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Angie Mc
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Posted: Sept 04 2013 at 6:56pm | IP Logged Quote Angie Mc

SeaStar wrote:
They were just awful by the time we threw them out. I was starting to feel very desperate...

Have you tried 6pm.com? I get my sons' athletic shoes there for killer prices and I got my shoes for Devin's wedding there plus some other cute shoes. They do run sales on top of their markdown prices too. They are affiliated with Zappos so they know shoes :) Good luck!


Angie Mc
Maimeo to Henry! Dave's wife, mom to Mrs. Devin+Michael Pope, Aiden 20,Ian 17,John Paul 11,Catherine (heaven 6/07)
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Angie Mc
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Posted: Sept 04 2013 at 6:58pm | IP Logged Quote Angie Mc

SeaStar wrote:
Angie Mc wrote:



How do you use this site? I have looked at it a couple of times and feel a bit overwhelmed trying to get started. looks very interesting, though....

Just jump in, . I have been checking it daily since I realized I did NO Christmas shopping while planning Devin's wedding. So I'm catching up and really enjoy it. Great prices on stuff that goes quickly.

I just purchase a Schwinn bike for myself for just over $100 bucks!

Any specific questions?

Woot is affiliated with Amazon.


Angie Mc
Maimeo to Henry! Dave's wife, mom to Mrs. Devin+Michael Pope, Aiden 20,Ian 17,John Paul 11,Catherine (heaven 6/07)
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Posted: Sept 04 2013 at 7:28pm | IP Logged Quote Aagot

have you thought of having your daughter in sandals all summer and boots in winter? For sandals, I would go with a Teva or Keen. They hold up almost forever and are very comfortable.
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Kristie 4
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Posted: Sept 05 2013 at 7:29am | IP Logged Quote Kristie 4

Teva size 6 wide sandals (women's size 6) are NOT wide- my dancer daughter with the short stubby feet couldn't squeeze her feet into them!

Kristie in Canada
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Posted: Sept 05 2013 at 2:12pm | IP Logged Quote SeaStar

Aagot wrote:
have you thought of having your daughter in sandals all summer and boots in winter? For sandals, I would go with a Teva or Keen. They hold up almost forever and are very comfortable.

I have to get some type of plan like this in place for her. I am suspecting that her feet might be WW instead of just wide. So many shoes just don't fit her.

I am glad for the heads up some brands not being as wide as others.

This shoe thing with her is pretty much driving me nuts.   

Melinda, mom to ds ('02) and dd ('04)

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