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Gracesmom Forum Newbie

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Posted: July 07 2010 at 4:23pm | IP Logged
Oh Donna Marie, I am so sorry that you and your family are going through this. Just keep reminding yourself that God works in mysterious ways. He has a reason for everything...and sometimes it's very hard to see that at the present moment. Just trust in God's will.
I'm sorry I don't have any other advice to offer, but I will deffinately pray for you and your family.
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hylabrook1 Forum Moderator

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Posted: July 07 2010 at 5:36pm | IP Logged
Praying and offering my uncomfortably hot days for you, dear.
Is there someone connected with your diocese, maybe part of Catholic Charities, or I don't know which office, who can help with wise counsel, even some practical (that is, $) help? I don't know the right resources, but I am praying that someone does and can direct you. Your pastor might be the starting point.
You and your family are very courageous.
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joann10 Forum All-Star

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Posted: July 07 2010 at 5:42pm | IP Logged
Sending many prayers, Donna Marie....
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DominaCaeli Forum All-Star

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Posted: July 07 2010 at 5:54pm | IP Logged
Praying for you and your family, Donna Marie.
__________________ Blessings,
Joyous Lessons
Mommy to six: three boys (8, 4, newborn) and four girls (7, 5, 2, and 1)
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Paula in MN Forum All-Star

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Posted: July 07 2010 at 7:14pm | IP Logged
Sending more prayers.
A Catholic Harvest
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juliana147 Forum All-Star

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Posted: July 07 2010 at 7:42pm | IP Logged
Praying for your family, Donna Marie.
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dakotamidnight Forum Pro

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Posted: July 07 2010 at 8:06pm | IP Logged
Have you sat down and worked out on paper where each dollar needs to go? What are the results from that & how much short are you? Do you qualify for any state assistance such as food stamps, TANF {Temporary Aid to Needy Families}, WIC, etc to help stretch your dollars further? With a large family you can earn quite a bit and still qualify for aid.
If you're only a little short each month you might try selling books online {amazon or}, opening an etsy shop, babysitting, etc. I've even known a few home schooling families who provide in-home daycare to other home schooling families who work. Could you perhaps get a part time job on weekends to help out or perhaps one of your older children could? I myself coupon shop for a living and do okay with that - there are a lot of non-traditional ways to earn money.
If you're a lot short - make your list in order of four walls first - i.e. house, utilities, food, health, clothing and then the rest of things. Go as far down the list as you can, and just tell creditors that you're on a budget and there simply is now money left for them this month.
If you can, try to read the book The Total Money Makeover - it WILL help. I did several years ago, and did the classes as well and learned a lot, including how to deal with bill collectors.
__________________ Visit my home on the web The Frugal Catholic Homeschooler
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guitarnan Forum Moderator

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Posted: July 07 2010 at 9:00pm | IP Logged
I don't have any advice that has not already been offered, but you are in my prayers every single day.
__________________ Nancy in MD. Mom of ds (24) & dd (18); 31-year Navy wife, move coordinator and keeper of home fires. Writer and dance mom.
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Mary K Forum All-Star

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Posted: July 07 2010 at 9:01pm | IP Logged
praying for your family.
God bless,
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KC in TX Forum All-Star

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Posted: July 07 2010 at 10:03pm | IP Logged
Praying, Donna Marie. Praying hard.
__________________ KC,
wife to Ben (10/94),
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Michaela ('01)
Emma ('03)
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And, my 2 angels, Rose ('08) and Mark ('09)
The Cabbage Patch
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Carole N. Forum All-Star

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Posted: July 08 2010 at 6:49am | IP Logged
No advice, Donna Marie, but lots of prayers!
Carole ... in Wales
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Cherishedheart Forum Rookie

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Posted: July 08 2010 at 9:22am | IP Logged
Dear Donna Marie,
I too offer you our prayers.
I know how hard this is for you as we have been almost to this point.
We have fr so many years, well over 5 since we started building our home we live in now, had a huge morgage and no extra income. As you may know my husband worked awasy form home at another job and we tried to sell this house to move there with him. However that didn't happen and although we still are trying to sell, we need to sell it at enough to cover the huge morgage and still have a deposit to start again.
Anyway we too have been negotiating payments for electricity, water (we buy weekly freshwater), wood for our heating and cooking, telephone etc.
We have had those nasty letters too and just have to keepre negotiating . My husband HATES doing this and struggles with it.
We have cut back on any outside activites too and last year it was ONLY the fact our 2 older boys went working at a very hard manual labour job that we stayed afloat and then ONLY just. They are still continuing to help us and they have given us all their earnings to help the family. The sacrifice on their half is HUGE and I am so impressed and honured by their committment to our family.
I feel for you about the relatives etc and their attitudes too. We too have felt the condemnation of 'alowing God to control our family size' and then not being able to keep afloat. I too find myself asking the same questions when I feel overwhelmed.
The only thing I can offer you, which I think you see already, is the strength of character you see in your children and husband.
These are to be treasured and I am sure your family will be closer in trying to work through it. I know that our family, our children and us, although always close is closer now.
I pray for you so much, as I can understand the uncertaintly of this. It is my constant worry that I find difficult to surrender myself that we will lose our home and then be unable to get a loan for another one.
I don't think I have helped really but please be assured of our prayers.
I pray for your peace of mind and a miracle for your family
Much love and blessings
Mummy:Kynan Braedon Autumn Eden Saxon Vellvin Rogan Moran Myffwyn Corbyn Arwen
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Mackfam Board Moderator

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Posted: July 08 2010 at 10:46am | IP Logged
You remain solidly ensconced in my prayers, Donna Marie! I'm offering Memorares for your intentions! How my heart aches to read your words and long to do something/anything practical to help!
Along those lines, I'm going to piggy-back on dakotamidnight's suggestion...Dave Ramsey specializes in this kind of thing. He offers great advice and practical help and he's no-nonsense! Rob and I were gifted The Financial Peace University Home Study Kit several years ago and it continues to help us! I want to suggest that you and your husband prayerfully consider the financial coaching offered by Dave's group. I have a good friend that was in your situation who went through his counseling. It was not an easy fix, or a fast one, but they got good, solid advice and practical help so that they could address crisis issues and get rolling back toward financial security and peace.
There is so much to be said for having a good plan in front of gives you such hope! I'm always so leery of financial advice given today - so much seems to be oriented toward financial instant gratification or bail out and not in a family's best interests - that's why I wholeheartedly recommend Dave Ramsey's group as I've found their advice to be wholly sound, common-sense, and empowering! I know I sound like I'm gushing, and I don't mean to be really, I just believe in his approach and his program and long to offer you a shot of hope dear friend!
I'm praying my heart out for you and your husband, and invoking the Infant Jesus of Prague on your behalf, that a hope-filled plan is in your future!
__________________ Jen Mackintosh
Wife to Rob, mom to dd 19 , ds 16 , ds 11 , dd 8 , and dd 3
Wildflowers and Marbles
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