Oh, Dearest Mother, Sweetest Virgin of Altagracia, our Patroness. You are our Advocate and to you we recommend our needs. You are our Teacher and like disciples we come to learn from the example of your holy life. You are our Mother, and like children, we come to offer you all of the love of our hearts. Receive, dearest Mother, our offerings and listen attentively to our supplications. Amen.

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Posted: Aug 10 2005 at 10:54am | IP Logged Quote Elizabeth

Karen E. wrote:
I was thinking that my children, even though I don't reveal everything to them that I reveal to my spiritual director, *do* see a range of emotions, a tapestry of what it is that makes me *me.* They probably see it more clearly than I realize or want them to. ...

And when I've failed, I've talked to my older girls about that failure, the reason for it, and, I hope, the Christian response that I've tried to rise to, despite the physical circucmstances. I hope they're learning that things like sleep deprivation, exhaustion, etc., can and do affect our moods and patience, but that that doesn't give us license to sink to a selfish level. It just helps to explain the failures and lapses and challenges us to rise above them.

I think this was beautifully eloquent, Karen. Praying you get a nap!

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Karen E.
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Posted: Aug 10 2005 at 10:39pm | IP Logged Quote Karen E.

Elizabeth wrote:

I think this was beautifully eloquent, Karen. Praying you get a nap!

You're sweet, Elizabeth. Thank you.

Actually, though I didn't get a nap today, I got something better: little Kate was feeling well enough to join the girls and me for their horseback riding lesson! It's great to see her starting to perk up (and so cute to hear her use that phrase: "I think I'm starting to puck up, Mommy," ....) We played in the sandbox while the girls rode, and had a delightful time.

And tonight, as I got a little hurried and harried trying to get food ready for a potluck tomorrow, it occurred to me to share on this thread something that often helps me smile when I'm not feeling like smiling: my favorite music. Either soothing classical, or some favorite contemporary Christian, or whatever ... putting music on and dancing in the kitchen with my kids does wonders for my mood.

God bless,
Karen E.
mom to three on earth, and several souls in God's care
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Posted: Aug 12 2005 at 8:53am | IP Logged Quote Bookswithtea

***it occurred to me to share on this thread something that often helps me smile when I'm not feeling like smiling: my favorite music. Either soothing classical, or some favorite contemporary Christian, or whatever ... putting music on and dancing in the kitchen with my kids does wonders for my mood***

This is so true! I do this a lot. When it seems like everyone is overtired, a mellow John Michael Talbot CD does wonders for us all, and I also find that when I'm stressed and tempted to "share" my crabbiness with otherwise cheerful children, the opportunity to worship through music usually is just the lift I need.

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Posted: Aug 17 2005 at 4:56am | IP Logged Quote Marybeth

This thread is just wonderful!! I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep. I logged on and found this beautiful discussion.

Thank you everyone.

God bless,

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Posted: Aug 17 2005 at 7:37am | IP Logged Quote Natalia


These three words have been the theme of my prayer time for quite a while now. The Lord has guided me to meditate on these because I lack in those three areas.

I wanted to be more joyful and more peaceful and DO something about it but I wasn't being very succesful. ONe day in a Sunday homily our priest said something that resonated with me: joy and peace are not goals that we set out to get. Joy and Peace are a byproduct of a life lived in love.

So I realized that the Action part was not doing something to be joyful or peaceful but the action was serving and loving others around me.

Something else confirmed this for me. I read this in a book "Reaching Out in Love" by Mother Teresa:
      Whithout Prayer no Faith
      Whithout Faith no Love
      Without Love no Service
      Without Service no Joy, no Peace.

So I felt that I had the message the Lord wanted me to get:

Prayer+Faith+Love+Action (Service)=Joy + Peace

That is the mathematical equation that should guide my life.


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