to 10
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